


Virgo (August 23 to September 22) is one of the 12 zodiac signs that outline human personalities based on birth dates.

500 Questions

What kind of Virgo are you?

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Virgo's tend to go with the flow...just don't make them mad...will hold a grudge indefinately! Very devoted to loved ones and will have a couple of true long-term friendships. Very honest and hard working with sarcastic sense of humor. Very independent (especially the women) and do not like to be controlled. Have a reputation of being clean-freaks...true in most, but not all cases. Like nice things, furniture, etc. DO NOT like attention drawn to them. Like to live in the shadows.

Who is Virgo compatiable with?

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Pisces, that's one i know. but in some cases not always they are opposite signs and the relationship can either be amazing or horrible no in betweens

What are some typical likes and dislikes of Scorpio woman when it comes o dating a Virgo man?

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water+air=rainYou'll be extremely attracted to sensual Libra, and they'll react nicely to the hot-blooded Scorpio temperament. You'll have a few striking differences to overcome, though. Libra might like a rather open-ended social and romantic arrangement, so your possessive and demanding attitude could be too limiting for them.

Your overprotective and jealous streak is something they're not going to get over: at some point, even if you think they're dealing with it, you'll be in for a rude awakening. They'll need to dig deep into their arsenal of diplomatic weaponry to get around your bossiness and inflexibility.

Libra is an air element, and air represents their personality. This means they will be intrigued by your fascination with the mystery of human nature and life in general, and will get close to you on a level that other star signs may not be able to reach. This will help you both in terms of your communication and intellectual understanding of each other.

Libra will encourage you and send your mind down new avenues. You'll be prepared to share your emotional and sexual self with them. This is a distinct plus for your compatibility rating as a whole. In a long-term relationship this could tie into earnings. In other words, you could make a lot of money together if you persevere in a relationship.

Generally, your silent treatment will frustrate Libra no end whenever they try to extract information and explanations from you. You only reveal things on your own terms, so you'll need to let Libra know that it's not worth holding their breath when you've decided to bite your tongue.

Be careful in your relationships with Librans born between 23 September and 3 October: your financial arrangements could get messy, because you have different approaches. Until you have a clear idea of each other's financial philosophy, don't get into loans or other borrowings.

You'll have a hard time remaining grounded with Librans born between 4 October and 13 October. They're indecisive about things you think are easily solved. You like to make a decision and act on it quickly; these Librans need to explore every possible alternative.

Librans born between 14 October and 23 October will offer you great companionship and will always support you with good and timely advice. This will be a good match.

but honestly horoscopes don't matter, it's what you think of them so don't let a horoscope decide your relationship.

hope this helped :)

Are Virgo good looking?

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Are you good looking? No. So neither are they.

Is Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man one of the best love matches?

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this is a good match scorpios inquiring mind is agile enough to keep u with Virgo and the Virgo brings out the beast in Scorpio

Can a Virgo man marry a Virgo woman and be satisfied?

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If you believe in Astrology a Scorpio and a Virgo would not have a very good relationship. Scorpios are meant to be with Cancers and Virgos are supposed to be with Taurus.

If you don't believe in Astrology, thenanyone can have a good relationship wiht anyone else, depending on their individual personalities.

Is Gemini matches with Virgo?

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very!! they will be best friends if they get close together....BUT

Gemini annoys Virgo Virgo annoys Gemini

its actually very funny

relationship wise? Gemini will leave Virgo but will leave because Virgo will smother Gemini. OR Virgo will leave Gemini because Gemini wont want to stay around 24/7


Virgos are masters of organization and look for perfection in everything - and that means you too! The Virgo love connection needs to make sense on all levels (as well as intuitively) before the green light is given. Trust, reliability, and a stable love wins and keeps their heart.

Virgo - Gemini : Creative bliss! They're in intellectual heaven.
Yes, they can have a smooth relationship in many cases. They get along quite well as long as one doesn't try to hurt the other emotionally.

What is Virgo birth stone?

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Actually, birthstones follow what month a person is born in...not what sign. A Virgo is born in both August and September so, depending on what your actual birthdate is, your birthstone may either be Peridot (August) or Sapphire (September).

Would a Virgo woman and Pieces Man work?

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I think that Virgos and Pieces are a good match because my friend that's a boy and I are very close friends. My horoscope on Astro Girl magazine says that my best friend would tell the name of my latest crush to the person, which is my friend. It also says that when Mercury moves forward he would reveal his feelings about me too. I am also a Virgo and he is a pieces.


Virgos are masters of organization and look for perfection in everything - and that means you too! The Virgo love connection needs to make sense on all levels (as well as intuitively) before the green light is given. Trust, reliability, and a stable love wins and keeps their heart.

Virgo - Pisces : There's a natural blend of mind power and intuition.

What is the element of Virgo?

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Earth, the element of stability

^^ it is believed to be earth however as there is some confusion whether Aquarius is air or water, it could possibly be fire but most people believe it is earth.

What animal is a Virgo?

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Its a human sign represented by a virgin female human.

What are Virgo like?

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Virgo Men are lover of purity and detail. They are very skeptic about woman and critic in nature. They dislike all sorts of vulgarity. Fond of research on mystic subject.They have strong intuition and judgment about people and things.

What is the compatible male sign for a female Virgo?

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Virgo is an Earth sign, which in astrology, basically means that they are very reserved and sensible people. Their most compatible signs would be their other fellow Earth-mates, which are Capricorn and Taurus. Capricorn have a certain sophistication to their look, which the Virgo is instantly attracted to, even though the Capricorn may think the Virgin is too boring and reserved sometimes. Taurus, on the other hand, is attracted to the Virgo's sense of neatness, as many Taurus' are sufferers of OCD!

