

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization which provides reproductive health and maternal and child health services. Planned Parenthood offers services such as abortions, tests for STDs, vasectomies, tubal litigation, pregnancy testing, and many other things. Questions and answers about America's largest reproductive health service provider can be found here.

415 Questions

How old do you have to be to get birth control pills at planned parenthood?

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There is no age limit. Some young girls use them for medical reasons unrelated to birth control. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Our family doctor put my 12 year old daughter on BCP, not for prevention of pregnancy but to control her period.

Does planned parenthood have a contract to sell aborted fetal tissue?

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No. it's illegal to sell human bodies/bodyparts in the US.

Can doctors know if you have not been taking birth control?

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No, not unless your doctor is peering over your shoulder at home. Or unless you have an IUD or other vaginally-visible type of birth control.

Is planned parenthood reliable?

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Asked by Wiki User

YES! Planned Parenthood exists in many countries and support health care for men and women worldwide. Only in the US have it been such controversy.

Did Margaret Sanger regret planned parenthood?

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Asked by Wiki User

No it was her dream come true. She would be very proud if she saw it today, working worldwide to help women. She was against abortions though so don't know how she would feel about that. She did get her dream come true shortly before she died when the birth control pill she helped make hit the market.

How does planned parenthood help women?

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They give health care to women as in birth control, regular checkups, testing for sexually transmissible infections, pregnancy care. Some health centers also include abortion services, prenatal care, and primary health care. They also help and support women's health care in other countries like in African countries where women die when giving birth due to circumcision and no proper care when pregnant. They have members and clinics all over the world. See related link below.

Can someone pick up pills at planned parenthood for you?

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Policies for pill pick up vary from office to office, but all have provisions for letting a friend or relative pick up your pills. Contact your local office for information specific to your situation.

What does Planned Parenthood do besides abortions?

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Asked by Getacar

Planned Parenthood ServicesPlanned Parenthood provides many health services besides abortion. Some of the services/facilities Planned Parenthood provides include:
  • Screening for cancer
  • Contraceptives
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Vaccinations
  • Affordable health care
  • Advocating for state/federal policies that advance health care
  • Pregnancy options counseling
  • Sexual health education
  • Menopause treatments
  • Adoption referral to other agencies
  • STD testing
  • Vasectomies
  • Tubal litigations

According the 2009 Planned Parenthood fact sheet, the number of services by category are as follows:

  • 35% STD testing/treatment
  • 35% contraception
  • 16% cancer screening/prevention
  • 10% other women's health services
  • 3% abortion services
  • 1% other

How much should you donate to planned parenthood?

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Asked by Wiki User

As much as you want.

Missed an appointment at planned parenthood?

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Not sure what you are wondering. Just make a new one.

How do you prevent pregnancy when no longer taking the contraceptive pill?

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In the first instance, whilst you're working to decide, or are awaiting an appointment with your women's health centre, consider looking at these options:

Implants: Nexplanon or Implanon - a slightly larger that rice-sized caplet that is placed beneath the skin.

The Patch: Ortho Evra - it looks like a plaster or 'band-aid'

The 'Jab' - Depo-Provera; an injection you receive several times a year.

The Sponge - a mini-doughnut shaped sponge. (good to use with condoms)

Vaginal Ring - Nuva Ring

Carvical Cap - Femcap


IUD - inter-uterine device

What's good for one person may not be good for another. You have the ability to choose what suits you and you're body best.

Can a planned parenthood appointment be canceled?

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Of course, why couldn't it be? Just call the place and tell them you will have to cancel or reschedule.

How late does planned parenthood offer abortions?

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Different Planned Parenthood offices offer abortion to different gestational ages, depending on state and federal laws and local practices. Contact you local office for information specific to your location.

What kind of cancer screening does planned parenthood do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Screening for breast cancer and cervical cancer are the most common types of cancer screening done at Planned Parenthood. Biopsy for endometrial and vulvar cancer are also common services. Offices may also order testing to screen for colon and prostate cancer, and the typical examination will also look for signs of cancer of the thyroid, skin, and testicles.

How can Planned Parenthood help with abortions and adoption?

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Asked by Eliesheva

Planned parenthood is primarily a health care provider specializing in sex education, reproductive health care, and and information on birth control and STD prevention. Although they are not an adoption agency they are very supportive of women who choose adoption and can direct you to the appropriate local resources in your area.

We all have many important decisions to make in life. What to do about an unplanned pregnancy is an important and common decision faced by women. In fact, about half of all women in the U.S. have an unplanned pregnancy at some point in their lives. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, and you do not want to have an abortion or be a parent, you can give birth and let someone else raise your child. This is adoption. It is a permanent, legal agreement in which you agree to place your child in the care of another person or family. Women choose adoption because they care about themselves and their families or their future families. === ===

What are RN salaries at planned parenthood?

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Asked by Wiki User

The answer varies widely depending on geographic location, skill level, and job responsibilities.

Someone today said Planned Parenthood is a racist organization claiming that its founder Margaret Sanger set it up to lower the number of black babies from being born so I'm wondering is that true?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Planned Parenthood is not a racist organization. They are working to save women and children in African countries by providing birth control, prenatal care and safe labor. They are also not the same as when Sanger was leading it. When she was in charge abortions were not done because she was against abortions. That is why she was so much for birth control and helped creating the birth control pill. When speaking about Sanger one have to understand what society was like back then. Most black people were extremely poor and many children never got the chance to got to school. Women had more children than they could afford and that was something she wanted to help with. She knew that when a woman is control of her fertility she is in control of her life and family. Less children meant children could go to school instead of having to skip school and get jobs because the parents salary was enough to live on. When she saw the poverty many lived in and many babies died in, she offered safe sterilizations for women. The women who were the poorest and needed this the most were the black women and since that is where the biggest demand was, that was also where she set up her clinics. For the women this was a way out of poverty and to take control over their lives. And they did not have any more unsafe and illegal abortions.

Will Planned Parenthood make check-ups for diseases such as urinary tract infections possibly caused by sex and keep it confidential?

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There is a law called HIPPA. It is a privacy policy that states that all information pertaining to the patient and known by the doctor or/and medical/ clerical staff but keep your records confidential!

Does planned parenthood offer a quantitive beta hcg pregnancy blood test?

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Planned Parenthood offices routinely order quantitative hcg testing when clinically indicated. Contact your local office for information specific to your situation.

Do you know where you could find a place that does parenting class?

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Depending on your location or local planned parenthood would have classes or know where to go to get them. Local hospitals also sometimes offer free training classes in various situations.

Is paragard free at planned parenthood?

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Planned Parenthood health centers generally provide services with costs based on income. Depending on your location, you may be able to get Paragard at no fee with costs paid by grants, government programs, or insurance. Contact your local health center for advice specific to your situation.