

Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty

Blizzard's sci-fi strategy game Starcraft receives its sequel with Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty. The game features three rival factions: the terrans, the zerg, and the protoss. Wings of Liberty is the first of three planned StarCraft games, each offering a single-player campaign focused on one of the three races.The single-player campaign focuses on the terrans, led by Jim Raynor, in a story spanning 29 missions. Online support for up to eight players is offered through Blizzard's service. Also included in a built-in editor that lets players create custom maps with scripted events.

407 Questions

How well will a ATI radeon hd 5730 run Starcraft 2 Dragon Age and Borderlands?

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I have an asus N61J laptop with the ATI 5730 ... for starcraft 2 you can run all the setting at ultra I've never had a problem.

When is Starcraft 2 released?

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June-July 2010

How do you find the key code for a 1999 Pontiac firebird?

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Asked by Wiki User

You have to put the car into program mode, usually you can order an new keyless entry and it has the instructions. If you are talking about the ignition key security, you will have to buy a remote start for the car as this will bypass the resistor in the key.

How do you broadcast a Starcraft 2 game?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's not very hard. you just need a program to record what is on the screen and a mic to talk into... watch some games from Huskystarcraft, Hdstarcraft or psystarcraft...

How can You play Starcraft 2 on a xbox 360?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you can you need to buy the disk then put it in you Xbox go to the disk options and select run it will download Starcraft and boom you can play Starcraft 2.

The answer above will not work. You cannot play StarCraft 2 on any of the major consoles (perhaps a heavily modded PS3 with a Linux operating system) at this time. If you have seen a YouTube video claiming otherwise with Starcraft 2 being played using a motion sensor like Kinect, that was an April fools joke back in 2011.

See the related link to that joke.

How do you get accepted to the Starcraft II Beta?

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Asked by Wiki User

You get it by either getting chosen by Blizzard when you enter the drawings on, and you can get the code from the Blizzcon '08 (e-bay has tons of them on sale.)

What are the Starcraft 2 rankings?

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The rankings are; Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and most recently added Master League.

Can you have two on charactars on Starcraft 2?

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Unfortunately you can't. Only one account can be linked to each Battlenet Serial Key, but you can make guest accounts but you can do everything except play online.

Where is the DPI on Starcraft 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

well it isnt out yet but if you have face book then it will have it there

Why there is no Dark Archon in Starcraft 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well the game itself is the first of a series of 3 so they have to save something for the 2 expansions that will be coming up soon. Actually, you have to combine several troops in sc. 2 but in sc. 1 there is, as you can see.

How do you pause a game in Starcraft 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

hit menu then hit pause

I have an Intel Pentium dual-core desktop processor e5200 4gb ram 1680x1050 resolution Intel graphics media accelerator 3100 will I be able to play Starcraft 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you should. I have about the same requirements, and the beta runs just fine - a bit laggish, but not so much. The graphics settings for the game should remain on the low end or it will lag for minutes.

Starcraft 2 patches how many?

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Answer: ALOT!

Where do you find key codes for a 1998 Honda civic?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Key Codes can only be found by going to a Honda dealership with your original Ownership and Valid Drivers License. They will use your VIN to obtain your Key Code.

Does star craft 2 wings of liberty have skirmish?

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If by skirmish you mean able to play AI in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4? Then, yes it does have skirmish.

Can you still cheat in single player in Starcraft 2?

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Yes you can, but by using these cheats you disable all achievements and rewards until you start a new game. A list of cheats can be found online.

Why do you suck at Starcraft 2?

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Asked by USAftw

If you`re refering to ME, I object- I am a strong Zerg player who has mastered the art of the Zerg Rush. If you are asking for help, I suggest you look up some strategies. It depends on your race:

Terran: Build lots of SCVs to get lots of resources, and bunker all of your Marines untill you can expand and swarm.

Zerg: Quickly get a lot of drones/overlords/zerglings, and rush the opponent with zerglings/queens. Is deadly against all races, but will completley DESTROY the protoss.

Protoss: Probes, lots of em. Then build lots of Zealots and Pylons and save up for a Stargate/ Gateway/Satlkers

How do you beat the mission 'Supernova' in Starcraft 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

When your base sets up get your banshees and move to the top left corner and destroy the Protoss base, (this stops waves of protoss attacking) Then start amassing an army, I used the Mercanaries Banshee and viking, then when the fire is getting close, beready to hightail. get your building up in the air and a safe distance from the fire, then use your new army to go through to the base east of your starting position, there are 2 protoss research this way too, now get your banshees to take out the pylons before they reveal them and everyone attacks them, then start clearing out, and move your army and set up base, next, after your are recuperated, start clearing towards the shrine (one protoss relic is north east the other one is to the direct east) after you get close, I(Me) Sent my banshees in and took out the pylons and observers, then cleared it out, as soon as the buildings destroyed GG

How much does a computer that can run Starcraft 2 on ultra with NO LAG cost?

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Since Starcraft 2 is not that visually intense of a game, you will probably be able to run it on most computer on moderate settings, if you want to run it on ultra, get a good computer at around the 800 - 1000 dollar desktop computer.

Is a new MacBook good enough to play Starcraft II on?

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Starcraft II according to blizzard needs a minimum of an Intel® HD Graphics 3000 plus 2GB memory and a Core 2 Duo. So any MacBook from 2012 onwards passes that MINIMUM specification. But they may struggle if you put graphic details on anything too high. You may need a MacBook Pro 15 inch with a dedicated graphics card for better quality graphics.

How do you play custom in Star Craft 2?

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If you mean custom games you go into multiplayer and in the bottom righthand corner you should see the custom game section.

Can Starcraft 2 be played on the Intel graphics HD 3000?

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yes it can be played on any computer. if your computer is the intel graphics HD 3000 then you'll have HD graphics that's the only difference.