

International Date Line

The International Date Line is a line of longitude roughly located at 180 degrees. It marks the two different days on Earth, where 24 hours is added or subtracted when one crosses the line.

500 Questions

How many time zones between the international date line and Sydney Australia?

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There are 2 time zones between Sydney and the dateline (sydney is 2 hours west of the dateline). But 3 or 4 if you count Tonga which is 1 hour ahead of the dateline(west) and the Chatam islands (NZ) which is 45 minutes ahead.

What is the time difference between Oklahoma and Florida?

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From the second Sunday of March until the first Sunday of November, Guam is 15 hours ahead of Oklahoma. During the rest of the year the time difference is 16 hours.

UTC-6 = time in Oklahoma from Nov. to Mar. (CST)

UTC-5 = time in Oklahoma from Mar. to Nov. (CDT)

UTC+10 = time in Guam (ChST)

Why does the international date line seem to wiggle back and forth?

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The International Date Line follows a zigzag pattern to accommodate various political and geographical boundaries. This ensures that neighboring regions maintain the same dates despite being on different sides of the line. The line also avoids crossing through densely populated areas to minimize disruptions caused by changing dates.

If you crossed the international date line on your birthday would you still get presents?

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Depending on which way you crossed it, you either get presents twice for going into yesterday, or none for going into tomorrow.

I disagree. You should get presents for turning a new age, not for having a birthday.

What is 1500 GMT in EST time?

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It will be 6am in PST (Pacific Standard Time).

During the summer months it would be 7am (PDT - Pacific Daylight Time).

Island is observing GMT all year round and the UK in the Winter.

Which instrument can be used to measure the time taken for the pendulum to make 20 oscillations?

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A stopwatch or a timer can be used to measure the time taken for the pendulum to make 20 oscillations. Start the timer when the pendulum starts swinging and stop it when it completes 20 oscillations to determine the time elapsed.

Where is The International Date Line is located at?

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The International Date Line is an imaginary line located in the Pacific Ocean that roughly follows the 180° line of longitude. It serves as the dividing line between two consecutive calendar days and marks where each day officially begins and ends.

Is gravity greater at the international date line?

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No. The international date line is a zig-zag line between the earth's poles. It has no particular

connection to the forces of gravity.

Gravity behaves exactly the same way at every point on earth. Wherever an object may be,

there are equal forces attracting it and the earth toward each other. The forces are proportional

to the product of the object's mass and the earth's mass, and inversely proportional to the square

of the distance between their centers. Since the earth's diameter at the equator is slightly larger than

its diameter through the poles, objects at the poles are slightly closer to the center of the earth, so

the mutual gravitational forces are slightly larger there.

What is Mohanlal's phone number?

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I'm unable to provide personal contact information for individuals.

Is the international dateline real?

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Yes, the International Date Line is an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole, roughly along the 180° meridian. It serves as the line where the date changes when crossing it, typically moving from east to west.

5 minutes before midnight just to the east of the International Date Line it is January 1 -In 10 minutes what will the date be just to the west of the IDL?

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If it is January 1, 5 minutes before midnight just to the east of the International Date Line, then it will be January 1 in 10 minutes just to the west of the IDL. The date changes at the IDL, so it will still be January 1 on both sides.

Why do travelers crossing the international date line change their?

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Travelers crossing the international date line change their date because the line marks a shift in time zones. Crossing from east to west adds a day, and crossing from west to east subtracts a day to ensure that the local time matches the position relative to the sun.

What do sailors get for passing international date line?

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Sailors passing the International Date Line may experience a calendar change, either repeating a day or skipping one, depending on the direction traveled. This occurs due to the difference in time zones on either side of the line.

If its 2 pm est in the us what time is it in the UK?

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It will be 9pm.

E.S.T. is five hours behind UK time.

What are all places on earth West from the Prime Meridian to 180 degrees?

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All places west from the Prime Meridian to 180 degrees include countries in the Western Hemisphere like the United States, Canada, Mexico, as well as the Pacific Island nations like Fiji, Tonga, and New Zealand. The International Date Line is located close to the 180 degrees longitude line, where the date changes when moving east or west across it.

What is the difference in time between London England and Cairo Egypt?

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London, England is typically 2 hours behind Cairo, Egypt. When it is noon in London, it is 2pm in Cairo. However, please note that this time difference may vary due to daylight saving time changes in each location.

What is the time difference between Florida and California?

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The eastern 87% of Florida (UTC-5/UTC-4) is almost always 3 hours ahead of California (UTC-8/UTC-7). The portion of the Florida panhandle west of and including Jackson and Calhoun Counties and part of Gulf County (UTC-6/UTC-5) is almost always 2 hours ahead of California.

When the time in California is 4 AM PST, the times in Florida are 6 AM CST and 7 AM EST. When the time in California is 5 AM PDT, the times in Florida are 7 AM CDT and 8 AM EDT.

Where is all time measured from?

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Time is measured from the origin point known as the Big Bang, which is the beginning of the universe approximately 13.8 billion years ago. This event marked the start of time and has been used as the reference point for all temporal measurements.

What is the connection between 0 prime meridian and standard time?

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The prime meridian, located at 0 degrees longitude, is used as the starting point for measuring time zones around the world. This line serves as the reference point for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which helps establish standard time across different regions based on their distance from the prime meridian. Time zones are typically measured in relation to the prime meridian, with each hour representing 15 degrees of longitude.

Imaginary line halfway around the globe from the prime medidian?

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The imaginary line halfway around the globe from the prime meridian is called the International Date Line. This line marks the transition between one calendar day and the next and is located at 180 degrees longitude. Crossing the International Date Line moving eastward subtracts one day, while crossing it moving westward adds one day to the calendar.

What is a key or legend?

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A key or legend is a table or section of a map, chart, or diagram that explains the symbols or colors used to represent different features or data on the map or diagram. It helps viewers to understand the meaning of the various symbols or colors being used.

All the places along a particular meridian have the same what?

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No, each country along a meridian can choose whatever time offset or offsets it wants. For example, the meridian at 75° East Longitude passes through the Yamalia and Khantia-Mansia Autonomous okrugs in Russia, where the time is UTC+6. Then is passes through Omsk Oblast, Russia, where the time is UTC+7. As you follow the line across the border and through Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, it is again UTC+6. But then as the line goes through part of China, where it's UTC+8. From China the line goes through a piece of Pakistan, where it's UTC+5. Then it goes through India, where the offset is UTC+5:30.

Why is longitude important?

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Longitude is important because it helps determine a location's position east or west of the Prime Meridian, providing a way to accurately pinpoint a specific place on Earth. It is crucial for navigation, timekeeping, and creating accurate maps and global positioning systems (GPS).