


Mastiffs are a large breed of dog that include the Bull/English Mastiff, the Neapolitan/Italian Mastiff and the French Mastiff, and were, historically, a working breed that have been used as fierce guard dogs and blood-sport fighting dogs. Today, Mastiffs are a much more docile companion that are enjoyed by their owners all over the world. Questions about Mastiffs can be asked and answered here.

500 Questions

How many pounds can an English mastiff weigh?

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I have a female who is 15 weeks old and weighs 51 pounds.I can not tell you a full grown weight by my dog but I have known a few people with females and looked into it a bit before I purchased Princess-my female.I can tell you that an average is hard to say with English mastiffs because they seem to vary alot/some as small as the 130 pound range but many females over 200 pounds.I think that if you took 100 dogs that most of the females would weigh between 170to180 pounds full grown-3 to four years of age,but as I said there doesent seem to be an exact science to them.I would look at the parents to see what they will grow to.The parents of Princess were mom-185 pounds/dad-210 last time he was weighed but the breaders seem to think he is probobly heavier now but dont have a big enough scale to stand him on.If you are getting a mastiff you might think about how you will even know what she weighs at full size unless you go to the vet. all the time.Maybe go to the highway truck stop weigh-in?

Does a bull mastiff live longer than a mastiff?

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A bull mastiff is a mastiff but if your refering to an English mastiff they probably live about the same They are both large muscular dogs and I know an English mastiff live 8 to 12 years. To get an idea of your dogs life span to to the breeder.

How big should a 12 week old boxer mastiff mix breed be?

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we have a mastiff/weimaramer mix that weighs about 110 pounds.

Why do mastiffs have huge paws?

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for their fighting instinct they cross different breeds for different things E.G the jaw a of a pitbull came from the american bull dog so the pit got its power for fighting. as you can probably tell mastiffs when they are being aggressive you can sometimes see them pawing and growling...

How big do pit bull mastiffs?

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if its a English mastiff male cross with a female pitbul of good quality, then we can expect a 30inch for the new breed. and it will carry the activeness of the pitbul

Mastiff- type dogs originated in what country?

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They originated in Tibet.

Are pugs related to the mastiff?

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NO! A pug is in no way related to a Mastiff. The term mastiff refers to the Molosser type of dog. Molossers are large breed dog. Molossers typically have heavy bones, pendant ears, a relatively short and well-muscled neck, and a short muzzle.

Is a bull mastiffs bite pressure harder then a pitbull bite pressure?

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It is a proven fact that pitbulls have the stronger jaws of all canids.

- Actually pitbulls don't. Even though pitbull is a term not a breed like the American Pit Bull Terrier, they still do not have the stronger jaws. A bullmastiffs' bite pressure on average is about 530per sq. inch

How long should you feed a mastiff puppy chow?

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How much a bullmastiff eats depends upon his/her weight. A healthy male can weigh between 130-150lbs and a female between 100-120 It is recommended that they be fed twice daily at 5-7 cups per day (split into the 2 feedings). For a more accurate count it is recommended to ask your vet.

What do dogue De bordeaux's eat?

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Well I have a male dogue aged 3. He has 2 and a half cups of mixer with a tin of canned food, plus any extra left over food as a treat. But if you are unsure you should ask tour local vet or a breeder.

I hope this helps, Cho-mo :)

Are mastiffs aggressive?

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We have one and she is gentle and very loving couldn't ask for a better dog

How long can tibetan mastiff dogs live?

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Asked by ChristyChengp3045

The life span of a Tibetan Mastiff is 11 - 14 years.

When does an English mastiff first go into heat?

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My mastiff is 13 months old and she just started her first heat. The only sign was a few drops of blood on the floor when she stood up. Females will swell in that area as well. If there are male dogs around they might be much more interested in your dog than usual.

How old is the oldest mastiff ever?

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between 12 and 17 years not real positive but that's what I've found

I have a female, Sheffield Wednesday, that is 14 years and 11 months.

How much do Tibetan Mastiffs weigh?

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Height: 25-28 inches (61-71 cm.)

Weight: 140-170 pounds (64-78 kg.) Some European owners claim the dogs can weigh up to 220 pounds (99 kg.), but the vast majority of these dogs have a weigh that fall in the range stated above.

What is the life span of a mastiff?

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on an average: 5-10 years if being cared for properly. if not, shorter. but this is average. hope it answers ur question!!

Do Mastiff dogs have dew claws?

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Yes, as a general rule, all dogs have atleast two dew claws, unless they are removed.

What is the average litter size of an English mastiff?

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8-13 in the first litter and English mastiffs are pregnant for about 3-4 months(93-124).

What dog is bigger than a mastiff?

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Yes. The Scottish Deerhound, they average to be about two inches taller than the average great dane, Even though the worlds tallest dog (Gibson, the 44' tall harlequin great Dane) is a Great dane.

What is the biggest mastiff?

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I have an 11 year, 4 month old English Mastiff...trying to find out if there are any older English Mastiffs out there.

I have an English Mastiff male that is will be 11 on July 26, 2009. How long ago was your post?

Simon, my Old English Mastiff, will be 12 on January 4th, 2010

I have an Old English Mastiff named Trixie who turns 13 on December 7, 2009 (in a week). But there is apparently a 15-year-old in Australia...

My English Mastiff, Asia, was born February 10, 1997 so I guess that makes her 13 years and about 3 months. She's in good health-just moves slower these days.

My OEM Karma turned 13 on Jan 27, 2010 (13 yrs 4 mos as of this posting). Decent health. Hind legs are weakening & she's lost quite a bit of muscle mass, slow on steps now & won't do steep ones. Has had/currently has numerous benign tumors; but a couple of nights a week she still gets the play bug & runs around the house & wants to play inside fetch w/her stuffed toys. She's mostly over playing fetch with bricks outside though - she gets tired after about 3 tosses.

How much does a English mastiff cost?

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not that much as people think ... about 3-4 cups of dry dog

That's right but I'll give you more info. The heavier your dog wieghs, the less you need to feed it. NEVER let your dog get over weight!!!! <3

Do bull mastiff dogs have webbed paws?

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i have a bull mastiff x french mastiff and she as got webbed paws

How much pressure does the jaws of an English mastiff have?

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Pit Bull Bite: 235 pounds of force

German Shepherd: 238-850 pounds of force

Rottweiler: 328 -350 pounds of force

Lion: 691 pounds of force

Hyena: 1000 pounds of force

Dog bite strength is proportional to the size of the dog. So a bull terrier's bite would probably be at or below 235, depending on his size.

Is a mastiff bigger than a great dane?

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The biggest dog (and breed of dog) in terms of mass is the English Mastiff, with Zorba the OEM taking the crown. From the U.K., Zorba weighed in at 343 lbs and measured almost 8 feet long from nose to tail. English Mastiffs are considered the biggest dogs as they are usually the heaviest dogs with weights over 200 lbs. not uncommon

Great Dane are usually taller than a Mastiff, but the Mastiff can be heavier and generally mores stocky.

What age do you breed your female mastiff?

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When he Gets Grey Hair all Over His Face and Looks Old. Your Mastiff Will NEVER Know He Is Not a Pup! But Propably Around The Age Of 2 To 3 Is When you can consider your Pup An Adult.