

Sioux Indians

Once a nomadic tribe but forced north from the upper Mississippi area, the Sioux tribe ended up in the black hills of South Dakota. Lakota, Dakota or Nakota, this tribe played a big part in America's early western history.

500 Questions

Was Custer a general or a colonel?

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Custer was a colonel, although during the Civil War he attained the rank of a brevet general. Brevet means a temporary promotion to general. Although Custer kept his brevet rank for a time after the war, it was later taken away from him, and he was a colonel when he died. [If Custer had been a general at Little Big Horn he would have commanded more than one regiment.]

What were the term of the second treaty of fort Laramie Why did it fail?

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Suck a Chubby and his crew came up with the terms, they terms were that all native Americans were able to live on there own land in the black hills South Dakota. Suck a Chubby and Sacajawea fought over it.

What are some Sioux Indian artifacts?

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cant remember

cant remember is actually not a good answer. They didnt actually make much inventions in their tribe life-except for the games they played and songs. But that is really not inventions.

What is the Sioux Indian word for Grandson?

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The Lakota word t'akója means a grandchild (either boy or girl).

You could also say t'akóšwaye - he or she is my grandchild. This is pronounced t.akoh-shwah-yay.

What is the value of Indian arrowheads?

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The worth varies from as low as $5 to $20,000, but the truth lies in the quality of them as whether the tip is broken and other quality descriptions.

Condition: Any breaks, chips or even thick scratches can ruin value. This is the most common problem with arrowheads.

Form: If the arrowhead has a classic point, value rises.

Size: Larger arrowheads win the bucks.

Thinness: The arrowheads with thinner points earn more value but it can also depend on the specific type of arrowhead.

Flaking: Technique matters;It depends what type of technique was used and the quality. Some better-bucks techniques are oblique and transverse.

Minerals and Color: As many states see gray, brown and other other darker, dusker colors, other colors seem to be better.

Did the Sioux tribe survived by hunting farming herding or farming?

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The Sioux Indians are actually broken up into 3 different groups: the Dakota, the Lakota, and the Nakota. Most of them were not farmers or hunters, but led a nomadic life. I know for sure that the Lakota followed their main source of food around, the buffalo.

What was used to build Sioux Indian teepees?

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The Sioux built their homes so they could easily transport them if needed. Members of the tribe built the original teepees from ropes, pegs, and material that was placed over the rope and peg system.

Who was chief of the Lakota Sioux surrendered to US army at the battle of little bighorn?

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The Sioux won the Battle of Little Bighorn, not leaving a single American of General George Armstrong Custer's 7th Cavalry alive, meaning that they did not surrender but won the battle.The battle however, made the US fight full force to avenge the death of one of there best generals, which in fact lead to the end of The Indian War and forced almost every Native Americans to move to reservations or to drop there customs and live with whites.(Sorry if I bored you)

Who led the Sioux in war after the federal government allowed miners in Sioux reservation?

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The Sioux nation had many battles and confrontations with the United States government. After mining was allowed on Sioux land, Sitting Bull led the people to war in protest.

What type of govermment did the Sioux govern with?

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Sioux, like most plains tribes were among the most truly democratic of societies. The term Chief does not mean statesman, nor king, nor even mayor... A chief was nothing more than an influential member of the tribe. And every band had several chiefs if not a dozen or more. Some Chiefs were influential because of their success in battle, but would not even be listened to in matters of forage or hunting... and vice versa. Any member of the tribe was entirely free to come and go as they pleased... could join forces with a war leader, or not... Ideally... However, power was mediated thru wealth. In Plains tribes wealth was in the form of ponies. A man who lead successful horse raids would find lots of volunteers, but most of the horses stolen would end up belonging to the man who formed the raid. An average Sioux family needed between 4 and 6 horses, minimum, just to move camp. Most did not own that many. They could go to a chief and ask if they could borrow some horses from the Chief, who often had hundreds... and the Chief would always say yes, take as many as you need... But in exchange the Chief would expect you to back his agendas in council, ride with him on the war path, or give him a lion share of any horses you took while riding his ponies. In this way Chiefs bartered with tribal members for influence and alliances. And tribal members considered carefully which Cheif they would seek help from so as not to end up obliged to a Cheif they thought was not doing well.

What did the Dakota tribe hunt?

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They hunted deer, moose, dog (maybe), beaver, goose, duck, buffako and e.t.c.

I presume they are right. They did this thing to hunt the buffalo by scaring them to run them off the edge of a cliff. At the bottom more people would kill them if not yet dead. I believe these answere are right. It is utterly dreadful for thoose buffalo though. If you don't believe me, look somewhere else; because usually these answers are wrong. I'm just estimating. I'm only 11!

What is the Lakota word for flying?

