


Ritalin is a brand name for methylphenidate, a psychostimulant drug. Manufactured by Novartis, it is used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder among children and narcolepsy among adults. Ritalin is commonly available in tablet or capsule form.

500 Questions

How do you get methylphenidate out of your system fast?

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Methylphenidate can be detected in urine for 2-4 days, but it is not tested for nor does it cause a positive result on a drug screen. It will not cause a false positive for any other drug.

Methylphenidate CAN be tested for, but it requires a special test which is looking only for use of methylphenidate.

How long will Ritalin or Adderall stay in your system?

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48-72 hours. If you are taking large doses (such as 50mg or above) or have been taking it for long periods of time (several months to years) or both it will probably take longer.

XR can stay in your body for more than a week. Regular adderall, only 3 days

Can you mix Ritalin and somas?

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normally anything mixed with somas cause memory loss. XP

Is it okay to combine Adderall and Ritalin?

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Short answer... no. Long answer... yes

I am a med student and I understand that not everybody understands med terminology. I will try to break this down as simply as possible, giving you only what you need to know, and not what you don't. If you want to know how all this works, I suggest Google, or perhaps taking a Chemistry class.

Short answer explanation: Mixing drugs is never a good idea, especially when no formal training or experience has been plugged into the equation. The best thing you can do is stay away from mixing or taking drugs that are not prescribed by a physician

Long answer explanation: Ritalin (methylphenidate) is a stimulant that is almost identical to street cocaine, and our body is unable to tell the difference between the two. This upper sends your body into an up regulation of all systems including blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, etc. among many other things. Tylenol 3 (acetaminophen with 30 mg codeine) is designed to be a pain killer. It does this through the inhibition of prostaglandins through cyclooxygenase. Not going to get into what number of PG's or what number of COX, just know that this is how it works on a basic level.

So we have a stimulant and a pain killer. Taken in a small enough dose, most likely a slight feeling of euphoria will occur. Taken in a high enough dose, a feeling closer to taking MDMA (ecstasy) will occur. Warmness, tingling, euphoria, and an ope mind-heart will occur. Taken in too high of a dose, death will surely occur as both these drugs can, and have been in the past, easily overdosed on

Think of mixing these two drugs like mixing orange juice and milk. One is acidic, the other is basic. Sounds gross, but look at the creamsicle, it works right? Drugs can work great in unison, they just need to be monitored and set up by somebody who knows what they are doing. I tell anybody who asks me "never mess around with drugs... but if you are going to do it no matter what I say, at least run it by me so I can tell you if you have a winner or a loser of an idea". If you don't understand drug half lifes, and drug interactions, adverse reactions, or how to monitor vital signs, I don't suggest you do this. However, if you have a friend or if you yourself have been training in this field, I say experiment! I have learned alot about pharmacology by just experimenting on myself in small loading doses trying to see what would happen by mixing different drugs. I can honestly say, Ritalin and Tylenol 3 is one of the better combonations out there, but there are combonations I have discovered that mimic MDMA much better, I have even found a few that mimic LSD and being REALLY drunk from alcohol without drinking at all.

Have fun, be safe, and remember... if you're not trained, don't fool around!

Can you inject Adderall or Ritalin and if not why?

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Yes, if you had pure Ritalin it can be injected however injecting Ritalin (methylphenidate) from any tablet without proper purification would be highly dangerous as there are many other ingredients in those tablets which would need to be filtered out.


While the above answer is correct, despite the fact you will do what you want regardless, some additional information may make one or two people think twice and justify the effort.

If you read the prescribing information for methylphenidate HLC several important points are made. Most important being that methylphenidate HCL is freely soluble in water, and that the drug is acidic. Unless you intend to use a solvent like methanol or acetone which would produce toxic effects, the water solubility is essential. Acidic chemicals tend to have an advantage with regards to removing additional impurities as they will cross between two immiscable solvents if one is made acidic. The impurities remain in the original solute while the product concentrates in the lower pH layer, allowing one to remove the non-pH-lowered solvent to be drained off. Since most persons reading this answer will be using a spoon and water, no point in further discussion there.

While the fillers and other tablet components are unhealthy to inject for various reasons I'll focus on the particulate matter that is introduced directly into the vein. Despite your best efforts to remove these particles, it can't be done without supplies beyond a cotton ball or coffee filter. In a clinical setting you will see patients with irreversible damage to the valves that stop blood from flowing backward when the heart beats. This damage itself causes inefficiency and as a result an increase in cardiac load. In the short-term symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and edema can be seen. Over time the cumulative effect can be an enlargement of the heart muscle to a point that the organ can no longer effectively circulate blood. *Subaortic stenotic hypertrophy.

