

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on February 14th. It is a celebration of romantic love and affection, during which couples often exchange gifts or share an intimate meal. Some popular Valentine's Day gifts include cards, candies, and flowers.

500 Questions

Which famous explorer was killed on St. Valentine Day by natives in the Sandwich Island?

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James Cook was killed on February 14, 1779 by Native Hawaiins on the Island of Hawaii (near Kealakekua).

What do you see on Valentine's Day?

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When you have a Valentine for Valentines Day , you will start dating them on that day (Valentines Day)

How did they celebrate Valentine's Day in the middle ages?

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They did not celebrate it.

During the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that birds mating season began from February 14. The first known Valentine card was written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of his wife. St Valentine also wrote the now popular phrase, 'from your valentine' ...a day before he was to be executed. The romantic image of Valentine's Day festival during middle ages was becoming more widely known and soon, Feb 14th was used as a special day to show your love for someone...with flowers and love notes.

Most roses sold in the us for valentines day are grown in what state?

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The state of California produces 60% of American roses, but most roses sold on Valentine's Day in the U.S. are imported from South America. Hope that helps!

How do you write a Valentine's Day card for your crush?

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Well first of all, I would suggest deciding upon a medium to write with, which would depend on your canvas. If you want an impersonal type, then Microsoft Word or something like it, then whatever font you'd like. Then, depending on what canvas, decide the medium, could be a pen, pencil, calligraphy pen, blood, whatever floats your boat. Then, let your heart take over.

Why is valentine's day a public holiday?

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Valentine's day is not a public holiday.

What does the letters in valentine mean?

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The Valentine in Valentines Day is in represenation of St Valentine the patron St of love.

Where can one go to find good valentine gift ideas?

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One can find good valentine gift ideas from: Business Idea, List 25, Amazon, Huffington Post, Timeout, Uncommon Goods, Readers Digest, Marie Claire, Red Envelope, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Gifts, Seventeen, to name a few.

What happened in Chicago on valentine's day in 1929?

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A mob hit called the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre made that day memorable.

How do you remove cupid account from Facebook?

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please can i delete my cupid account

What is the best thing to give a friend on Valentine's Day this year?

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well, if u really care bout him/her u should ge t her/him a gift from the heart ....something made or even go to a store and buy them some heart pepermints or heart lollipops and besides i like my friends alot but me personally wouldnt get some1 something ffor Valentines Day but it is your choice. If you are to make something you could get a basket (or make one out of sticks) and put different types of Valentine candies in it and don't forget the Valentines card could make one by hand or print one on the computer or you can go to a store and look for Valentine cards and then you can decorate in any way you want.......Hope this helps

How people celebrate Valentine's Day?

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Just give them a Preasant then give them flowers

Valentine's Day was named from whom?

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Saint Valentine ( latin : Valentinus ) ( tradtion died in ca. 269 ). Although the name is giving to several saints that were martyred ; nothing is known about the saint whose feast day is February 14 , except his name and the location of his burial site ( it is believed he was buried at the Via Flamina , north of Rome on February 14 ). .. He is believe to be the patron Saint of : affianced couples , against fainting , bee keepers , happy marriages , love , plague , and epileptics. .. he is shown as and with : birds ; roses ; bishop with a crippled or epileptic child at his feet ; bishop with a rooster nearby ; bishop refusing to adore an idol ; bishop being beheaded ; priest bearing a sword ; priest holding a sun ; priest giving sight to a blind girl .

Who sent the oldest known valentine in 1415?

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Charles, the Duke of Orleans sent the first valentine in 1415.

How did sending valentine cards begin?

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In ancient Spain,the emperor was enquring why the youths are not coming in the national troops as defenders, then he found out that all the youths are committed in busy with their life partners and lovers, then he ordered no one should not love or marry in his country, but the father Valantaine helped the people to get marry and to be loved...the emperor found out the father Valantaine and cut his head..that was in a Feb.14....then the people festives as feb 14 and sending the wishes in that date.

What do you say on a card that you give to your boyfriend for valentines day?

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u can say

" i wan u to be happy 4ever...i know u ll be happy if 'm not wit u....

but i really loved u and can nevr 4get ur love an days spent with u...

don think tat 'm disturbing u nw... jus wanna

Wish u a happy Valentine's day dear...!!

take care!! "

What day of the week will Valentine's Day be in the year 2020?

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Valentine's Day - February 14 - will fall on a Friday in 2020.

What is the next day after Valentine's Day called?

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Improve this answer...Candlemas (Eastern Orthodox Church)

  • Christian Feast Day:
-Claude de la Colombière

-Faustinus and Jovita


-Sigfrid of Sweden

-Vartan (a holiday for Armenians in Lebanon)

-Thomas Bray (Episcopal Church (USA))

-February 15 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)

  • Liberation Day (Afghanistan)
  • John Frum Day (Vanuatu)
  • National Day (Serbia)
  • National Flag of Canada Day (Canada)
  • Parinirvana Day, also celebrated on February 8. (Mahayana Buddhism)
  • Susan B. Anthony Day (United States)
  • The ENIAC Day
  • The third and final day of Lupercalia, also known as Februa. (Roman Empire)
  • Total Defence Day (Singapore)

Who made up Valentine's Day?

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There was a man named Valentine and he went to jail and his wife sent him love letters. He became famous and that's how Valentine's Day was made. And cupid is not real.

How do you get sent a valentine card?

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to get a valentine card you have to show the one you like you have to show that you care and that you want that valentine try this out it WILL happen Garnette you'll be happy it will take a while i have more than 12 cards i did it why cant you?

When was Valentine's Day first an official holiday?

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In 496 A.D February 14, was declared in the name of St. Valentine but it wasn't until 1537 that St. Valentine's day was declared an official holiday. England's King Henry VIII declared February 14th a holiday.

Is sweeties day for men and valentines day for women?

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Sweetest Day, much like Valentine's Day, is meant to be celebrated by all genders. Sweetest Day was originally intended as a day to remember those less fortunate, but also loved ones.
