


Smoking and Tobacco Use

Includes questions related to the abuse of and dependency on nicotine and nicotine products including cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco.

500 Questions

How long does the average smoking man live?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depending on your genetics! If your lucky 70-80 with great health complications. Not so lucky 40-50.

Can house pets suffer from secondhand smoke?

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Asked by Nara664

Second hand smoke will kill anything. The tar and toxins in cigarette smoke will cover the lungs in tar and other junk and yes, kill it. NO IWONT! Nobod has ever seen a single death from second hand smoke. Birds use the discarded butts for building birds nests to raise they're young in. The rise of a pseudo-scientific links lobby Every day there seems to be a new study making a link between food, chemicals or lifestyle and ill-health. None of them has any link with reality. spiked-onlineDOTcom/newsite/article/13287#DOTU6ibAzYo59A Manufacturing the science to meet the agenda, in black on white. Does anyone still have doubts? ''Bal laughs when asked about the role of scientific evidence in guiding policy decisions. "There was no science on how to do a community intervention on something of this global dimension," he says. "Where there is no science, you have to go and be venturesome-you can't use the paucity of science as an excuse to do nothing. We created the science, we did the interventions and then all the scientists came in behind us and analyzed what we did." Read under the title :

Tobacco Control: The Long War-When the Evidence Has to Be Created milbankDOTorg/uploads/documents/0712populationhealth/0712populationhealthDOThtml

How easy is it to get hooked on chewing tobacco if you try it once or twice?

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Asked by Toptittisniper

I started 12 days ago by doing it 2-3 a day, I didn't dip at all yesterday and was irritable. Today I've packed 4 lips, so I think I'm addicted but I'm trying to stop already, you don't wana get hooked! (You just have to control how often you do it, you feel like s*** when you try to quit)

Why do some people think smokeless tobacco is safe?

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Asked by Wiki User

they think that they wont get addiction to it . and they think they can stop at anytime they want to. :P

How do you refill a vintage camel cigarette pack lighter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sorry No Refill!! This was a disposable lighter.

How long does it take to get over the effects of nicotine addiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

The amount of time it takes an individual to get over the effects of a nicotine condition varies greatly from person to person. It can depend on such factors as their body size and weight and how long they smoked for. What method they use to quit can also play a part in how long it takes an individual to get over the effects of a nicotine addiction.

What male rappers smoke cigarettes?

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Asked by Wiki User

I know for fact Mike Stud and Huey Mack both do

Why are smokeless tobacco and second- hand smoke harmful to your health?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is the same thing just in different cant get lung cancer from it but you can still get mouth cancer..the doc will have to go in and cut your lip off...and it also causes tooth decay..and tooth loss

How old did you have to be to smoke?

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Asked by Wiki User

You legaly have to be 18 years of age to buy a smoke.

What is a colony that made profits from tobacco?

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Asked by Wiki User

the Jamestown colony john rolfe was the first one to plant and cure tobacco and save the Jamestown colony from disaster.

Can smoking marijuana after heart surgery kill you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Smoking anything (cigarettes, marijuana) after gastric bypass surgery is highly irritating to the new stomach "pouch" that is created during the surgery. This irritation can cause an ulcer in the stomach, which is almost unbearably painful and prevents the patient from eating or drinking. The other risk of smoking pot after the surgery is the munchies. Immediately after surgery (for the first month or so) your food intake is limited to a couple tablespoons to 1/2 cup of food per meal, and exceeding this amount of food will make you extremely sick, and can also result in death if the staple line in the new stomach is ruptured because it is overfilled. Later, overeating (or eating the wrong foods) will have a profound affect on your ability to lose weight or maintain your weight loss.

To improve on the above, marijuana is used to TREAT ulcers!

Do people build tolerance to chewing tobacco?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes your mouth will stop getting all cut up and your gums will basically become stronger if you do it on a daily basis

Which are the most effective quit smoking programs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well-known smoking cessation support programs include Smokefree, Quitnet, and Nicotine Anonymous. For local support groups, see Quitnet, which provides a listing of smoking cessation programs, organized by location.

Is Benjamin McKenzie smoking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Benjamin Burnley does smoke.

How did people learn to smoke tobacco?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is probably unanswerable. It was most likely curiosity after the discovery of drugs in plants over 1000 years ago.


An alternate explanation could be that people noticed the effect of inhaling the smoke of the tobacco plant after a fire: either from natural causes (for example, from a lightning strike) or artificial ones (the plant being used in cooking).

What are the benefits of laser treatment for smoking cessation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cancer, Bronchitis, gum decay, blocked arteries, the general inability to properly supply the body with oxygen, eyesight deterioration, ageing skin, hair loss, limb amputation, nicotine stained hair and fingers, wheezing and coughing, heart attacks, strokes, impotence in males, etc. In fact, there are NO advantages to smoking.

The amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide is than among tobacco smokers?

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Asked by Wiki User

idk but i do no there is no tar in weed cuz it is placed into the tobacco plants and not marijuana plants

Can you be addicted to cigars?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes! it is addictive because there is a druggish substance inside. Not only that but did the Candaian Health Agecy sue the tobacco companies because the tobacco was so addictive and many people would get cancer from it!

How long does tobacco test positive in a blood test after you quit smoking tobacco?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends what you have been smoking. The half-life of nicotine in the body is 2 hours, meaning that every 2 hours the level of nicotine decreases by half. After about 2 days it is unlikely that nicotine would be detectable.

Marijuana is detectable in the blood for anything up to 2 months - but this is due to a chemical in the plant which has little effect on the high (i.e. you could be pumped full of it and you would not be stoned) being absorbed by the body fat and being slowly released into the bloodstream.

How much is 50g golden Virginia tobacco pouch?

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Asked by Wiki User

on the 3rd of march i bought some in benidorm at 45 euros for a 10x50g pack which works out at around 4pounds 60 pence per pouch

Does chewing tobacco have nutrition?

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Asked by Wiki User


Yes, there is nicotine in chewing tobacco.

The urban myth that there is fiberglass in the tobacco to speed up nicotine delivery has been widely debunked! The glass fibers were said to make tiny cuts in your gums and mouth lining to let the nicotine get into your blood easier.

The stiffer parts of the tobacco leaf - the shaft and it does the same thing as fiberglass might.

What types of smokeless tobacco have sugar in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes there is. about 10%.

This is why when you you pack in smoking you have a need to eat sweets, it has caused a blood sugar low and helps keep you addicted.

Also it hides the taste of the nicotine which is NOT addictive.

Have you ever heard of anyone addicted to Nicotine patches? I think not...

An interesting point. According to studies, the long term quitting success rate of nicotine patches can be as low as 1.6%, yet it is promoted as an 'effective' means of quitting smoking. (Would you use a condom as an 'effective' means of birth control and protection if it split 98% of the time?)

The 'experts' are currently debating whether sugar is addictive and whether it has any relevance to obesity.
ya i tink

What rights do non smokers have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many states have enacted laws to protect non smokers from second hand smoke. There is a federal law that bans smoking on airplanes. There are also several states that do not allow smoking in public buildings.

What is the legal age to purchase tobacco in Israel?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no minimum age to purchase tobacco in Israel. Any person of any age can purchase tobacco in Israel.