

Jefferson Davis

Jefferson Davis was the first and only president of the Confederate States of America.

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Who was Jefferson Davis and what did he do?

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Davis was an ex-Regular army officer who was made President of the Confederacy because he was thought to embody the Southern virtues at their highest.

It is true that he had a deep sense of feudal obligation, and treated his slaves so well that they didn't want their freedom. This was unusual as far South as Mississippi, where he farmed his estate, though he was a Kentuckian by birth.

When the war started, he had hoped to be made General-in-Chief of the Confederate armies, rather than President, and he acted like a missed-out General, always interfering with his appointed army commanders.

His miltary judgment was actually very flawed, and his decisions would lead to disaster. As a wartime President, he failed to tour the country giving morale-raising speeches, but stayed at home, just issuing appeals for loyalty.

As defeat loomed, his character failed the test, and he started talking wildly about carrying on the struggle somewhere across the Mississippi - a completely unrealistic notion. When the Union army came to arrest him, he tried to escape disguised as a woman - a final touch of indignity that was certainly not in the Confederate tradition.

Threatened with hanging for treason, he was jailed for two years and then released, living on to an old age, by which time he was viewed with affection as a symbol of the Lost Cause.

His memoirs were disappointingly dull, just a dry legal argument in defence of secession, and missed their opportunity to inspire.

Who is Jefferson Davis brothers and sisters?

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Jefferson Davis had nine brothers and sisters by his mother Jane. Joseph was Jane's oldest and Jefferson was her youngest.

Some believe, as does the author, that Jefferson Davis had another sibling by his father Samuel and Nancy Lincoln. That would be Abraham Lincoln.

What compromise did the north and south reach on the slave trade?

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Does Jefferson Davis have a hobby?

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sailing and gambling were his two main hobbies

What are some adjectives to describe Jefferson Davis?

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In spite of his victory Confederate President Jefferson Davis decided to replace General Johnston with on July 18.?

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On July 17, 1864 President Jefferson Davis replaced General Joseph Johnston with General John Hood. US General William Sherman would now face General Bell and his name was familiar to Sherman. He asked one of Hood's classmates at West Point, General Schofield, about the abilities of Hood. Schofield's answer was not pleasing to Sherman in that the response was that Hood was a man of reckless courage.

Where did Jefferson Davis grow up?

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Thomas Jefferson grew up between or in both the cities of Shadwell and Tuckahoe due to the fact that he had cousins named Randolph, their parents died, so Tom and his parents familied the cousins until someone else took control of them.

Why did Jefferson Davis want the south to take over the north?

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Asked by Cokeorpepsie

He was selected by the congress of the newly formed Confederacy as its first "provisional" president, serving with that title until he was regularly elected. The election was held in February 1862. Davis was known to be a man firmly of southern sympathies, but was not a radical "fire-eater" like some who were most visible in pushing for secession. He was disappointed to be chosen president. He had hoped to be named commander of the army of the Confederacy.

There were few men better qualified in the south than Davis. He was a graduate of West Point, and an authentic hero of the Mexican War. Few men anywhere in the US had so much as seen an entire regiment in one place, let alone commanded one in battle.

Davis had been Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee of the US Senate, and had served four years as Secretary of War. He had much better qualifications than Lincoln, who had served a single two-year term as a Congressman from Illinois, and whose military experience amounted to about six weeks during the Black Hawk War, without seeing any action.

Davis had been married to the daughter of President Zachary Taylor. He resigned from the army because his commanding officer, Taylor, did not want the life of an officer's wife for his beloved daughter, living on one isolated frontier outpost after another. She died after they were married only a few months.

Was Jefferson Davis against slavery?

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Yes. He believed it was a force for good. And he was remarkably kind to his slaves - so much so, that they didn't want their freedom.

He looked like the good face of slavery, and people thought he could be the inspiring figurehead of the Confederacy. But he failed to live up to it. Lee was the one who people found inspiring.

Did Jefferson Davis have a beard or a goatee?

