


Military Terminology

Military terms refer to the language and expressions commonly used by military personnel and organizations. They also provide a common understanding between different services. For example, the military term ‘assets’ refers to weapons.

500 Questions

What is blue water navy?

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Blue water navy refers to a navy with the capability to operate in deep or open ocean waters, away from the coastline. It is a term often used to describe naval forces that have the capability to project power and conduct operations across long distances. Blue water navies typically have larger and more technologically advanced ships, such as aircraft carriers, that can operate far from shore.

What did Alfred Thayer Mahan say would result from American sea power?

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Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that American sea power would result in increased trade, economic prosperity, and the ability to project political influence globally. He believed that control of the seas was essential for a nation's security and success in the modern world.

How many men in Canadian platoon?

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The size of a Canadian platoon can vary, but it typically consists of around 30 to 40 soldiers, including both officers and enlisted personnel.

What do you call the people that capture you in war?

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The people who capture individuals in war are referred to as captors or capturers.

What do the term ''class out means when used in the military?

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In the military, "class out" typically refers to successfully completing a specific training or course. It indicates that a service member has met all the requirements and is qualified in that particular subject or skill.

What time is o dark thirty?

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"O dark thirty" is a colloquial way to refer to a time in the early morning, typically before sunrise. The exact time can vary depending on context and personal interpretation, but it is generally used to describe a time that is very early in the morning, before dawn.

What do you call a soldier with a bag strapped to his back?

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A soldier with a bag strapped to his back may be referred to as a backpacker or a soldier carrying a backpack. They may also be called a backpacker or a soldier with a rucksack.

Do members of the US Navy Reserve get paid?

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Yes, members of the US Navy Reserve do receive pay. The amount of pay is determined by factors such as rank and years of service. In addition to base pay, reserve members may also be eligible for bonuses, allowances, and other benefits.

What is stratigic bombing?

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Strategic bombing refers to the use of airpower to systematically target and destroy key infrastructure, military installations, and economic resources of an enemy. It is a military strategy employed during wars to weaken the enemy's ability to wage war and undermine their morale. Strategic bombing often involves striking industrial centers, transportation networks, and communication systems to disrupt the enemy's ability to sustain their war effort.

Where did the word GI come from?

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The word "GI" comes from "Government Issue". It originated during World War II to refer to the equipment and clothing issued to soldiers by the U.S. government. Over time, it came to refer to the soldiers themselves.

What is a doorkicker?

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A doorkicker is a term commonly used in military and law enforcement to describe a highly trained individual, typically a member of a specialized unit, who is responsible for breaching and clearing doors during tactical operations such as raids or hostage rescues. They are skilled in close-quarters combat and have expertise in utilizing various tactics and equipment to safely and efficiently enter and secure a room or building.

What is SIGINT?

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SIGINT is an abbreviation for signals intelligence. It refers to the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information from electronic signals and communications systems. SIGINT is often used by intelligence agencies to gather intelligence on adversaries, monitor communications, and uncover potential threats to national security.

Who wrote this quote A veteran is someone who at one point in his life wrote a blank check made payable to 'The US ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life' That is Honor?

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The author of this quote is unknown. It is a popular saying attributed to various individuals, but its exact origin remains unclear.

While under arms do you salute outdoors?

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Yes, when under arms, military personnel are expected to salute outdoors as a sign of respect. This includes saluting when passing or being passed by senior officers, during ceremonies, or when the national anthem is playing.

How do you use shrapnel in a sentence?

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Over a dozen Marines were wounded on Saturday when they were struck by shrapnel from an IED. The word shrapnel is a noun.

What does charlie mean in military terms?

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In military terms, "Charlie" is often used as a phonetic alphabet code for the letter C. It can also refer to specific military terminology such as the Charlie Company, which is a unit within a larger military organization. Additionally, it is sometimes used as informal slang to refer to the enemy or hostile forces.

What are 'twin car bombs'?

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Twin car bombs refer to two vehicles that are rigged with explosives and then detonated simultaneously. This tactic is often used in terrorist attacks where the goal is to cause mass casualties and destruction. The synchronized explosions increase the impact and damage of the attack.

Is delta force trained to use extreme hand to hand combat?

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Yes, Delta Force operators receive extensive training in hand-to-hand combat techniques, including both unarmed combat and close-quarter combat with weapons such as knives. However, their primary focus is on specialized skills such as counterterrorism, special reconnaissance, and hostage rescue. Hand-to-hand combat is just one aspect of their overall training.

What is the Air Force chain of command from President to immediate supervisor?

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The Air Force chain of command from the President to the immediate supervisor is as follows:

  1. President of the United States
  2. Secretary of Defense
  3. Secretary of the Air Force
  4. Chief of Staff of the Air Force
  5. Major Command Commander (e.g., Air Combat Command, Air Mobility Command)
  6. Wing Commander
  7. Immediate Supervisor

What is the military term for location-Example-Bravo Two Whats your BLANK-OVER?

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The most commonly used phrase is position. Also used: * A-O or Alpha Oscar (Area of Operation) * Coordinates * A-P or Alpha Papa (Area of Patrol) Other terms used for types of positions:

* LZ or Lima Zulu (Landing Zone) * DZ or Delta Zulu (Drop Zone) * RP or Romeo Papa (Rally Point) * TZ or Tango Zulu (Target Zone)

What president allowed woman to enter military academies?

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West Point first accepted women as Cadets in 1976, Gerald Rudolph Ford was president of the United States. All Service Academies were required to accept women with the class of 1980, which entered the academies in summer 1976.

How does a squid look after its babys?

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they dont actually look after them. they just leave the eggs on seaweed.

What are troops called that fight on foot?

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A soldiers on foot has been called many things throughout the many years of warfare, including:

  • Foot-soldiers
  • Grunt
  • Infantryman
  • Footslogger
  • Marcher
  • Musketeer

I hope I have sufficiently answered your question.

How do you convert military time and real time?

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Asked by Wiki User

AM is easy

0100 hours = 1:00 AM

0200 hours = 2:00 AM

0300 hours = 3:00 AM

and so on

but when you get to 1200 hours = 12:00 PM

then you just keep going


1300 hours = 1:00 PM

1400 hours = 2:00 PM

1500 hours = 3:00 PM

here is how i do PM

just remove the :

4:00 becomes 400

then add 1200

400 + 1200 = 1600 hours

What is 'India foxtrot Yankee Oscar uniform charlie alpha November uniform November delta echo romeo sierra tango alpha November delta tango hotel India sierra charlie Oscar papa Yankee alpha'?

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That is the correct code. The reason this is the code is because this is a secret code used by the military using the first letter of each 'code' word taking them all does create the phrase "If you can understand this copy".