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You use the verb "to fly", which is kinyan. This is pronounced with two nasal vowels: kee-yah. The intensive form (to soar, fly high overhead) is okinyan

When did Sioux Indians come to America?

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With the arrival of settlers in their territory the Sioux faced many challenges. European settlers brought many new and useful items, such as the horse, firearms and cloth. Unfortunately, they also brought new diseases for which the Sioux had no immunity. Cultural differences caused distrust, leading to numerous clashes and battles.

Treaties were made, then changed, then ignored. The Sioux and other nations were given reservation land to live on, but frequently they were relocated when valuable commodities such as gold were found on their lands.

The Sioux are now settled in the north central United States and central Canada.

How large was the Sioux Tribe?

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most sioux indians are really tall...mostly the girls are 5'10 or 5' me im 5'6 and a half and mostly the men are about 6'7 feet tall

What do Tipis represent to the Sioux?

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The Plains tribes used tanned buffalo hides for the walls of their tipis. They were attached to poles, usually selected from the lodgepole pine trees. The poles were set together and the hides were sewn together and then wrapped around the poles, leaving an opening at the top as a smoke hole. The opening for the door was normally covered in hide.

Where did plains Indians store their tipi poles?

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Lodge poles were always being used so there was never any need to store them.

In camp the poles were erected to form the basis of the tipi; when moving from one camp ground to another the poles were used as "drags" or travois to carry packs, food, clothing, children and old people.

See links below for images:

How do you say kicking in Sioux language?

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The verb "kick" in Lakota is nahtaka [you say nagh.da.kah].

Adding the prefix wa- to the verb stem creates the absolute form of the verb, where no object is needed (in this case wanahtaka means just kicking, without needing to state what is being kicked).

The Oglala Sioux man who was an instigator of the Ghost Dance movement, Kicking Bear, was called mato wanahtaka or mahto wanahtake in Lakota.

How do you say eternity in Sioux language?

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The Great Sioux Nation refers to several tribes of Native Americans who resided and still do in the United States and parts of Canada. There are three major divisions within the Sioux Nation based on dialect and subculture. Those three divisions are:

1.) The Isanti, meaning "knife", and reside in the extreme east of the Dakotas, Minnesota, and northern Iowa. They are often referred to as the Santee or Eastern Dakota.

2.) Ihanktowan-Ihanktwana, meaning "Village at the end" and "little village at the end", reside in the Minnesota river area and are considered to be the Middle Sioux. They are often referred to as Yankton or Western Dakota.

3,) Teton or Tetonwan, its meaning uncertain, perhaps meaning "Dwellers on the prairie", are the westernmost Sioux, and are the Sioux most often portrayed in films and paintings and stories because they are well known for their hunting and warrior culture. They are referred to as the Lakota.

Of these divisions, there are variances in terms of dialect but the two major dialects are Nakota and Lakota and the differences in pronunciation and word usage would be similar to that of England and the United States. Both languages can be spoken and understood by the peoples of the Great Sioux Nation. There is a limited amount of information about the Sioux language and for the most part was a language that survived through oral traditions. The language was put in written form by missionaries around 1840 and the language has evolved to incorporate words to accommodate for modern times, but it is difficult to gain access to the language on the inter net and in libraries and is a language better learned by spending time with the people who speak it.

That being said, there is a site that offers an extensive vocabulary list of Lakota words, but the poster apologizes up front for any misspelling or mistakes in translations. The words offered on that site for "new" and "beginning" are:

"Teca" and "Otoka", respectively.

It is unclear if "teca otoka" is how the Sioux would say "new beginnings", and it would be nice to have some one from the Great Sioux Nation answering questions here on Wikianswers as I too, would like to know how to say "new beginnings" in Lakota.

The site from which this translation was made is:

What is the Sioux Indian translation for the word health?

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The Lakota word meaning faith or belief is wowichala or wowachinyeye.

Sioux Indians way of life?

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This can be answered in the teachings of the medicine wheel. No one thing is greater than another. All things fit on the wheel of life....if one thing on the wheel of life is taken away then the wheel wobbles and all life and things suffer.

How do you say my friend in Lakota Sioux?

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Different areas have different customs. I come from the Pueblo Pintado and Whitehorse Chapters and this is what I learned.

For Males (speaking to a male friend that is):

Close friend who is older than you - Shinaai (means my older brother, I's are high-tones)

Close friend who is younger - Shitsili (means my younger brother)

Casual greeting - Ashkii (means boy)

I don't know about women. There are different cultural rules on how the opposite sex interacts and calls one another. However if you want to be a romantic "John" to your lady friend, say "Oh shi Heart" (a Navajo joke lol)

I hope this was helpful.

What were the Sioux marriage customs?

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The Sioux Indian men can marry one or more woman. During their marrying season, a man will propose marriage to five or six women and two or three of them might say yes. The bargain will be sealed once the groom gave a horse to the bride's family.