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Did Thomas Jefferson have any facial hair? No. Thomas Jefferson once quoted that he did not like that.

What were the names of Jefferson Davis's Kids?

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jeff jr.,varina anne, margret, and billy

Did Jefferson Davis fight for the south or the north?

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Seriously? He was the President of the Confederate States of America. The South.

How was Jefferson Davis seen by the public?

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Jefferson Davis was unpopular even among citizens of the Confederacy. He was seen as quarrelsome, excessively fastidious, and inclined to favoritism.

Where did Jefferson Davis live?

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he lived in Richmond with since was president of the Confederacy

Did Jefferson Davis die?

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Asked by Era McCullough

In November 1889, Jefferson Davis traveled to Brierfield Plantatain to resolve some family business. As he traveled to the plantation, Davis was exposed to cold-rain in New Orleans. The rain caused Davis to develop a case of bronchitis and a severe cold, which was further complicated by malaria.

Jefferson Davis later died at the home of a friend on December 6, 1889 between 12:30 AM and 1:00 AM.

This is what many of the Southern newspapers read after the death of Davis:

"Throughout the South are Lamentations and tears; in every country on the globe where there are lovers of liberty there is mourning; wherever there are men who love heroic patriotism, dauntless resolution, fortitude or intellectual power, there is an sincere sorrowing. The beloved of our land, the unfaltering upholder of constitutional liberty, the typical hero and sage, is no more; the fearless heart that beats with sympathy for all mankind is stilled forever, a great light is gone----Jefferson Davis is dead!"

What was the name of the city in the south which became the capital of the confederacy and where Jefferson Davis served as president?

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In February, 1961 Montgomery, Alabama became the first capital city of the Confederate States of America. The capital was moved from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virginia, in May 1861. When Richmond fell to the Federal army in 1865, the Confederate government travelled to Danville, Virginia. Danville was the seat of the Confederate government for only eight days, April 3-10, 1865. On April 9, 1865 Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, bringing an end to the Civil War after four years of battle.

Was Jefferson Davis convicted of treason?

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Jefferson Davis was held, and released without being charged with anything. Davis & his Attorney asked for a trial believing that the court would have to find succession legal and therefore Davis innocent.

What was Jefferson Davis wifes name during civil war?

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According to our history books his first wife was Sarah Knox Taylor. His second wife was Varina Banks Howell.

Additional information from a member of the Davis family.

First wife

Sarah Knox Taylor, daughter of future President Zachary Taylor. They were married in June 1835. Three months later Jefferson and Sarah caught the fever. Sarah died.

Second wife (Jefferson Davis did not discuss this marriage in public. If you are a student taking a test, it would be smart not to include this marriage)

Novella Black Hawk, adopted daughter of Chief Black Hawk. After his wife's death, the the distraught Jefferson left his home and planed to never return. He wanted the solitude of his cabin in the woods several hundred miles away. He sent Moley, one of his slaves, on ahead to prepare the cabin for his return. On his way to the cabin, Jefferson had an accident. A half-breed named Novella found him and nursed him back to health. Novella helped Jefferson get to his cabin and within six weeks they were married. About nine months later, Novella died in child birth. The child lived. A boy. Jefferson named him Finis.

Last wife

Varina Banks Howell daughter of William Howell and Margaret Kempe. They were married on February 26, 1845. Only one of her six children survived her.

What did Jefferson Davis attempt to do to avert a war with the North?

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In February of 1861, Confederate President Jefferson Davis sent former Georgia Congressman to Washington DC to try and convince US President James Buchanan to recognize the Confederacy. He did this because in those days a new US president ( Abraham Lincoln) would not take office until March. Now, in the US, a president takes the oath of office in January following the November elections.

What did Jefferson Davis say about state rights?

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Jefferson was from the Democratic-Republican Party. They put emphasis on state rights. Jefferson felt that the country was too big to have all of its affairs directed by a central government. He also felt that the common people should have the power and so the state governments should have more power because they know their people better.

Much of this belief was due to the fact that the 13 colonies were the creators of the Federal government.