

Siberian Huskies

By looking at the Siberian Huskies' appearance, you can tell that they are talented sled dogs. With their powerful muscles and their thick coat to keep them warm, Siberian Huskies do well in sledding competitions and the Iditarod. In this category, there are questions relating to this breed’s characteristics and features.

500 Questions

What do wild huskies need to survive?

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African Wild Dogs Need Food And Water To Stop Starvation. They Usually Eat: Impalas, Wildebeest, Zebras, Eland, Dibatags, Waterbuck, Thompson's Gazelle, Kob, Puku, Lechwe, Gerenuk, Grant's Gazelles, Soemmering's Gazelles, Dama Gazelles, Steinbuck, Oribi, Klipspringer, Beria, And Most Other Animals. But Might Also Take: African Buffaloes, Young Girrafes, Young Elephants, Lizards, Snakes, Frogs, Toads, Fish, Nyla, Kudu, Wild Boar, Warthogs, Bush Pigs, Red River Hogs, Young Hippos, Pangolins, Aardvarks, Shrews, Mongooses, Otters, Foxes, Weasels, Hyenas, Golden Moles, Elephant Shrews, Ethopian Wolves And Other Animals. But Will Also Take Water.

When was the first husky found?

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these huskies were discovered in 1999-2000

What should you do when brother and sister dogs breed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Don't let it happen. And make sure the pups go to owners that are willing to take care of the medical problems. AND get them all sterilized as soon as possible so they cannot breed with each other.

Is Siberian huskies is migrate or hibernate?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Most importantly, the climate. Even in winter, India or more specifically, the Keolado National Park has a warmer climate than Siberia. So, they go there instead of freezing to death.
  • Due to the weather, the food is also more plentiful, giving them all the more reason to migrate.
  • Thirdly, they are now adapted to flying elsewhere for the winter, and it is very hard for them to change their routine now.

Can a Siberian husky survive in Houston climate?

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Asked by Wiki User

it can if it can live in heat. huskies can stand the heat around 80 degrees

What huskies can not eat?

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Chocolate is bad for dogs because of the caffeine in it, so coffee and tea and other things with caffeine in it are bad for dogs as well. to add to the list on the bottom there cabbage is also bad for dogs. They should not eat grass, it will cause them to vomit. Also onions (raw, cooked, powdered, flacked, doesn't matter how it comes) contains sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia (Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells present in the blood is lower than normal. ) garlic also contains these, things such as baby food contain onion powder. and alcohol can cause coma or death, (uncooked yeast produses alcohol)

cholate and any other foods that your vet tells you not to feed it.

  • Chocolate, avocado, raisins, grapes, tomato, pepper, tree nuts, tropical fruits, apple seeds (but apple slices are ok), spicy foods, salty foods, and fatty foods, among others.

Can wolves get along with huskies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Usually, wolves will get along with other wolves, (like packs) but if a wolf wants leadership or a lone wolf comes near, they will usually attack another wolf.

Let me elaborate on what this person above has said. Wolves have strong family bonds. Like humans, they value family above all else, and will die for each other. The alpha female and male keep order on the pack, which usually is made up of generations of their children. Packs have ranks, and certain ranking wolves may be bullied a bit, but in the end, they're part of the pack. If a lone wolf threatens a pack or it's territory, the alphas will chase it out, but they will avoid confrontation unless necessary.

What were Siberian huskies originally bred for?

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Asked by Wiki User

From what I know, apparently they were not bred, they were given birth by Wolves/Wolverine but their bodies were not exactly like wolves, so given the name Siberian Husky, and from then they used them as sleigh dogs. Really. Teacher told me that.

How does siberians husky communicates with each other?

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Just get them together with another husky, preferably the same as your one. And mate them. There behaviour is normal, they behave well, it all depends on who you get them with.

hope this helps... : ) : )

If you were to breed your male husky malamute mix with a German shepherd mix how much should you charge?

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That would be a gorgeous mix! I'd pay around 5-6 hundred myself! But others might not agree with mixing the breed, you wont be able to "show" them and they would be considered mutts to some people .. why can't they just see the beauty in the pairing? and get off their high horse!

What is a husky pug mix called?

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A Gerberian shepsky

What do huskys use to keep warm?

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They have a thick layer of fat under their skin called blubber, which keeps them warm. Also, they have thick fur, and alot of it!

What are facts about snow dogs?

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facts about snow bunnies

Where can you find siberian huskies?

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my backyard.

How long is the average adult husky?

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About 18 months to get up to full weight.

How much do alaskan huskies cost?

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-600 dollars

Who is smarter Siberian husky or German shepherd?

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It's really a hard ANSWER there both really smart

What temperature can Siberian huskies stand up too?

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-60 degrees Celsius to about 35-40. I live in Australia, gets pretty hot here my husky does just fine

What is a huskies prey?

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Siberian Huskies are beautiful dogs that make beautiful house pets. As pets they do not have predators since they do not live in the wild and are not forced to fend for themselves.

How long do Siberian huskies live in dog years?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would say that a husky is a medium sized dog on a small to large scale. As most experts agree, small breeds tend to outlive larger breeds. The general rule is, the larger the dog the shorter the life span. Medium to small dogs live from 12-15 years of age.

I used to own a Husky myself and they make a great companion! They are loyal and loving and are perfect around children. I was very sad when he passed away a week after his fifteenth birthday. But If you raise them correctly I am sure they will get attached to you and run by your side, so if your thinking of getting a dog I'll recommend you get a Husky!