

Roman Gladiators

Roman Gladiators were trained warriors that battled in arena for the audience's entertainment. Although there were some volunteers, most gladiators were criminals or slaves that were kept in very poor conditions.

500 Questions

What are characteristics of the Roman army?

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The Romans had a very well developed army. It was one of the first organized army. They had armor plated uniforms. powerful weapons such as the scorpion crossbow. Had the first military ranks too

What does a ancient roman gladiator get after his victory?

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First of all he would get paid. Then, depending on the circumstances, he would either be given his release from his gladiatorial oath and be a free man, or he could be granted a wooden sword, which also meant that he was freed of his gladiatorial obligations. But remember that the conditions differed regarding freedom, some were granted freedom after five bouts, others had to remain for five years---contracts differed then as much as contracts do today.

How did the roman gladiator get its name?

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Asked by Cavalier87

The gladiators were named by their parents when they were babies. When they grew up and became gladiators they either used their own names or they assumed a "stage name" such as Felix, meaning lucky. Other names used by gladiators seemed to connote strength, greatness, courage, etc. all the qualities that were admired. Names derived from Hercules, and the name Alexander were popular. A possible example of this is the gladiator Spartacus. That name is very closely allied to Sparta and the Spartans were the renowned fighters of their time. It makes some researchers wonder if, because he was a gladiator, Spartacus was a stage name and not the legal name of the man himself.

What did the roman army do in spare time?

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Maintained peace in the occupied territories. Kept the roads system safe and available for the transportation of supplies, for the travelers and the communications system apart their constant training.

they also made roads and forts

What did women gladiators do?

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gladiators had to fight because they were slaves and their masters told them to do it.when in the arena they had to fight and win or fight well and lose or they would be killed.they did not want to die but part of their code was to die with honor,not flinching when the victor sliced his thoat and kneeling on 1 knee to await their death calmly.

How did gladiators impact rome?

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Gladiators were a very important variable in Roman social and political life. They reached their peak in the first two centuries of the empire and their decline began as Christianity began to spread all over the empire until the former was abolished by emperor Honorius in the 5th century. Gladiator fights and similar spectacles could often had decided the fate of a politician in uprising. For example, in the republic, after the questarian office, one would be lifted up to an aedil office. That office's main duty among others was to represent spectacles in the arena at their own cost. The more spectacular and exotic it is, the bigger was the aedil's chance to climb up the office leader, as well to get social prestigue. Thus had gladiators great impact on politics. The better they were trained, the better their condition was, the better they fought, the better was the chance of an aedil getting a higher office thus influencing politics more. Further more, in the imperial era, spectacular and blood-soaking gladiator duels were essential for emperors who had just become so. The better the games, the better reception bay the crowd for the new Caesar.

Why was the life of a gladiator so dangerous?

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In most cases, gladiators faced injury or death at the hands of their fellow gladiators, against whom they fought. In some cases, however, gladiators fought various wild animals, instead of other gladiators. The animals (such as lions) could also injure or kill gladiators. In general, the life of a gladiator was very uncertain.

Where did gladiators live?

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They didn't have sinks, so they couldn't wash.

Another answer:

Life of a gladiator was not an easy. When a new recruit, called a novice entered one of the gladiators' schools he was assessed by the owner of the school, a doctor and the trainer. When they had completed their initial training and were ready to fight in the arena they were called Tirones gladiatores or Tiro. His day started at dawn when their cells were unlocked and they were sent for the first meal of the day. Strict discipline was enforced and new gladiators were not allowed to speak at mealtimes and were bound in shackles unless they were training.


The gladiator lived in small compounds attached to gladiator training schools known as "ludus" or travelled in troupes known as "familia. Most gladiators were slaves. They were subjected to a rigorous training, fed on a high-energy diet, and given expert medical attention. Hence they were an expensive investment, not to be dispatched lightly.

Did gladiators have families?

