

Salsa Dancing

Although salsa dancing originated in 1970s New York, it has heavy Latino influences. Traditional salsa outfits usually include short flowing skirts or form fitting materials. This helps show the flowing body movements, that tend to centralize on the hips.

500 Questions

Why is salsa dancing called salsa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, it is called salsa dancing because it is dancing to salsa music. Now the question becomes Why is it called salsa music? Best answer I can find is that this music style originated in Cuba where this spicy sauce is served with almost every meal - and it's HOT.

When was Ritmo Salsa created?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ritmo Salsa was created in 1984.

What state is well known for salsa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spain if your talking about dancing

How did salsa dancing begin?

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Asked by Wiki User

There was a bumper crop of peppers, tomatoes & onions & cilantro one year. The local Padre at the church wanted to help & give thanks to God at the same time; so he had townspeople push the pews to the side & dump all the excess produce on the cool concrete floor. People were so happy and ecstatic in their praise that they started to stomp on all that produce and play music. They called the stuff on the floor "salsa" and ended up eating it. And they called the new dance they created, SALSA!

Who created salsa dance?

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Asked by Wiki User