

Suicide Warning Signs, Statistics, and Prevention

Suicide, or the taking of one’s own life, can be a difficult thing to understand. Here you can ask and answer questions about the warning signs of suicide, where to give or get help, how to deal with the after effects of someone you know killing themselves, statistics, and moral or religious views. The intent is not to offer answers to how to harm yourself. If you feel like you need to talk to someone or are worried about someone you know, a listing of hotline numbers can be found in the answer to What should you do if you are contemplating suicide?

500 Questions

Have suicide rates increased or decreased?

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Asked by Wiki User

Suicide rates have generally been increasing in many countries over the past few decades. However, it is important to note that suicide rates can vary greatly depending on factors such as demographics, socioeconomic conditions, and access to mental health resources. It is essential to address the underlying reasons for suicide and provide timely support and interventions to prevent further tragedies.

How can committing suicide be selfish to someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Committing suicide can be seen as selfish because it leaves behind loved ones and family members who are left to deal with the pain, grief, and unanswered questions. It is understandable that someone may be feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, but it is important to seek help and support from loved ones or professionals who can assist in finding alternative solutions and coping strategies.

Which country tops in committing suicide?

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Asked by Gowthamanmanoj

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the highest suicide rate by country is found in Lithuania.

What makes someone to want to commit suicide?

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Asked by Sensirie

There is no single cause for suicidal thoughts or behaviors, as they can be influenced by a combination of factors such as mental health issues (such as depression or anxiety), past trauma, social isolation, substance abuse, or experiencing a major life crisis. It is important to remember that each person's experience is unique, and seeking professional help and support can make a difference in preventing suicide.

What group of animals found in the Scandinavian regions as well as Lapland overpopulate its kind and then they march towards the sea to commit suicide?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think you're referring to lemmings, a small rat-like animal. However, the idea that they commit mass suicide by marching and flinging themselves into the sea is a myth, it doesn't actually happen.

What happens if a guy takes 5 sleeping pills and whiskey at the same time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depending on your body weight, most likely you'll first be slightly over the legal blood alcohol limit for driving, then soon after you'll be asleep AND over the blood alcohol limit for driving.

A very dangerous combination for driving. Otherwise not wise but not likely to be deadly.

(One assumes modern sleeping aids).

What colour represents suicide?

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Asked by Wiki User

For Suicide awarness day its Yellow or u can write *LOVE* on your wrist to resemble Suicide awarness day =)

Can you get arrested for trying to commit suicide?

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Asked by Wiki User

no but if anyone finds out they will put you in a hospital and put you on meds and f the meds don't help they will send you to a mental hospital or rehab

What do you do if im suicidal?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are a number of different reasons why people may have suicidal thoughts. Some people have a mental illness such as clinical depression of bipolar disorder, and those illnesses can be successfully treated by drugs. Other people are depressed because of some terrible difficulty that they are having in their lives, such as financial problems, or a failed marriage, or poor health, etc. Teenagers may believe that they can't live without some particular person that they have fallen in love with, and if rejected may become suicidal. In all of these cases it is possible to get help, although different problems require different kinds of help. If you can say whether there is some specific problem related to your suicidal thoughts, we might be able to give more specific advice. If it's nothing specific, then chances are you need to be on medication.

Can suicide be forgiven?

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Asked by Wiki User

no! no! no! don't do it! Life is to much important to die for. No one knows what shall happen.

Roman Catholic AnswerAny sin can be forgiven if the person repents, confesses, and receives absolution in the sacrament of penance - this is the normal way that Jesus set things up to receive God's forgiveness. Successful suicide cannot be forgiven for a number of reasons, most obviously because the person is no longer around to seek that forgiveness. The other main reason is that it manifests despair. Despair is an unforgivable sin as anyone who despairs thinks they cannot be forgiven and so they do not even ask. Thus, all the problems a suicide was thinking of avoiding - through suicide - only manifest themselves eternally in hell. Nobody - while alive - is beyond the help of God. So anyone thinking of suicide should call a priest pronto and speak to them to receive God's mercy before it is too late, eternally too late.

How many people who suffered losses in the Madoff Scheme have committed suicide?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alot of the people who invested and trusted their money and lifelong savings with him. you can probably find the exact number at a new website. Hope I helped :)

How many attempted suicides are there a year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Every 40 seconds in the U.S. It is estimated that it's attempted every 2 seconds all over the world; and every 17 minutes it is achieved. It is currently the 11th cause of death in the U.S.

Fact: Girls contemplate suicide twice as much as guys; every suicide by there are four male suicides for every female suicide, but three female attempts for each male attempt.

How do you know when enough is enough and it's time to kill yourself?

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Asked by Wiki User

Keep fighting. When you feel overwhelmed and like you just can't take another thing, take a step back, relax, and set your sights on something simple - like a coffee, a new CD, running, nature. Remember that you have the power to affect lives positively no matter where you are in life.

How normal are suicide thoughts?

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Asked by JoiNmeINDeatH666

No, they are not, and you should probably go and see your doctor and tell him about this because your life is too important to just end it. You need to get your mental health back to normal so you can live a normal life without these thoughts.

Just to amplify what was written above: Depression is an illness. You wouldn't ignore a broken leg or throat cancer, and yet far too many people ignore Depression because of the stone-age mentality that Mental Illness is "shameful" or "something you could get over if you really wanted to." You can no more shake off Depression by force of will than you could shake off Tuberculosis. It's a disease, and it needs treatment.

Why did Amanda Todd get bullied?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 7th grade she flashed her breasts on webcam to a guy. A year later that guy contacted her on Facebook and told her to show him her breasts. He knew her address, school, relatives, friends, and family names. Her photo was sent to everyone.

A year later he came back and made a Facebook page with her breasts as the profile picture. Then nobody at school liked her. She switched schools again. A month later she started talking to an old guy friend. His girlfriend was on vacation and he told her to come over. They had sex.

Then his girlfriend found out. Amanda was told nobody liked her. The guy's girlfriend punched her and threw her on the ground. Amanda had sex with the guy before because he didn't want to hurt him. She thought he liked her, but just wanted sex.

The related links has a video that was made about a month before she died.

Why would a teen girl shave her head?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a society that places high value on the appearance our hair it seems like an odd thing to do doesn't it? It could be she is just expressing herself though. Hair grows back, so unless there are other symptoms of something else going on with her, she probably just wanted to shave her head. Shaved heads feel nice and cool, and if society was not so appearance centric I imagine many more females would shave their heads, especially if they knew how wonderful it feels.

How do people get the nerve to commit suicide?

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Asked by Wiki User

For me it is because you find yourself at a dead end. Everything in your life is gone. No friends, no job, no income, and no family that cares. When you have a mental disorder you tend to not think clearly and medication takes so long to help. You get helpless and have no one to help you. Because you are so tired you have no energy to seek help. At that point many of us decide death is better than life. I try hard to remind myself why I need to stay alive. It is hard for me at times and feel so alone. I hope this gives you insight on why people like me do so. If you have a friend thinking about it or has told you they want to kill themselves get them help at once. Call the police if you need to and let them know you care. I wish so badly I had someone that cared that much about me.