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Gladiators could indeed get married if that is what they chose to do. Many gladiators however choose not to get married.

What happened to the roman gladiator if they won the battle?

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The disposal of Gladiators depended mostly on status. For example, if the fallen gladiator was considered 'noxii' (obnoxious to the state) their body may be discarded without honour, ritual or even a burial. If the body was that of a regular gladiator he may be buried with tribute and memorial by his friends, family or his associated union. Gladiators who weren't considered noxii may join these unions who would arrange for a proper funeral and compensation for the gladiators family.

The burial ceremony for gladiators was held outside the town limits and in separate cemeteries to the citizens to avoid spiritual and physical impurity tainting the community.

Today, inscriptions can still be found on the tombs of fallen gladiators by their friends, family and unions.

In some cases, it's believed the remains of gladiators may have been fed to animals, thrown in mass graves or dumped in the River Tiber. Some of these bodies would have been reclaimed for proper burial.

What was the roman gladiators daily activities?

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Roman gladiators sent all their time at the gladiatorial schools. They were not allowed to leave because they were slaves. There were guards to ensure that they would not escape. We do not know much about what they did in their spare time. presumably they rested and played dice and board games like people did in those days.

Could a roman gladiator rise in rank?

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In theory yes. But you would not get an aristocrat being a gladiator they woud host the events. Normally they were slaves and if they did well they may be freed. Contrary to popular belief not all Gladiator fights were to the death. One must consider that gladiators cost money and time to train so sometimes they may fight to the death other times not.

How much was a ticket for a roman gladiator fight?

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People paid nothing to watch the gladiators. All entertainment in ancient Rome was free. They might even come away with a prize as at the end. At many, if not all, of the events, the emperor or the sponsor of the games would toss out tickets for goods or money to the crowd.

When did the roman gladiator fights end?

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Ancient historian Livy said that the earliest Roman gladiator games occurred in 264 BC. Decimus Iunius Brutus Scaeva had three gladiator pairs fight to the death to honour his dead father, Brutus Pera.

Originally the gladiatorial contests were part of funerary rituals, the munus (plural: munera), which was a commemorative duty owed the manes (deities which represented the souls of deceased loved ones).of a dead ancestor by his (rich) descendants. Later, staring from Julius Caesar, they developed into games for public entertainment.

The gladiatorial contests started earlier than this. They were imported to Rome. There has been a debate about their origins. They probably started by the people of Campania, the region around Naples.

Who was the best known Roman gladiator?

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spartacus was the most famous i doubt the best tho, id say flamma, he lived till he was 30 and as it over 2000 years ago and he was a gladiator id say that was a good life span, he fought 34 times which is a lot of fights, concidering how often each one got to fight, he won 21 times drew 9 and lost 4 which is impressive, how he won crowd favour 3 times, and he was awarded the retis which is a small wodden sword and his freedom 4 times, and stayed as a gladiator ever time, id say he was a great gladiator

What did gladiators do for fun outside of the arena?

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The pre-fight rituals were more than likely unique to the individual gladiator, just as our baseball players have rituals that they perform before stepping into the batter's box. However some of them can be stated. If he were smart, he would warm up and loosen up. He would be certain that his armor and weapons were bright and shiny, as the entrance parade was one of music and glitz. He would check his weapons to be sure that they were usable and had no problem. He would sacrifice or pray to his favorite god.

What type of clothing did ancient Romans wear?

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Romans men generally wore togas and tunics. Women usually wore stolas.

Children wore tunics.

Lifestyle of a roman gladiator?

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For a Roman Gladiator you had to fight to the death and kill many people and even animals sometimes.

What types of fights were there in the roman gladiator games?

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Asked by Daman72

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

How long have Roman gladiators been living?

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The lifespan of gladiators is not known. One estimate based on inscriptions on headstones at gladiator cemeteries gives an average age of death of 27. Another estimate gives an average of 18-25 for unsuccessful gladiators who did not receive a headstone. Not many lived beyond 30. However, there were successful gladiators who retired following reward of manumission (emancipation form slavery).

