


Migraine Headaches

A migraine headache is a recurring headache affecting only a portion of the head, which is coupled by nausea, sleep disruption, vomiting, visual disturbances and depression. It is approximately 3 times more common in women than in men.

500 Questions

Why is an EEG done for migraine?

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A key tool in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy and other seizure disorders. It is also used to assist in the diagnosis of brain damage and diseases such as strokes, tumors, encephalitis, mental retardation , and sleep disorders.

Is it normal to have severe headaches after over a week after having nose cauterized?

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Yes you could get severe headache and running nose post cauterized.

Could the Cyst on my head above your ear cause my migraines?

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I have a small cyst on the right side of my head just 2 inches above my ear. It's been there for a few years now. It is always tender and when I get headaches it's always on the right side around the cyst.

Almost like tension headaches, never on the left. I think this is due to the cyst. The doctor told me i have nothing to worry about, i'm wondering does anyone else have this?

Should i be worried or get a second opinion?

Where in the head is a migraine?

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A migraine headache is a neurological disorder and a specific primary headache classification. There are 4 stages to a migraine attack:

  1. Prodrome
  2. Aura
  3. Pain/headache
  4. Resolution/Postdrome

A migraine attack may contain any one or more of these stages.

Pain is usually one-sided and throbbing and can range from mild to incapacitating, lasting hours to days. A Migraine lasting over 3 days is called status migrainousus and is considered an emergency.

The pain of migraine is only part of an attack however, as migraines actually herald a whole host of changes to the entire body.

There are two main types of migraine acknowledged by the International Headache Society, but there are many sub-categories which may be used to help identify the patient's particular symptoms. The two main types are: migraine without aura (used to be called common migraine), and migraine with aura (used to be called classic migraine).

Other types of migraine diagnoses a patient may receive are:

  • Retinal migraine (migraine with aura in one eye)
  • Hemiplegic migraine (a type of migraine with aura)
  • Migraine with brainstem aura (used to be called basilar artery migraine)
  • Acephalgic migraine (migraine without pain)
  • Transformed migraine (migraine that had an episodic pattern, now with chronic pattern)
  • Chronic migraine (migraine and headache 15 days or more per month)
  • Vestibular migraine (migraine with vertigo)
  • Abdominal migraine
  • Complicated migraine (migraine with aura and stroke-like symptoms)

Migraines are usually triggered by environmental and other factors that change the homeostasis of the body/brain of the patient. Triggers often include:

  • red wine
  • MSG, aspartame, nitrites and other food additives
  • weather
  • caffeine
  • menstruation
  • dehydration
  • changes in sleep pattern
  • changes in normal eating pattern
  • medications
  • physical exertion
  • bright lights
  • strong smells
  • loud noise

Can you abuse depakote?

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No, depakote is not addictive and produces no effects that would make it attractive to drug abusers.

What can be used instead of excedrin migraine?

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If you are having actual migraines, you can ask your doctor for a prescription. Medications such as Fiorocet are effective for many people with migraines. If they are regular headaches, try regular Excedrin, but drink a soda or cup of coffee. One of the main ingredients in many migraine meds, including Excedrin Migraine, is caffeine. It can help take the edge off of a headache or migraine.

How do you discontinue depakote?

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Depakote is a drug that must usually be titrated down to discontinue it. Seek the counsel of your prescribing physician as discontinuing the medicine improperly can be extremely dangerous. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

Is constipation and backaches a sign of pregnancy?

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They are symptoms you may have during pregnancy, that is if you know you are pregnant and have them that is quite common. Signs are things that may give you an indication you are pregnant, these are so common, in fact either can cause the other that they are not diagnostic of pregnancy.

Are migraine headaches caused by head neck and back injuries?

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Sometimes, yes. When tension causes the neck and back muscles to tighten, a tension migraine may occur, which includes tension symptoms such as neck pain and migraine symptoms such as a throbbing headache and sensitivity to light and sound.

Are all headaches migraines?

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No; headaches are on both sides, and migraines are one one or the other.

Can you eat after taking a Ibuprofen pill?

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You can! In fact, I'd recommend eating before you take a pill such as ibuprofen, but if you take it and eat immediately after, that's okay too. The reason why you'd do this is to avoid any damage to your stomach lining.

What is right basilar infiltrates?

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Right basilar infiltrates is a medical term that is referring to the bottom right portion of the lungs. Infiltrate means that there is something other than air in lungs.

What causes throbbing pain to the left of the head soreness to the left side scalp?

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These symptoms may be related to Migraine, or may be another headache disorder altogether. However, for a diagnosis, a doctor needs to be consulted. Preferably a headache specialist who is best able to diagnose, treat and manage headache disorders.

Why can migraines last for days?

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Migraine is a neurologic disease. When Central Sensitization has occurred it may be difficult to abort a Migraine. A Migraine that lasts longer than 3 days is called Status Migraine and is considered an emergency.

Can you take Depakote er before bed?

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As Aaways, consult with your personal physician first. That said, my doctor required an evening dosage due to a side affect of drowsiness.

How does soda get rid of a headache?

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Asked by Joey1211

it could be an allergy to it or if it was die coke it would be a chemical that could give you tumors and if it was regular coke then it could just be an overflow of caffeine or sugar.i would probably consult a doctor though if it gets any worst or it still gives you a headache

How do you make yourself get a migraine?

