

India Monuments

India has over fifty famous monuments categorized as mausoleums, memorials, or former royal complexes. The Taj Mahal is an Indian monument listed as a World Heritage site. The oldest monument is the Pattadal, built around the 700s.

500 Questions

How do you make model of India gate using matchsticks?

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we can make India gate model by using waste material like-

1 news paper

2 redish brown paint

3 paint brush

4 black marker

Is taj mahal a historical event?

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The Taj Mahal is most definetly a historical event

What is the best way to get from Delhi to the Taj Mahal?

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The best way to get from delhi to tajmahal is by train from delhi to Agra and from there by Taxi or Auto directly to the site. the next way is to get Bus from ISBT to Agra and from Agra to site by Jutka or by auto just 2 or three kilometres from IDGA bustand.

When was charminar constructed?

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Charminar was created in 1591.

Where was the red fort in India built?

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The Red Fort was build as a capital for the great Mughal Empire

How many visitors visit th Red Fort each year?

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About 45,000 tourists visit Red Fort annually

When was gol gumbaz granted world heritage status?

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In 1983, the Taj Mahal was declared a World Heritage site. The greatness and uniqueness of this site are the source of the monument's importance, and so the reason it was designated a World Heritage site. The UNESCO organization says the Taj Mahal is "considered to be the greatest architectural achievement in the whole range of Indo-Islamic architecture", not only in appearance but in its construction and conception. Furthermore the Taj Mahal has maintained "integrity", in that it remains as authentic a piece of architecture as it was when first selected to be a World Heritage site.

When did the Taj Mahal become the 8th wonder of the world?

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Because for the indian people they thought it was so beautiful that they could put it in one of the eighth wonder of the world.

How big is the taj mahal from top to bottom?

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The Taj Mahal is 169 meters above sea level. Taj Mahal was built by a grief stricken Emperor Shahjahan as a memorial to his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.

Describe the threat to the beauty of the Taj Mahal?

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Acid Rain is a major threat to the beauty of Taj Mahal .When acid rain fall on the monument ( that is completely made of marble ), they react with marble to form a powder-like substance that is then washed away by the rain. This phenomenon is known as marble cancer. Also, the soot particles emitted from the Mathura oil refinery near Agra is leading to the yellowing of the marble.

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Visakha Valley School

Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

What is in the Taj Mahal?

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Taj mahal is mausoleum built by Shah Jahan in the memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Construction of Taj mahal took 22 years. More than 1000 elephants where used to carry the materials. More than 10000 wokers were involved in the construction process. Nearly by 1648AD construction was completed. After the death of Mumtaz, Tajmahal was build around here grave yard. Tajmahal have many precious stones in it is architectural design.

What is written above is a Muslim-British propaganda, there is no truth in it.

Taj Mahal is the temple of Shiva, Tajendra is one of the name of Shiva. It was a Shiva temple inside the palace of Jagat Singh, grandson of Man Singh, the commander in chief of Akber. It was not a Muslim building at all because (a) it is facing east like any Hindu building; (b) it is octagonal as recommended by Hindu architectures, (c) it has motifs of Lotus important for Hindus but prohibited in Muslim architectures.

Arab beduins, Turks and Mongols, the Muslims who invaded India were barbarians, nomadic, uncivilised people. They never had any buildings in their own countries which are still mainly deserts. They could not design a building like Taj Mahal.

Why was the sanchi stupa build?

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215 b.c

Why did Shah Jahan order the building of the Taj Mahal?

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Shah Jehan only renovated the building, which was there for at least 1000 years, i.e., long before Shah Jehan.

What type of rock was used to build the red fort?

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The Red Fort, built in 1648, is constructed of red sandstone. The Red Fort was the home of Mughal Emperors of India until 1857.

Who built the Red Fort in Delhi?

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Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan built the Red Fort in Delhi. It served as a residence to the Imperial Family of India and as the capital of the Mughals until 1857. It is now a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Which tombs is called second Taj mahal of India?

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tomb of Itimad-ud-Duala

Which stone charminar made up of?

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whit marble stone

Why was the Qutub Minar built?

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Qutub Minar was built as a victory tower to celebrate the victory of Mohammed Ghori over the Prithviraj

The exact reason is assumed to have something related to commemorating the victory. Mughals used to build victory towers to proclaim and celebrate victories. Some say the Minaret was used to offer prayer, but it is so tall that you can hear the person standing on the top. Also, the Minaret is not joined on to Qutuddin's mosque and the Iltutmish's mosque

What is taj mahal and why was it built?

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Taj Mahal is a part of the pre-Muslim fort built by the Rajput Kings; it was not built by any Muslim but a Muslim king called Shah Jehan took it from a Rajput king Jagat Singh and remodelled it by putting two red mosques on two sides of a white temple of Siva.

The whitle marble building faces East, according to Hindu religion. There are motifs of flowers, plants which are prohibited in Islamic building. On the top dome there is lotus, cocoanut, trident, all Hindu symbol.

Like most buildings Muslims who came to India as barbarian Arab, Mongol, Turks could only convert the buildings into Mosques as they did also in Istanbul.

Mongols or Mughals are still nomadic uncivilized people ( before they came into contact with the Russians). They live in tent even today. How can they think of Taj Mahal?

How many windows Taj Mahal?

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There are an estimated 24,348 windows in the Burj Khalifa, Dubai. The glass and steel of the Burj Khalifa would take an estimated eight weeks to clean.

Who had made the qutub minar?

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Qutub minar was built by Qutbuddn Aibak till the first storey then he died and it was completed by Iltutmish. This is the Muslim version of the history. The real history is different.

The township adjoining the Kutub Minar is known as Mehrauli. That is a Sanskrit word Mihira-awali. It signifies the town- ship where the well known astronomer Mihira of Vikramaditya's court lived along with his helpers, mathemati- cians and technicians. They used the so-called Kutub tower as an observation post for astronomical study. Around the tower were pavilions dedicated to the 27 constel- lations of the Hindu Zodiac.

Kutubuddin has left us an inscription that he destroyed these pavilions. But he has not said that he raised any tower. The ravaged temple was renamed as Kuwat-ul-Islam mosque.

Stones dislodged from the so-called Kutub Minar have Hindu images on one side with Arabic lettering on the other. Those stones have now been removed to the Museum. They clearly show that Muslim invaders used to remove the stone- dressing of Hindu buildings, turn the stones inside out to hide the image facial and inscribe Arabic lettering on the new frontage.

Bits of Sanskrit inscriptions can still be deciphered in the premises on numerous pillars and walls. Numerous images still adorn the cornices though disfigured.

In which year Taj Mahal was built?

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Taj Mahal is a part of the pre-Muslim fort built by the Rajput Kings; it was not built by any Muslim but a Muslim king called Shah Jehan took it from a Rajput king Jagat Singh and remodelled it by putting two red mosques on two sides of a white temple of Siva. The whitle marble building faces East, according to Hindu religion. There are motifs of flowers, plants which are prohibited in Islamic building. On the top dome there is lotus, cocoanut, trident, all Hindu symbol. Like most buildings Muslims who came to India as barbarian Arab, Mongol, Turks could only convert the buildings into Mosques as they did also in Istanbul.