Stimulant medications, taken appropriately, carry an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. The leading cause of sudden cardiac death in younger patients is Cardiomyopathy (or Subaortic senotic hypertrophy.) While it often doesn't get that far without diagnosis the outlook isn't good. Medication can manage some aspects to an extent, but only for awhile. Treatment over the longterm requires a transplant, something persons with a history of IV substance abuse are not likely to receive.

My clinical background is shadowed by IV substance abuse, and therefor I can say from an understanding but stern position that anyone taking the risk of injecting drugs in this manner is well past the point of a casual user. Willingness to even consider this route shows desperation. Get help now so we don't waste resources on treating you later.

Can Ritalin get you high?

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Adderall is a great study drug, as well as giving a good euphoria. While on it you will have a False Sense of Self-Worth, Hightened Confidence, and if used as a party drug you will literally talk to anyone and everyone around you.

Will Ritalin show a false positive on a hair follicle drug test?

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Yes Methylphenidate (Ritalin) will show up on the hair screen as it metabolizes into compounds that form the basis for the test. The same compounds that Meth metabolizes into so it's important you have a current prescription for it. I did fortunately have a current script when it showed on my test. And they asked for a script for it specifically. As it was explained to me once something is detected they do more specific tests to determine if it's Class 1 or lower. Class 1 being street drugs with no authorized medical use in the U.S. ( initial screening will test for methamphetamine AND Amphetamine )

all standard hair test cover 90 day s IF you have1.5" if you have.5" then they only see 30 days aprox . ( metabolite degrade after this period )However it was also explained to me that while hair tests supposedly cover a 90 day period that in fact the longer its been since you took a drug the less likely the hair test will detect it. they didn't know why but it explained why they didn't detect Soma or Oxycodone which I had taken 6 weeks earlier for a back injury.

Can you take Ritalin and tramadol?

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The answer is yes you can, I have been using them both for years with no problems. That said, dosage of both could be an issue as they both have CNS effects. Even though tramadol is a synthetic version on codiene in its action, it does effect the CNS by slight stimulation, also it works with serotonin, not like an SSRI but it sort of like an agonist. I am not a doctor, so check with your doctor.

Is Ritalin bad for someone with anxiety?

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no it works great for me except im getting a rash on my right thigh goodluck

Why won't Ritalin show up in urine test?

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found this on a website....

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
Drug Testing

Tested for in Standard Drug Tests? NO Tested for in Extended Drug Tests? NO Possible to Test for? YES Detection Period in Urine 1-2 days

Urine Testing
Ritalin can be tested for in Urine, though it is not part of the SAMHSA-5 standard drug test.

drug testing information is a summary of data gathered from site visitors, journal articles, websites, and other resources. Detection periods depend on amount and frequency of use, metabolic rate, body mass, age, overall health, drug tolerance, and urine pH of each individual. Many substances that are not tested for in basic or extended urinalysis tests CAN be tested for by a laboratory willing to go to the trouble, although that is uncommon.

Does ritalin show up as amphetamine?

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Yes, it does. Methylphenidate is not the same as "regular" amphetamine; but is derived from it and is similarly classed - "stimulants." Usually as an amphetamine.

WRONG! It's NOT an amphetamine! Its METHYLPHENIDATE & it WILL NOT show up FOR THE MOST PART on MOST tests. The exceptions are (a) if its a urine test that gets sent to a lab or (b) the 10 panel at home tests (which are pretty rare). They are usually the 5 panel tests which DO NOT test for methylphenidate. You really shouldn't spread misinformation especially when the answer would take 30 seconds to figure out.

Is Ritalin legal?

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Ritalin is not an illegal drug unless found on a person who is not prescribed to it. If you are prescribed to it and taking it right then you have nothing to worry about. If you are caught selling it or buying it from people that is considered drug transfer which is illegal.

Does Ritalin cause hair loss?

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I too have been taking Strattera now for 4 months and am alarmed and distressed by the large amount of hair that I am a losing. I am a 30 year old mother of two in good health and on no other medication. My psychiatrist has no idea why this is happening or any treatment that may be available for it. Every time I wash my hair in comes out in handfuls and I just don't know what do.

I've been taking 100 mg. Strattera for 3 mo. and I have recently noticed significant hair loss. I'm a 35 yr old female and my husband and kids have even noticed the dramatic thinning of my hair. The doctor and pharmacist both deny it, but this is the ONLY medication I'm on.

