

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest certain sugars in milk and dairy products. In some people, this can cause mild to severe stomach upset.

500 Questions

Why do lactose intolerant people get diarrhea?

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When someone is lactose intolerant it means they don't produce any/enough lactase enzyme in the small intestine. Without the enzyme, lactase the lactose is not broken down and doesn't go into the bloodstream, it stays in the small intestine where bacteria respires, to try and break it down. The presence of undigested lactose increases water potential and therefore leads to diarrhoea.

Can lactose intolerance cause seizure or migraine?

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I can't answer this question, but I had a particularly bad episode after being served ice cream (and led to believe it was frozen yogurt which for whatever reason causes me no problems). I woke up that night in horrible pain. Had no pills to take. I remember trying to drink a lot of water but it didn't help. I went back to bed still in pain. Next thing I know I'm in an ambulence on my way to the hospital having had my first ever seizure. Haven't had another since. Anybody else?

Can you develop lactose intolerance?

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Yes. Lactose intolerance is a phenomena of the digestive system. Just because you have milk in the mammeries has no bearing on what happens to milk in the intestines. The same argument goes for lactose intolerant (human) mothers.

Why are cats lactose intolerant?

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Peer pressure

What are some foods that you can't eat when lactose intolerance?

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Lactose intolerance is not something you catch, it's genetic/allergy. You need to avoid ALL forms of dairy products, this include, yoghurt, cream, butter, milk, cheese, some margarine makes have milk solids. Some cases you need to avoid egg whites as well, mayonnaise has egg in, most cookies have egg or milk in.

Should the ingredients contain, whey powder, milk solids, butter, milk, cheese, milk powder, cheese powder or any dairy item, avoid it.

What is the best treatment for lactose intolerance?

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lactose intolerance is were you are unable to digest the protein lactose in milk because your body doesn't produce lactase to break it down into sugars. When you are young and feeding on your mothers milk, (or bottle fed) the genes that are responsible for the production of lactase are activated. But as you grow older these genes become in active. it western cultures, these genes remain active as we have social presures for the consumption of milk. (such as eating ice cream) People like you who dont produce the lactase are called lactose intolerant.

Its not really some thing you can treat. Different people have different levels of lactose intolerance. Find out how much milk you can have before being sick or change to thing like soy milk or instead of ice cream have sorbet instead. But to answer your first question nothing as it does not work that way. the lactase must be produced by the body.

Do you get the same amount of calories from dairy if you're lactose intolerant?

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lactose free milk has the same calcium content as regular milk, barring additives

What percentage of the worlds population suffers from lactose intolerance?

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Most mammals normally cease to produce lactase, (and become lactose intolerant), after weaning. However, some human populations have developed lactase persistence (and therefore can eat dairy after adulthood). This said, research reveals intolerance to be more common globally than lactase persistence. The frequency of lactose intolerance ranges from 5% in Northern European to more than 90% in some African and Asian countries. That would mean that 95% of people form European stock and 10% of people from African and Asian stock are "not lactose intolerant".

Can a person with lactose intolerance obtain dietary calcium?

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Yes. Calcium lactate compounds DO NOT contain lactose. I'm lactose intolerant and have been using the supplement for years and have not faced any issues.

What lack of enzyme cause lactose intolerance?

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The enzyme which the body uses to digest lactose is lactase.

Are you born lactose intolerant?

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No, not all humans are lactose intolerant. If you can ingest any dairy products, such as milk or cheese, you're not lactose intolerant.

Does lactose intolerance cause bad breath?

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Asked by Dferrari

no. as usually if not caused by gum disease, bad breath is caused by a gas from the stomach. someone who is lactose intolerant would have bad breath if consuming dairy produce as it would cause a stomach upset

What happens to people that doesn't get treated for lactose intolerance?

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Lactose intolerance is not the same as an allergy. An allergy means that your body reacts to milk or other dairy produce and creates antibodies. Allergies can be very dangerous if your body overreacts.

Lactose intolerance means that you are not able to digest lactose since you don't produce enough of the enzyme lactase. This means that lactose goes through your system until it reaches the large intestine. Here it will find lots of bacteria who are just waiting for a meal of milk sugar. They will digest the lactose and produce byproducts of hydrogen and lactic acid and other acids. The hydrogen (CO2 and methane too) will cause bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms.

There is less lactose in cheese and yoghurt. When milk curdles during processing, the lactose goes in the liquid portion. The bad news is that this whey is used as a filler in almost all processed/produced goods. Look for whey and other milk products on the label. The problem with cutting out all dairy is providing yourself with enough calcium in your diet so that you don't have other problems. Have a look at the page links, listed under Related Links. These will suggest foods which have calcium and low lactose content.

I avoided lactose for quite a while - just a little milk in coffee - and then reintroduced milk products. I found that I was more tolerant of them.

Can one become lactose intolerant throughout life?

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Yes. The enzyme lactase becomes deficient if it is not used for an extended period of time. This causes one to become lactose intolerant.

Why can lactose intolerant people eat yogurt?

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I believe that it is goats milk cheese they can eat without a problem

Goats milk contains low fat and milk sugar.

Actually, goat cheeses do have less lactose but so do Swiss and Cheddar. The older the cheese (and therefore most likely harder) the less lactose that survives. Any cheese has less lactose with age but the cheeses above have less as a class.

Cottage cheese, Velveeta and other soft, especially processed, cheeses have the most lactose

What ethnic group has the lowest rate of lactose intolerance?

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The Basques. They are virtually free of lactose intolerance.

How much lactose in cream?

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