


This category is for questions about the group of people who strove to reform the Church of England in the 16th and 17th century. Lead by John Winthrop, they were one of the first English groups to settle North America and modern day New England.

500 Questions

Why did the puritans move from Holland to North America?

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The Puritans moved from Holland to North America to seek greater religious freedom and autonomy. They also wanted to establish a settlement where they could establish a community based on their religious beliefs and practices without interference or persecution.

What difficulties did the puritans face in their new home?

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The Puritans faced harsh winters, limited resources, and conflicts with Native American tribes upon arriving in their new home in America. They also had to establish a new form of government and contend with religious and cultural differences among themselves.

From what colony of a group of puritans come from?

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The Puritans who settled in Massachusetts came primarily from England in the early 17th century seeking religious freedom and wanting to establish a community based on their beliefs. The most well-known group of Puritans were the Pilgrims who came to America on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth Colony in 1620.

What is true of the Puritans?

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The Puritans were English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to "purify" the Church of England of what they viewed as Roman Catholic practices. They believed in living a simple, moral life based on strict religious principles and emphasized hard work and thrift. The Puritans played a significant role in the settlement and development of the American colonies.

Which church did the Puritans seek to break with in coming to the New World?

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The Puritans sought to break with the Church of England when they came to the New World. They believed the church was still too similar to the Roman Catholic Church and wanted to establish a more strictly Protestant and purified form of worship in their new colony.

Why were schools important to the puritans?

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Asked by Wiki User

Schools were important to the Puritans because they believed in the importance of educating their children in order to read and interpret the Bible for themselves. They wanted to ensure that their children had a strong foundation in religious teachings and a moral education. Education was also seen as a way to maintain their community values and beliefs.

How did the puritans spend their time?

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Puritans spent their time primarily focused on religious activities such as attending church services, reading and studying the Bible, and engaging in prayer. They also believed in hard work, so much of their time was dedicated to tasks like farming, household chores, and craftsmanship. Additionally, Puritans valued education and placed a strong emphasis on teaching their children and community members.

What two colonies did the puritans go to?

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The Puritans settled in two main colonies in America: Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Plymouth Colony. These colonies were established in the early 17th century by Puritan separatists seeking religious freedom and a new way of life.

Who established the Puritan settlement at Salem?

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The Puritan settlement at Salem was established by a group of English Puritans led by John Endicott in 1629. They arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and settled in what is now known as Salem, Massachusetts.

What is an effect of puritan belief in hard work?

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An effect of Puritan belief in hard work was the development of a strong work ethic that contributed to economic prosperity in Puritan communities. This belief also fostered a sense of discipline, diligence, and responsibility among Puritans, leading to individual success and community growth.

What is the difference between the seperist puritans and non-seperatists puritans?

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Separatist Puritans believed in completely separating from the Church of England and forming their own independent congregations. Non-separatist Puritans, on the other hand, wanted to reform the Church of England from within. Ultimately, the Pilgrims who settled in Plymouth were Separatist Puritans, while the Puritans who settled in Massachusetts Bay Colony were mostly non-separatists.

Did puritans observe Sabbath?

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Yes, Puritans believed in strict observance of the Sabbath, which they viewed as a holy day for rest, worship, and reflection. They abstained from work, recreation, and other non-religious activities on Sundays. Puritans saw Sabbath observance as essential for spiritual growth and obedience to God's commandments.

Which of these most closely describes the Puritans?

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The Puritans were a religious group in 16th and 17th century England who sought to reform the Church of England. They believed in living a moral and austere life based on strict adherence to the Bible. Puritans played a significant role in the settlement and development of the American colonies.

What is the Puritan halfway covenant?

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The Puritan halfway covenant was a religious compromise in colonial New England in the late 17th century. It allowed the grandchildren of church members to be baptized and participate in some church functions, even if their parents were not full church members. This was a response to declining church membership and aims to maintain community ties.

Why did the puritans lives according to strong religuous principles?

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The Puritans believed in living a godly life in order to fulfill their duty to God and ensure their salvation. They believed in strict adherence to Biblical teachings and sought to create a society based on moral values and religious purity. This motivated them to live their lives in accordance with these strong religious principles.

What beliefs and practices set the Quakers apart from the puritans?

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Quakers believe in inner light, direct revelation from God, equality among all individuals, and non-violence. They practice silent worship, social activism, and decision-making through consensus. Puritans, on the other hand, believe in predestination, a strict interpretation of the Bible, and hierarchical church structures with ordained clergy. They practiced formal liturgy, adhered to strict moral codes, and were more focused on personal salvation.

According to the puritans education went hand and hand with what?

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According to the Puritans, education went hand in hand with a strong sense of religious faith and moral values. They believed that education was essential for understanding the Bible and achieving spiritual salvation. Additionally, education was seen as a means to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to serve their community and fulfill their duties to God.

Which one of the following was true of puritan beliefs?

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Puritans believed in predestination, salvation through grace, and the importance of living a moral and righteous life guided by the Bible. They also emphasized simple living, hard work, and self-discipline as signs of God's favor.

Why we're English Calvinists called puritans?

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English Calvinists were called Puritans because they sought to "purify" the Church of England from what they saw as corrupt practices and beliefs. They wanted to simplify religious practices and return to a more pure form of worship based on the principles of John Calvin.

What the main reason the puritans left Europe for the new world?

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Puritans were followers of the teachings of Calvin and believed, like the Separatists, that man was born in sin and they all bore the guilt of Adam and Eve. To become saved, they would have to prove they were worthy while here on earth. To be worthy one would prosper, be faithful, and lead a successful life. Instead of separating from the Church of England, they wanted to “purify” the Church of the influence of the Catholic Church within the Anglican Church, thus the name, Puritans. Puritans wanted to remove themselves from non-Puritans. They originally wanted to leave Great Britain because they were not pleased with the way non-Puritans were worshipping without much interference.

Why did people come to Rhode Island?

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People came to Rhode Island for religious freedom, to escape persecution, and for economic opportunities such as trading and fishing. Additionally, some settlers were drawn to the colony's reputation for tolerance and acceptance of different beliefs.

What colony did the puritans first settle?

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The Puritans first settled in Plymouth Colony in 1620.

Did the puritans work hard to succeed?

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Yes, the Puritans valued hard work as a way to demonstrate their faith and believed in the importance of diligence and perseverance in all aspects of their lives. They viewed success as a sign of God's favor and often worked diligently in their various occupations and endeavors to achieve it.

Did Jamestown found the puritans?

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No, Jamestown was founded by the Virginia Company in 1607, while the Puritans arrived in North America later, settling primarily in Massachusetts starting in 1620. The Puritans sought religious freedom and a new life away from the Church of England, while the settlers in Jamestown were primarily motivated by economic interests.

Why did the puritans live good lives according to strong religious principals?

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The Puritans believed that living a virtuous life based on strong religious principles would bring them closer to God and secure their place in heaven. They followed strict moral codes and saw their daily actions as a reflection of their faith, striving to lead pure and righteous lives as a way to honor God.