


The Velociraptor was a small feathered carnivore. Some were about as tall as an adult human's knee, where others were the size of an adult human.

500 Questions

Where can you buy a velociraptor's resonating chamber?

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Saw it on ebay, but it does not function as a whistle.

How did the velociraptor get its name?

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Henry Field Osborn, president of the American Museum of Natural History, named Velociraptor in 1924. The name means "swift robber," referring to the fact that Velociraptor was a predator and was adept at running.

What is an immature raptor?

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Did the velociarapter travel in groups?

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Asked by Wiki User

We can infer they probably were for a couple of reasons. First, they were too small and weak to take down large prey by themselves. Second, raptors, (as they are commonly refered to), could use they're elevated intellect better in groups, to create coordinated attacks.

What countries use cilantro?

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america and mexico

How do you pronounce Velociraptor?

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What is the enemies of a velociraptor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well their were large oviraptors that might have fought velociraptor, but youd have to be larger than an oviraptor if you want to take a velociraptor down!

What is descendant for a velociraptor a cat dog bird or fish?

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Probably none of them are actual descendents of velociraptor, but birds are close relatives. They are not related to cats and dogs (which are mammals) or fish.

What does the name Velociraptor?

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Asked by Wiki User

The "velociraptor*" (Velociraptor mongoliensis) was a species of small dinosaur, about ~6 feet (~2 m) long and ~3 feet (~1 m) tall. They lived about 75 million years ago, in the late Cretaceous. Velociraptors may have hunted in groups, and were very smart for dinosaurs. They had one large inner toe and claw on each foot, much larger than the others. They would use this to pierce and wound their prey, and perhaps to grip prey in a manner similar to modern hawks and eagles. Recent discoveries have shown that velociraptor had large feathers on its arms, to the extent that they would have resembled bird wings, and probably had feathers over its entire body.

* The name, velociraptor, means swift seizer, swift plunderer, or swift thief.

What colour are velociraptor?

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nobody knows, dinosaur skin color has always been a mystery to scientists

What is named after a velociraptor?

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Well, for one there is a U.S. stealth airplane called the F-22 Raptor.

What language is Velociraptor?

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Velociraptor is an English word for a species of dinosaur.

How big is the velociraptor neck?

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about 20 inches

How fast did the dinosaurs die?

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They died when they died. So dont act stupid cuz they died when they died. :) HEH HEH HEH! They are stupid dinoz ;)

When you multiply or divide an inquality by a negative number you must reverse the sense of inequality why?

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Asked by Armstrongc

You must reverse the sense of inequality because, in essence, you're taking the opposite of both sides.

In order to more properly show this, here's an example.


Three is greater than two. True statement, right? Let's multiply both sides by -1


The statement is no longer true. In order to keep the equation true, you must flip the inequality.

As in


Now, the statement is true again.

What was the velociraptors social life like?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no fossil evidence that suggests that Velociraptor lived in packs. Some other raptors may have, however. Most likely Velociraptor was solitary, perhaps because the thinly spread resources of the desert make it more difficult to live in groups. They probably were territorial for that reason, too. In fact, one skull of a Velociraptor shows lethal bite marks from another Velociraptor.

Why do velociraptors have 3 fingers?

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Asked by DeborahShermanfb7614