I have noticed a thinning in my son's hair over his ears. I do not know if it is caused by the medication but since he has been on this, it is quite noticeable.

My son has been on Strattera now for appx 6 months and his hair has become so thin, it looks as if he is going to be bald before his next birthday. We are stopping it for the summer and will see what happens with the hair loss. Good luck.

Yes! I am certain Strattera is causing hair loss in my husband. He used Strattera last summer and noticed his hair falling out in clumps. He got off of it for winter and now has started back again. His hair never came back and now it is falling out again! He rally needs this to study but we are getting very concerend at this point and will consult with his Dr. on monday.

We have just noticed our 7 year old son is losing his hair too. The only medication he is taking is Strattera. He has been on it for 10 months and we just noticed it after getting his hair cut this week. It seems to have happened very suddenly.

I was taking Strattera for about 6 months before my hair started falling out by the handful! I have always had long, thick, shiny hair - and all of a sudden one day - it started falling out! I had NO other weird side effects from this medication. At the urging of my OBGYN I stopped taking Strattera. My Psychiatrist said, "NO, that's not a side effect." Then, I found this page online. I've been off of the Strattera for almost a month now - and my hair is STILL falling out. I bet I've lost 1/2 the hair on my head... and it's still falling out. If I would have known this was a possible side effect of the medicine - I NEVER would have even thought about taking it. Other than the hair-loss, this medication was wonderful for me. It helped me stay focused, decreased my anxiety, and helped me fall asleep at night.

I have been Taking Straterra now for about 3 months and last night my friend told me I was starting to thin on the rear top of my scalp I told him he was crazy, because I have always had really thick hair and there is not a history of hair loss on my mother or father's side of the family. I then got my hair cut today and also as someone else mentioned about their son I had almost a bald patch above my left ear. I also looked at the top of my scalp and it was just prickly short hair I could basically see my scalp. I am very alarmed at the similarities and descriptions of hair loss with this medication. just another pill the pharmaceutical companies have forced upon us without knowing what some of the long term side effects will be.we're the guinea pigs yay!

Is Ritalin a depressant or tranquilizer?

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Methylphenidate improved both social anxiety and ADHD symptoms in adults, study found.

Does Ritalin cause rapid heart rate?

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yes, it stops after 4 hours

Why does it take so long to lose weight on Ritalin?

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well i have ADD and i take Ritalin to help me focusnad when i take the med it makes you not hungry or in other words qehn the Ritalin is kicked in it has a side effect that makes you loose your appitite. thus resulting in you not eating as much, thus causing weight loss

Is Ritalin soluble in water?

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Yes it is

What are the side effects of mixing ibuprofen Ritalin and Adderall?

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Ritalin and Adderall will do essentially the same thing. The ibuprofen shouldn't do any harm, but I wouldn't recommend mixing Ritalin with Adderall. If you want a more intense response to the medication you should only use one of the two, maybe double your dosage if you want.

Can you take Ritalin and benzodiazepines?

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The answer is YES and NO. They are two different drugs. Ritalin works on dopamine to make it stay for a longer period of time. Hence increase mental alertness, memory, no fatigue, increase concentration, euphoria, increase libido. On the other hand Xanax works on GABA receptors which partly relieves anxiety and is a short acting sedative too. So if both taken in combination the result can be excellent as well as disastrous. excellent in a sense that xanax cops with the adverse effects of Ritalin such as inc. heart rate, anxiety, insomnia etc. And disastrous in a sense that you are playing games with your brain. on one hand you are telling it to slow down while on the other you are wipping it to run faster than normal. Do the math!

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Adderall and Ritalin?

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Whats the question? Yes you spelt those to completely different compounds correctly...? I'm assuming You're asking if there is an interaction between the two when taken simutaneously?...In that case, from my experience, yes alchol can potentiate adderall. This obviously depends on how much of each you take. Higher amounts of either will incresse the side effects and potentiating. Its not a good idea, but as for having a beer after a days work on adderall? I'd say its fine, you'll notice alcohol like adderall changes your psychological perception or temporarily elevates your mood. So mixing the two irresponsibly simply makes you feel very drunk/abnoxious and very energetic. Eventually leading to abnormal or uncontrolled behavior, especially when coming down from one or the other compounds, you will get very aggressive, angry, and perhaps say things you will wish you hadn't said. Not advised. Moderation is key. gd lck

Can you mix Percocet Ritalin and alcohol?

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yes you can, you will feel amazing. I usually take 3 perks then smoke a joint and feel pretty good :)