


Missiles are a self-propelled guided weapon system. Missiles have four system components: targeting and/or guidance, flight system, engine, and warhead. Missiles come in types adapted for different purposes: surface-to-surface and air-to-surface (ballistic, cruise, anti-ship, anti-tank), surface-to-air (anti-aircraft and anti-ballistic), air-to-air, and anti-satellite missiles.

500 Questions

What are the ballistic experts advantages?

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Ballistic experts have a deep understanding of the behavior of projectiles, firearms, and ammunition. This expertise allows them to provide valuable insights in criminal investigations involving firearms, such as determining the type of weapon used, distance of the shot, and trajectory analysis. They play a crucial role in forensic investigations to help link evidence to suspects and provide expert testimony in court.

Can there be a winner on a nuclear missile attack?

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In a nuclear missile attack, the consequences are catastrophic with widespread destruction and loss of life. There are no winners in a nuclear war as the use of such weapons would have devastating effects on both sides involved. It would result in massive loss of life, environmental destruction, and long-term consequences for the entire planet.

What is the importance of ballistic?

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Ballistics is important for understanding the behavior of projectiles in motion, such as bullets or rockets. It helps to predict their flight paths, impact points, and terminal effects, which is crucial for weapons development, forensic investigations, and military strategy. Additionally, it plays a key role in enhancing firearm accuracy and ballistic protection.

What movie monster was vulnerable to cadmium missiles?

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The movie monster vulnerable to cadmium missiles was the creature in the movie "The Host" (2006). The monster was killed by firing cadmium-tipped arrows into its mouth because cadmium is toxic to the monster.

What are some true statements about missiles?

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Missiles are guided projectiles that can carry explosive warheads, designed for various purposes such as defense, attack, or reconnaissance. They can be launched from various platforms such as aircraft, ships, submarines, or ground-based launchers. Missiles can travel at extremely high speeds and can be equipped with advanced guidance systems for precision targeting.

Can heat seeking missiles get through forcefields?

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It depends on the specific technology and design of the forcefield. Some forcefields may be able to block heat-seeking missiles, while others may not. It also depends on the capabilities and sophistication of the missile and forcefield systems involved.

What are the trajectories of Surface-to-Surface Missile?

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Surface-to-surface missiles typically follow a ballistic trajectory after launch, which involves three main phases: boost phase, midcourse phase, and terminal phase. During boost phase, the missile accelerates to reach its target. In the midcourse phase, the missile coasts through space towards the target, and in the terminal phase, the missile descends towards the target for impact.

How much fuel does a rocket carry?

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The amount of fuel a rocket carries can vary greatly depending on its size, purpose, and destination. For example, the Saturn V rocket used in the Apollo program carried over 3 million kilograms of fuel. Today's Falcon 9 rocket from SpaceX typically carries around 400,000 kilograms of fuel.

How far does nuclear missile explosions travel?

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The blast radius of a nuclear missile explosion can vary depending on the size of the warhead and the altitude of the detonation. In general, a nuclear missile explosion can result in a blast radius spanning several kilometers, with thermal and radioactive effects extending much farther. The exact distance will depend on various factors such as the yield of the weapon and atmospheric conditions.

The path taken by a missile or projectile?

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The path taken by a missile or projectile is determined by its initial velocity, angle of launch, and external forces like gravity and air resistance. This path is usually a parabolic curve known as a projectile trajectory. The trajectory can be calculated using physics equations such as the kinematic equations of motion.

Is the atomic bomb the same thing as the nuclear missile?

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No, they are not the same thing. An atomic bomb is a type of nuclear weapon that releases a large amount of energy through nuclear fission or fusion reactions. A nuclear missile, on the other hand, is a missile system that is capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to a target.

2 reasons why ammonium perchlorate is used to propel missiles?

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Ammonium perchlorate is used in missile propulsion because it provides high energy density, meaning it can release a large amount of energy during combustion. Additionally, it is relatively stable, allowing for safe handling and storage of missile systems using this propellant.

What is true ballistic range?

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True ballistic range (TBR) is the actual distance between a shooter and a target, taking into account factors such as the angle of fire, the bullet trajectory, and the curvature of the Earth. It provides a more accurate measurement compared to line-of-sight distance, especially for long-range shooting where bullet drop and wind drift become significant. TBR is crucial for precision shooting and helps shooters adjust their aim properly to hit the target.

What is the ballistic constant?

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The ballistic constant is a measure of a projectile's efficiency in overcoming air resistance in flight. It is calculated as the product of the projectile's weight and its ballistic coefficient. A higher ballistic constant indicates better aerodynamic performance.

How do missiles fly?

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Missiles fly by using onboard propulsion systems, such as rockets or jet engines, to generate thrust and propel them forward. The missiles are guided in flight by control surfaces like fins or canards, which adjust the missile's trajectory and keep it on course. Additionally, some missiles may use sensors and guidance systems to track and home in on their target.

Application of Projectile Motion in missiles?

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Projectile motion is utilized in missiles to calculate the trajectory of the missile after launch, taking into account the initial velocity and angle of launch. By understanding projectile motion, engineers can predict where the missile will land and adjust its course if needed. This knowledge helps in accurately targeting the missile towards specific objectives.

Does a speeding missile possess force?

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Yes, a speeding missile possesses force which is determined by its mass and acceleration according to Newton's second law of motion (Force = mass x acceleration). As a result of this force, the missile is able to overcome air resistance and travel at high speeds towards its target.

How does a nuclear missile work?

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A nuclear missile contains a nuclear warhead that uses either fission or fusion reactions to create a powerful explosion. The missile is launched toward a target, and upon reaching its destination, the warhead detonates and releases a large amount of destructive energy in the form of a nuclear explosion.

What is the difference between an Atomic Bomb and a Nuclear Missile?

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An atomic bomb is a type of nuclear weapon that releases a large amount of energy through nuclear fission when detonated, while a nuclear missile is a delivery system that can carry various types of nuclear warheads, including atomic bombs, to a target. Essentially, an atomic bomb is the warhead, while a nuclear missile is the means of delivering that warhead to a target.

How many nuclear missiles would it take to destroy mankind?

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The exact number of nuclear missiles needed to destroy all of humanity would depend on several factors, including the size and yield of the missiles, the accuracy of their delivery systems, and the locations targeted. However, even a small fraction of the world's nuclear arsenal has the potential to cause catastrophic global devastation.

How much miles of damage can a nuclear missile cause?

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The distance of damage caused by a nuclear missile depends on various factors such as the type and yield of the warhead, altitude of detonation, and weather conditions. However, a single nuclear missile has the potential to cause damage and casualties in a radius of several miles or more from the point of impact.

When was the first nuclear missile used?

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The first nuclear missile was used by the United States on August 6, 1945, when an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II.

Are nuclear missiles explosive?

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Nuclear missiles utilize nuclear reactions to produce explosive energy, so they are inherently explosive. The explosive power of a nuclear missile is derived from the release of energy during a nuclear detonation.

What are the advantages of missiles?

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Missiles provide long-range strike capabilities, precise targeting, and can be launched from various platforms such as ships, aircraft, and ground vehicles. They offer quick response times, reduced risk to human operators, and can carry a variety of warheads tailored for different mission objectives.

What is the speed of a Scud missile?

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A Scud missile typically travels at a speed of around 700-1,000 meters per second, depending on the specific variant and conditions.