

Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev was the president of the USSR until its collapse in 1991. He was TIME Magazines person of the year in 1987, and a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1990.

182 Questions

How did mikhail gorbachev's actions bring the end to the soviet union?

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He betrayed the whole country. He was a weak and mercenary leader and everyone hates him for that. Now he lives in London and makes money from food called in honor with him: pizza, vodka and so on.

Who becomes president of Russia after Gorbachev?

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When the USSR ceased to exist in 1991, Russia became the obvious successor to the Soviet legacy - historically, territorially, militarily, etc. Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia at the time, and in that sense can be considered Gorbachev's successor.

Who was the Russian President before Gorbachev?

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This is either a trick question, or a question that is not worded properly.

Gorbachev was the first and only president of the Soviet Union, as the office of President did not exist prior to Gorbachev's perestroika.

However, there is an article on Wiki Answers about the past leaders of the Soviet Union (they were not called presidents). See links below.

Why was Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev interested in ending the arms race with the US?

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The economy of the Soviet Union was falling behind that of other major industrialized nations.
~one love

What was Mikhail Gorbachevs role in ending the cold war?

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He offered citizens more personal freedoms, resulting in widespread protests that weakened communist countries.

Looking at how Mikhail Gorbachevs policies changed the Soviet Union would you consider him a patriot or in a sense a subversive Explain your answer?

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I'll do my best : Gorbachev comes across, in retrospect, as a realist. He did what he did, as he saw it for the benefit of Russia. I don't think he gave up the Soviet control of eastern Europe for the benefit of thre peoples therein, I think he did this because he saw that that was in the interests of Russia. Maintaining forces in the occupied states was a luxury Russia could no longer afford. If Russia was to free its post war image of the USSR as a totalitarian state then something had to give. No, I don't see him as subversive, it is difficult to separate what he did from the subsequent Yeltsyn regime, but it was Gorbachev who broke the mould. If you look now at the state that Putin has dominated over recent years it is obviously different from what Gorbachev inherited. As I say relinquishing powers the Soviets had in eastern Europe was a good thing from the point of view of the Poles, Czechs, Germans & so on, but I am sure it was not done for their benefit, it was done, as Gorbachev saw it, for the benefit of Russia. Therefore Patriot it is from me.

How did Mikhail Gorbachev rise to power in the US?

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* He did not rise to any power but did gain a prominence

Why did mikhail gorbachev feel it was necessary to bring reforms to the Soviet Union?

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Gorbachev identified the condition in which Soviet Union found itself by mid-1980s as "stagnation". In fact, it was much worse than that, anf Gorbachev probably realized that.

The USSR economy was being bancrupted by the escalating arms race with the US. Afghan war increaing political Soviet isolation and internal strife. The standard of living and public health were dropping. The Communist ideology appeared moraly bankrput. Corruption and "shadow economy" were rampant, and public trust low. This contributed to increased alcoholism and apathy, which in turn, lowered productivity and public health. The USSR appeared to be in a death spiral. It was hard to tell whether the failings of the economy were the cause or the result of the failing ideology. Wisely, Gorbachev decided to revamp both.

Mikhail Gorbachev introduced measures that did what?

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Mikhail Gorbachev introduced measures that eventually led to the breakdown of the communist Soviet Union. Two of these measures were Glasnost and Perestroika, also known as openness and restructuring.

Who was mikhal gorbachev?

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A Soviet leader who called for a closer relationship with the United States, economic reform, and a more open society.


Where did mikhail gorbachev resign?

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Mikhail Gorbachev resigned Christmas day, 1991 following the Fall of the Berlin Wall and he resigned in order to bring a democratic reform to Russia. He was said to end the Cold War.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" -Ronald Reagan

What did Mikhail Gorbachev do as a leader of the Soviet Union?

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He was a ruler of the S.U..... He was a member of the communist party. Gorbachev was 54 when he was elected. he (along with Ronald regan) signed the Nuclear Arms abolition act. He was also given the nobel peace prize in 1990!

He is still alive today! (should be around 80) he was the second and first in (27 yrs) to leave the S.U ruler post ALIVE!

He is known mainly as a traitor of all S.U. people. Everyone hate him.

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's concept of glasnost was an attempt to?

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encourage political discussion and economic reform

When was Mikhail Gorbachev president of the USSR?

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Yeltsin is a Russian and was the head of Russia. Not US president.

How did Mikhail Gorbachev's actions bring the end of the Soviet Union?

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It empowered angry citizens to protest against communism and the Soviet government.

What changes did Gorbachev do?

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he introduced Perestroika "economic restructuring"; local managers gained authority over their farms and factories. People where allowed to open small private businessess

What factors caused Mikhail Gorbachev to ntroduce his policies of glasnost and perestroika?

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He wanted to help ease the economic problems of his country.