



Microbiology is the study of prokaryotic cells and organisms. The focus is mainly on bacteria and diseases.

500 Questions

Is food poisoning caused by virus or bacteria?

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Food poisoning can be caused by either bacteria, such as Salmonella or E. coli, or viruses, such as norovirus or hepatitis A. Both can contaminate food during preparation, processing, or handling, leading to illness when consumed. Symptoms of food poisoning typically include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Is interferon a chemical?

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Interferon is a protein produced by the immune system in response to viruses, bacteria, cancer, and other pathogens. It is not a chemical in the traditional sense, as it is a naturally occurring biological molecule.

Other than bacteria and amoeba what else is in that group?

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Protists, fungi, and viruses can also be grouped with bacteria and amoeba as microscopic organisms. These organisms are typically single-celled and have diverse characteristics, roles, and habitats in the natural world.

How bacteria effects food?

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Bacteria can spoil food by breaking down its nutrients and producing harmful toxins. This can lead to foodborne illnesses if the contaminated food is consumed. Some bacteria, like probiotics, can also have positive effects on food by aiding in fermentation processes that enhance flavor and preserve food.

Why is a humans mouth cleaner than a dogs mouth?

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There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that a human's mouth is cleaner than a dog's mouth. Both human and dog mouths contain various types of bacteria, and the cleanliness of each mouth depends on factors like overall dental hygiene and diet.

Process in which bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas and releases it in to the atmosphere?

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This process is called denitrification. Bacteria use nitrates as a final electron acceptor in the absence of oxygen, converting them into nitrogen gas and releasing it into the atmosphere. Denitrification helps complete the nitrogen cycle by returning nitrogen gas to the atmosphere.

Is moraxella catarrhalis haemolytic?

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No, Moraxella catarrhalis is not hemolytic. It is a bacteria commonly found in the respiratory tract and is known for causing respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. Hemolysis refers to the ability of certain bacteria to break down red blood cells, which Moraxella catarrhalis does not possess.

What metabolic stage is part of fermentation and cellular respiration?

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Glycolysis is the metabolic stage that is part of both fermentation and cellular respiration. It is the initial process that breaks down glucose into pyruvate, producing a small amount of ATP in the process.

What is the only stage of cellular respiration that occurs in the cytoplasm?

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Glycolysis, the first stage of respiration, occurs in the cytoplasm.

A molecule of glucose splits into two molecules of pyruvate. No oxygen is needed for this stage of respiration and it occurs in cells that respire using mitochondria and cells that ferment sugars.

Most macromolecules are made up of thousands of smaller molecules called?

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Most macromolecules are made up of thousands of smaller molecules called monomers. These monomers are linked together through chemical reactions to form polymers, which are the large macromolecules found in living organisms.

What is the most common injury due to borrelia burgdorferi?

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The most common injury associated with Borrelia burgdorferi is Lyme disease, which can manifest as a range of symptoms including fever, fatigue, joint pain, and a characteristic skin rash known as erythema migrans. If left untreated, Lyme disease can progress to more serious complications affecting the heart, joints, and nervous system.

Why does salt effect the rate of the contractile vacuole of a paramecium?

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Salt affects the rate of the contractile vacuole in a paramecium by altering the osmotic pressure of the surrounding environment. An increase in salt concentration outside the paramecium causes water to move out of the cell by osmosis, leading to a faster contraction of the vacuole to expel excess water. Conversely, a decrease in salt concentration outside the cell results in slower contractions as less water is being expelled.

How about Bacterial blight of rice in Myanmar?

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Bacterial blight of rice is a common disease in Myanmar caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. It leads to characteristic lesions on rice leaves, affecting photosynthesis and leading to yield loss. Management strategies include planting resistant varieties, implementing good agricultural practices, and applying copper-based bactericides.

A key characteristic of pandemic influenzas is that they?

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spread rapidly across a wide geographical area, infecting large populations of people.

Does temperature affect milk while its curdling?

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Temperature can affect the rate at which milk curdles. Generally, warmer temperatures will cause milk to curdle more quickly compared to cooler temperatures. However, extreme temperatures can also denature proteins in the milk, affecting the curdling process.

What is agar well diffusion?

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Agar well diffusion is a technique used in microbiology to test the antimicrobial activity of substances. It involves creating wells in agar plates which are then filled with the test substance. If the substance has antimicrobial properties, it will diffuse through the agar and inhibit the growth of microorganisms around the well.

What can bacteria can be?

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Bacteria can be beneficial by aiding in digestion, producing vitamins, and decomposing waste. They can also be harmful by causing infections, food spoilage, and diseases. Additionally, some bacteria are used in biotechnology and research.

Could other dyes be used as a counterstain?

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Yes, other dyes can be used as counterstains in histology and microbiology to enhance the contrast between the target tissue or cells and the background. Common counterstains include eosin, methylene blue, and hematoxylin, which are used in combination with primary stains like hematoxylin and eosin staining. Different counterstains can provide different color contrasts for better visualization under the microscope.

What is the purpose of metabolic pathways?

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Metabolic pathways are a series of chemical reactions that help cells convert nutrients into energy, building blocks for growth, and molecules needed for various cellular processes. These pathways regulate metabolism and help maintain cellular functions and homeostasis.

Which viral disease is really a group of many similar viral infections?

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Influenza is a viral disease that encompasses many different strains of the influenza virus. Each strain can cause flu-like symptoms, and they are constantly changing and evolving, necessitating yearly flu vaccines to protect against the most prevalent strains.

An antibiotic is effective in killing 95 percent of a population of bacteria that reproduce by the process shown below which statement best describes future generations of these bacteria?

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Future generations of these bacteria are likely to have a higher proportion of individuals that are resistant to the antibiotic due to natural selection. Over time, the resistant bacteria will survive and reproduce, potentially leading to the evolution of a population that is largely resistant to the antibiotic.

You are looking down the microscope and can only see a small part of the image in your field of view Which part of the microscope do you adjust to centre the image?

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You should adjust the stage controls to move the slide left, right, up, or down to center the image in your field of view.

Which is a major distinction between a transposon and a retrotransposon?

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A major distinction is that transposons move within the genome via a "cut and paste" mechanism, while retrotransposons use a "copy and paste" mechanism involving reverse transcription of an RNA intermediate. Retrotransposons also contain a reverse transcriptase gene, which transposons lack.

What organism has no mitochondria?

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Parasitic protists in the Monocercomonoides genus have been found to lack mitochondria, relying instead on hydrogenosomes for energy production. These organisms have adapted to anaerobic environments where mitochondria are not necessary for survival.

What kind of animals live in Danakil Depression in Ethiopia?

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Animals that live in the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia include camels, donkeys, goats, and various species of birds adapted to the harsh conditions such as vultures and raptors. Some unique species adapted to the extreme heat and salt flats of the area are the Danakil mouse and the endemic Afar salt-dwelling fish.