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Their Are Many Ways. Sometimes, People Inherit Them From Their Parents. But Common Causes Are:

- Not Eating

- Blood Vessels In The Brain Narrow (constrict) Temporarily

- Stress

- Bright Lights

- Odors

- Cigarette Smoke

- Too Much Chocolate

- Too Much TV, Video Games, Or Computer

- Too Much Cheese

- Alcohol

Can low potassium cause headaches?

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Not that is specifically known. But, that being said, there are literally dozens of triggers to migraines, for those who suffer from them.

What class of drug is depakote in?

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its an anticonvulsant used 4 seizures but is also commonly used 4 bipolar mania

Is there something called a stomach migraine?

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Yes, although it has another name: Abdominal Migraine. Children are most likely to suffer from abdominal Migraines, although they can sometimes occur in adults as well.

What are some causes of migraine headaches?

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Migraines are a neurological disorder which usually cause repeated episodes of severe pain with many other symptoms. A Migraine has many stages however, and pain is only one of the stages. A Migraine attack can involve one or more of the stages, but does not necessarily even involve pain (acephalgic Migraine).

A brain aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel in the brain. This is often due to an congenital abnormality or weakness in a blood vessel (an abnormality present since birth). The head pain caused by an aneurysm is usually a one time event. The vessel bleeds - many times causing the "worst headache of your life"- and either you are able to catch it in time to repair it and stop the hemorrhaging, or you die.

People who end up having an aneurysm may or may not have a history of migraine. If a person does suffer from both, it is coincidence. There are no studies that state the two are related.

Very rarely, people who have migraines end up having a stroke. This is thought to be caused by extended ischemia (loss of blood flow) to an area of the brain due to migraines causing a change in the blood flow due to constriction and dilation of blood vessels. Strokes are not the same as aneurysms.

Migraines have many, many different triggers. Diet, sleep patterns, dehydration, weather changes, hormone changes, and stress are just a few of these triggers. In order to find out what is triggering your migraines, it is very helpful to begin keeping a migraine diary - so that you can look back and try to remember what happened in the 24 hours leading up to the attack. You may be able to identify a pattern and then prevent the trigger.

If you are having more than two migraines a month you should seek the care of a neurologist to try preventative migraine medications. It is trial and error to find the medication combination that works for you, however, it can reduce the frequency and duration of your migraines significantly.

Another AnswerAs a sufferer of frequent migraines, the causes are many. (Thanks goodness for new treatment options) Usually the cause can be as simple as a food allergy. Many trigger foods include proceesed meats,aged cheese, red wine (is really bad), or foods that contain a high content of tyramine. Hormonal fluctuations can bring on a pounder. (the day before your period). It is also a known fact that barometric pressure changes cause wicked headaches. Here in Calgary Alberta when a "Chinook" blows in (the temperature can go from -25 to +3 ) in a matter of hours, people that never get headaches are now reaching for strong painkillers. The same phenomena happens in California (Santa Anna winds). Tension and stress can bring on a migraine. Grinding of teeth as you sleep can cause headache pain. It is IMPORTANT that if you suffer from headaches to wake up at the same time everyday. (This helps reduce the # of headaches you get). Drinking a cup of coffee (to combat the dilation of blood vessels in the brain) also can help greatly. I know it feels like our brains are "bleeding" when you're in the middle of a migraine but I can assure you that migraine sufferers RARELY and I mean RARELY die from an aneurysm. It is a medical fact that people that do die from annurism"s have NO former history of migraines. Aneurysms are RARE and migraines are COMMON. Get your self to a quiet place when you feel a headache coming on. Go see a DR. to get a prescription for your headaches. There is NO need to suffer. There is a lot you can do to help yourself. Good luck and don"t worry. Thanks Redflower7

--just to add to this, caffeine is actually a vasoconstrictor- it is a stimulant- and can compound problems by creating dependency and inducing migraines when caffeine is not consumed... it helps to soothe the pain of migraines presumably by decreasing pressure in the brain because there is a theory that migraine pain is caused by increased blood vessel size in the brain...waking up at the same time every day is indeed a great suggestion though- and drinking more water, getting adequate amounts of rest, eating a balanced diet, and regular exercise--keeping blood pressure in check can curb off headaches that could lead to migraines as well--and destressing on a regular basis...if you're having recurrent episodes of migraines you should keep a record of how often, how intense, and how long they last- and see a physician...

Can a migraine headache cause permanent damage?

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Frequent severe migraine headaches, particularly with prolonged aura, can cause permanent changes in the brain. This includes the thickening of somatosensory cortex, and white matter lesions in the brain. We have no information that white matter lesions cause cognitive deficits.

Rarely, migraines can cause stroke - which by itself can cause permanent damage, death.

What is the treatment for hyperparathyroidism?

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There are two options for treating hyperparathyroidism; 1) is to do nothing, and 2) is to have the affected gland(s) removed.

This disease will not rectify itself; the symptoms and effects of this disease will only get worse over time if the gland(s) is not removed. There are no supplements or treatments other than a parathryoidectomy that will cure patients.

The link below contains the most recent and accurate information from the leading Endocrinology center in the U.S.