Originally gladiatorial combats were fights to the death in funeral rites. When they became public games this stopped. The practice of sparing the life of the looser became common. Skills and the quality of the fight were more important that bloodshed. Some gladiators were praised for winning without shedding blood. Nevertheless, the fights were dangerous and death was frequent. Gladiators fought two or three times a year. Some gladiators died at the first combat. An inscription mentions a gladiator who fought 34 times. There was a gladiator who won 51 combats.

What weapons did the roman gladiators use?

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they used a lot of different weapons, for example sword, knife, net, shield and spear. :)

What makes a good roman gladiator?

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First you have to buy the proper historically accurate gear depending on your chosen gladiator type, replica gear of course. If you were to purchase real antique roman gladiator armor and/or helmet(s) it would cost you in the tens of thousands (US dollar) easily. Also antiques are not sturdy!

Replicas are the way to go!

It is very easy to find typical brass or light steel gladiator helmets online for under $400. Most of them are in the $200 to $300 range. However, you get what you pay for. Those helmets are all mediocre and fit too tightly on the head. They are also not historically accurate. They are too small. The brass is total junk. (in my opinion) If you want authenticity, commission a professional armorer to make something for you. That's the way to go. Bronze is a good metal for a helmet and is what the real Romans used. I am sure you have heard of the famous bronze age. But bronze is heavy... very heavy and is not reasonable for those who choose to re-enact the epic ancient spectacles.

Here are a number of grand quality armorers who are great to commission if you are very enthusiastic and legitimate about getting roman gladiator replica armor.

#1 hands down: The Ancient Sculpture Gallery. They are professionals of grand proportions concerning ancient art reproductions, and if you are willing to pay anywhere from around $799 to 5K for an ancient helmet that is very finely crafted. (I am sure there are probably different price ranges though depending from project to project) there is your place. They make the Ferrari Enzos and Bugatti Veyrons of the armor replica world. Quality, quality, quality!

Nix Imperial also has some fine work

Same with a number of other places including Valentine armories etc.

Romegiftshop does good leather work. (gladiator arm guard replicas, and kidney belts etc.) Good brass ornaments too. They are very nice people too.

There is no such thing as a real modern day roman gladiator and you can not become one. It is not allowed in modern society for it is dangerous amoral and people will get hurt. However, re-enactment events are fairly common. They are a fun thing to get into if you love history and are fond of Roman history in general... or are a zealot of Roman history. In these events, they use wooden weapons and/or dull metal weapons depending on the society.

There is no Larping in the legit re-enactment world, but Larp swords, shields etc are good if you just want to have some fun w/ your friends w/ your gladiator battles. Larp weapons are made of sturdy foam in case you aren't aware. They are very safe and cool looking.

Good societies for reenactment: SCA (society of creative anachronisms) (Within USA. They do mostly knight stuff but they do have a roman section of their society.)

Collegium Gladiatorium is good if you live in Europe. I thinks its mostly Italy... They might have a branch in (UK) though.

List of a number of the more common gladiator types:







Samnite and Thracian are the earlier versions of the Murmillo and Thraex.

I hope you found this information to be useful

Who started the gladiators?

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Gladiatorial combat was first started in the Italian area known as Campania as a reenactment of victory. The date is not known. In Rome, the first gladiatorial combat was held in 246 BC by two brothers, Marcus and Decius Brutus, as a funeral gift to honor their father.

What equipment did the roman gladiators have?

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All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.

All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.

All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.

All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.

All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.

All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.

All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.

All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.

All Roman soldiers had their helmets, body armor of some type, shields, javelins, a sword and a knife. In addition they also had carrying poles for the march, a "dolabra" which was a combination digging and picking tool, stakes for their section of the camp's wall, a cooking pot, and any personal items they could carry.