


Teen Dating

This topic includes questions about all the drama about teen dating and questions about how to deal with your feelings, such as falling in love with your best friend, good dating skills, and more.

500 Questions

Do boys ask girls out or do girls ask boys out?

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Asked by Wiki User

Traditionally, boys have been expected to ask girls out, but in modern dating culture, either gender can take the initiative to ask someone out. It ultimately depends on personal preference and comfort level for both parties involved.

Why does this boy keep on touching your body?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to communicate clearly with the boy that his actions are not acceptable and make you uncomfortable. Setting boundaries and expressing your feelings directly can help stop this behavior. If it continues or escalates, seek support from a trusted adult or authority figure.

How do you stop a guy from moaning during sex?

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Asked by Bob1link

It's important to communicate openly with your partner about what is comfortable for you during sex. Express your preferences and boundaries clearly and respectfully. Encourage your partner to actively listen and be understanding of your needs.

What does it mean when a guy smells your hair hair?

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Asked by Wiki User

People produce pheromones from glands in the neck and scalp. People of the opposite sex (and people of the same sex who are homosexual) find these pheromones quite pleasant, due to their natural instincts. These pheromones are simple chemicals that stick to the hair and can be picked up by the nose during an inhalation.

As for what it means, it could be anything: he could simply like how your hair smells. However, in general, when someone sniffs someone else's hair, it is because they are interested in an intimate relationship with that person.

Who cums faster a guy or a girl?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no definitive answer to this question as the speed at which someone reaches orgasm can vary greatly from person to person regardless of their gender. It depends on individual factors, such as arousal levels, sensitivity, experience, and many other variables.

Why does sperming feel good?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sperm contains neurochemicals like dopamine and oxytocin that can trigger feelings of pleasure when ejaculated. Additionally, the act of ejaculating can stimulate nerve endings in the genital area, leading to pleasurable sensations.

What does it mean when a guy squeeze your thigh?

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Asked by Wiki User

Squeezing your thigh could be a sign of affection, flirtation, or a way to show interest. It might also be an attempt to grab your attention or show a sense of dominance. It's important to consider the context and your comfort level to interpret the gesture accurately.

What does it mean when a guy squeeze your thigh hard?

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Asked by Wiki User

Squeezing your thigh hard could be a sign of aggression, dominance, or possessiveness. It's important to communicate your boundaries and discomfort if this behavior is unwanted.

What does it mean when a guy pats you on the upper arm everytime he sees you when he passes by to say hi?

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Asked by Wiki User

He might be interested in going out with you, or something more than a friendship. He might just be really shy to say anything or ask you out. If you're interested in him, try doing the same thing to him and see what his response is.

Why would it be difficult to date an item that was 1000000 years old using this technique?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dating an item that is 1,000,000 years old using techniques like carbon dating would be difficult because carbon dating can only accurately measure up to around 50,000 years due to the half-life of carbon-14. For items older than that, other dating methods such as uranium-lead dating or argon-argon dating would need to be used, but these methods have limitations and uncertainties that increase with the age of the sample, making precise dating challenging.

Why can't you hold mercury in your hand?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can be absorbed through the skin, so direct contact should be avoided. It is also a liquid at room temperature, making it hard to contain and potentially exposing you to its harmful effects. Handling mercury without proper precautions can lead to serious health risks.

Is it awkward for a girl when a guy is grinding on her and she feels him get a erection?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it can definitely be awkward for a girl if she feels a guy getting an erection while grinding. She may feel uncomfortable or unsure of how to react in that situation. Communication and mutual respect are key in navigating such scenarios.

What does it mean if a boy wants to poke you?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could mean that he's interested in you romantically or sexually. However, it's important to communicate openly with him to understand his intentions and set boundaries that you're comfortable with.

How do you tell if people think you're fat?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to remember that other people's opinions about our bodies are not always accurate or important. Focus on your own feelings, health, and well-being rather than seeking external validation of your body size. If you're concerned about your weight or health, consider speaking with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and support.

How do you Make yourself unresistable to a guy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Focus on being confident in yourself, showing genuine interest in the person, and maintaining good hygiene and appearance. Be authentic, have a positive attitude, and treat them with kindness and respect. Remember that attraction is subjective, and it's important to be yourself rather than trying to be something you're not.

Can a virgin girl get pregnant if a sperm touches her hymen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pregnancy is possible if sperm comes into contact with the vagina, regardless of whether the individual is a virgin or not. The presence of a hymen does not prevent pregnancy if sperm enters the vagina. It is important to use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

How do you make a girl let her feel her boobs?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is inappropriate and disrespectful to try to make someone feel uncomfortable by touching their body without their consent. It is crucial to always respect people's boundaries and seek explicit permission before engaging in any physical contact. Consent is essential in all interactions.

What does it mean when a guy pokes you in the arm and does it mean he flirting with me?

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Asked by Gangel264

A guy poking you in the arm could simply mean he's teasing or trying to get your attention. It doesn't necessarily indicate flirting on its own, as people may have different ways of playfully interacting. Look for additional signs, like prolonged eye contact or personal questions, to determine if he's flirting with you.

What does it mean when a guy pokes you in the arm?

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Asked by Gangel264

It could mean he's trying to get your attention or be playful. It could also be just a friendly gesture without any particular meaning.

Should you say smelled or smelt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both "smelled" and "smelt" are correct and commonly used in different regions. "Smelled" is more common in American English, while "smelt" is more common in British English. Choose the one that matches the spelling conventions of the region you are writing for.

What is it called when a guy sticks his penis between the girls boobs?

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Asked by Wiki User

That is commonly referred to as "titty fucking" or "tit fucking". It is a sexual activity where a person thrusts their penis between someone else's breasts for stimulation.

What does it mean when a thermometer says L?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a thermometer displays "L", it typically indicates that the temperature reading is below the thermometer's lower limit or range of measurement. This could be due to the temperature being too low for the thermometer to accurately detect.

What is cim mean in sex?

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Asked by Wiki User

"CIM" stands for "cum in mouth," which refers to a sexual act involving ejaculation into the mouth of a partner. It is a type of sexual activity that some individuals may engage in as part of their sexual preferences or practices.

What does it mean when a guys balls drop after sex?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "balls dropping" is usually used informally to refer to the testicles returning to their normal position after being temporarily pulled up towards the body during sexual arousal. This is a normal physiological response in men and is not a cause for concern.

What does it mean when a guy pokes you in the thigh?

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Asked by Wiki User

Normal when i guy pokes you it means he wants you attention. It can be a sign that he likes you, or even wanting to kiss you. "Some" Boy will poke you if your layed next to them or even sat with them will poke you for your attention. But it could just be guys being anoyying. There is too ways too it.