This isn't to say, however, that the other 10 signs of the Zodiac are all trash to the Virgo! This sign is also VERY compatible with the Cancer, even though their emotional needs may sometimes scare, and possible even drive off the Virgo! They are also fairly compatible with Pisces, although their needs may be very different to one another, so at some point, they might have to let each other go!

Why are the Virgo and Scorpio zodiac signs the same lower case m shape?

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They aren't.

Virgo looks like a lower case "m" with a lower-case "p" bumped up against it with the tail crossed over the the common line.

Scorpio looks like a lower-case "m" with the end leg of the "m" extended below the line and turned up to the right at a 45 degree angle in what appears to be a tail..

Why are Virgos so obsessive?

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They're perfections and are their own worst critics!

If Virgo girl and Taurus boy are dating over phone and boy leaves her and wants to be friends will they get back together in the future?

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Breaking up and meeting again and again is Taurus and Virgo thing. You guys seek for a perfect partner but truth is you guys together only can go nearest to perfection. Let us know what happened in your case.

What is the most compatible sign for a male Virgo?

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Love Insights

Virgos are masters of organization and look for perfection in everything - and that means you too! The Virgo love connection needs to make sense on all levels (as well as intuitively) before the green light is given. Trust, reliability, and a stable love wins and keeps their heart.

Virgo - Aries : They have complimentary skills and attributes.

Virgo - Taurus : These two are in-sync - life is better than good!

Virgo - Gemini : Creative bliss! They're in intellectual heaven.

Virgo - Cancer : Magical! They innately understand each other.

Virgo - Leo : Strengths and differences stabilize their relationship.

Virgo - Virgo : Perfection - two peas in a pod, same value system!

Virgo - Libra : They both desire a harmonious existence.

Virgo - Scorpio : Their minds are both intellectual and inquiring.

Virgo - Sagittarius : Sag is visionary, Virgo loves details - great potential.

Virgo - Capricorn : This is a loyal and loving union - the best!

Virgo - Aquarius : Communication is a strong point and creativity.

Virgo - Pisces : There's a natural blend of mind power and intuition.

People under the sign of the virgin tend to be very diverse and likely to adapt to any kind of situation. This allows you to be creative in a relationship and it helps you to make the best out of any situation. It doesn't matter what sign they are because each zodiac sign has something different to offer to the table. Being a Virgo doesn't mean we all have the same personality traits. So to answer your question it doesn't matter. We all have different things to offer. All the zodiac signs are compatible with patience and time.

How does a Gemini woman attract a Virgo man?

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I am sure that there are astologers who will disagree with me, however, sex is not really governed by astrology. Men are attractive to women for essentially the same reasons, regardless of the astrological signs that may be involved. Desirable male traits are known to include: good looks, wealth, friendliness, and a good sense of humor. Specific women may have other items on their lists (e.g., must like dogs).

Would a Virgo and a Sagittarius make a good couple?

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NO!!! there are to muny differences in this relationship! I personally would't base a relationship on signs of the zodiac, its almost like asking would someone with blonde hair get on with someone with black hair. A relationship works if you both work at it. (Thats my own view).

Is a Virgo man compatible with a Pisces woman?

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To be hones with you I don't know, but i have a suggestion so you can find your answer. On nearly every Horoscope page there is a place on these pages that offer comparisions. You type your sign in and it asks you the sign you want to know if you are compatible with, put that sign in and these sites will give you your answer for free. I do know that Virgo women are very nice people, but Pisces men are the ones who constantly reach for what they can never have in life. Few of them are successufl in life as they are greedy, but they are also clean freaks, so you decide on this information, or check out a horoscope site.

Does the Aquarius woman attract the Virgo man?

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Aquarius women have the ability to attract pretty much any man (at first glance of course) and it probably has to do with our graceful ability to communicate well with just about anyone. Aquarius women have a very attractive and eccentric air about them which can make them stand out in a crowd. We can attract men from a first impression basis, but since the Aquarius women is a bit of a paradox in her own right she can confuse a man. One minute she can be the most generous caring and attentive person in the world, and the next she is aloof and can't be bothered with your problems because they seem trivial to her.

This can be exhausting for a man who likes predictability and stability in a woman. Pisces men are sensitive and expect everything from a partner on all levels, an Aquarius woman although helpful, caring and loyal finds it difficult to dedicate all of their attention to one person as they are more interested in the care of humanity as a whole.

Pisces in general are sensitive and can get hurt easily if they allow themselves to become vulnerable in a relationship which can happen easily with this type of union. Pisces men are sometimes a bit like turtles and can bury themselves away from everyone but an Aquarius woman fascinates them and has the ability to lure them out of their shell - when this happens "watch out" because a Pisces man can get caught up especially if he has managed to keep an Aquarius woman's attention long enough.

Unfortunately for a Pisces if he does not learn to occasionaly let the Aquarius butterlfy go from time to time he may lose her permanently.

How compatible is a Gemini woman and a Virgo- Libra cusp man?

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Well I'm sure the slight Gemini ting in the female Taurus won't bother a male Taurus. They'll get along just fine, the both like the comforts of home, they like collecting beautiful things and are both good with money. Not the most exiting match, but a match none the less.

Which star is the perfect match for Virgo man in marriage?

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Any, as long as the person associated to that star sign is loving, caring, committed and compatible. In other words, you can marry anybody you want to, after careful consideration and an appreciable amount of time spent in getting to know each other and their lives.

Who are Virgo's the best match with?

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Western astrology claims that people born during certain times have "perfect matches" who were born during other times. A person born under the sign of Virgo supposedly will find their best love matches with a Capricorn or a Taurus, according to leading astrology sources.