


The donation of funds, goods, and/or services to help a charitable cause. Such altruistic activities can benefit religious and humanitarian causes, among others.

500 Questions

What is the characteristics of a specialty goods?

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because it is gold and gold is very priceless

What does NLI stand for?

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naked leprikons infering

How many 100's are in 1 million?

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1,000,000 / 100 = 10,000

Where can you do a car wash?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you're looking to have a car wash to raise money, you need a group of willing volunteers and a good source of water. See if anyone in your group knows someone at the local fire station...they may be willing to let you use their facilities. A well-travelled street with easy on/off access is helpful, too. If your site is hard to find, you won't get as many customers.

Who are the ten richest people in Kalamazoo?

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1.Homer Stryker


3.Derek Jeter

4.Tim Allen

5.Josh Fulbright

How many pop tabs does it take to make a wheelchair for charity?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on how much you can get per pound of aluminum pull tabs.

The type I silver aluminum pull tab (the normal pop can tab which accounts for 96.21% of the U.S. market) weighs in at about 0.65 pounds per thousand (0.0104 ounces each). These tabs have no special value other than the fact that they are scrap aluminum.

A gallon of tabs is about 3,400-4,700 tabs (they is no way to get an exact number, as I have recorded 156 different tabs, and there is the matter of the little curly thing which tangles all the tabs together and can affect volume by up to 36%), so a gallon should weigh in close to 2.65 pounds.

As scrap aluminum is going for 50 cents to a dollar, depending where you live, yoiu would therefore have a value of $1.33 to $2.65 in metal.

The story of the special value of a gallon of tabs all started during a 1998 Tab Fest (a Wisconsin Concert for charity) collection, where one of the participants wanted to turn in the most tabs, and told all of his friends that he would buy a keg of beer for whoever brought him the most tabs (i have also heard that the prize was $75, a Guitar, etc, but it was in fact a keg of beer). In this fellows little contest, the winning contributor turned in a 1 gallon milk jug of tabs. It should be noted that in 1998, the dominant tab was the Type III silver, which we now find on 24 ounce beer cans, weighing in at 14.7 ounces per 1,000, though I would assume they still would weigh in at about 2.65 pounds per gallon

$100 worth of tabs at the national average of 75 cents per pound, would take up the space of a picnic cooler, where as $100 in aluminum cans would fill a good sized van.

Anybody who chooses to believe the rumor of tabs being worth more than scrap aluminum is welcome to contact me, I'll sell you 5 gallons for $100.


How do you get donations from companies?

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A well written letter on official letterhead from your organization should be used. Depending upon your organization, the donation may be found to be either a charitable one or come under their advertising budget.

If you qualify as a charitable group, describe this and your group's purpose. You should provide specific information that can help the company to understand that that your mission and their compnay's mission are similar in some way - if not - your best bet is to select a different company, one that may endorse your mission.

If you do not qualify as a charitable group, describe your activities, how many people are exposed to them, their benefit, and how and why the company may want their name to be associated with your activities. Be specific about what kinds of donations you are asking for and the exposure and benefit to others, your group, and their company.

If you are looking for a personal donation of items or money, the same rules apply above - you have to convince them why it is beneficial to everyone and consistent with their mission.

What celebrity has given most to charity?

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Warren Buffet

What is a catchy name for a charity night?

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"Pay it Forward" :-D

Can make up your own charity?

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Yes, but there would procedures to be gone through to get it registered and supported and to ensure it is a genuine charity. There are laws and rules and regulations. So it is not as simple as deciding you want to have a charity and then starting to collect money.

Is there a way to give an anonymous donation to your local church and still receive sufficient documentation in order to gain the tax deduction?

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Yes. There are ways to make ananymous donations to charitable organisations. However, sufficient documentation can be made only if the donor is identified by the receipant.

Use generosity in a sentence?

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The continuing generosity of individuals to the Institute was also demonstrated in several gifts.

Will leyton get kicked out of school?

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if you go to the headmaster and say ur sori and you will be good if he still kicks you out you should kick him

How many zeros in 3 million?

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there are 6 zeros in 3 million. 3,000,000