


Voltaire was a French philosopher, writer, and historian. Voltaire was famous for his advocacy of civil liberties and his wit.

500 Questions

Why did Voltaire declare that Sparta became Athens when Frederick the Great assumed power in Prussia?

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Voltaire used this analogy to emphasize how Frederick the Great's enlightened and rational rule mirrored the intellectual and cultural progress associated with Athens, as opposed to the militaristic and authoritarian reputation of Sparta. It was a way to praise Frederick's promotion of reason, tolerance, and progress in Prussia.

How did the Voltaire's enemies look ridiculous?

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Voltaire's enemies looked ridiculous because they often resorted to personal attacks and censorship in response to his wit and sharp criticism. Instead of engaging in intellectual debate, they tried to silence him, which only made them appear petty and insecure. Voltaire's cleverness and boldness made his adversaries seem narrow-minded and backward in comparison.

What did Voltaire believe about the government between state and federal government?

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Voltaire believed in a strong, central government as opposed to a system with too much power given to individual states or provinces. He believed that a centralized government was more efficient and could better protect the rights of its citizens.

What is a germinal Voltaire 106 watch?

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The Germinal Voltaire 106 watch is a Swiss-made timepiece that features a classic design with a focus on elegance and simplicity. It is known for its high-quality craftsmanship and precision in timekeeping. The watch is named after the French philosopher Voltaire, known for his wit and intelligence.

Did Voltaire ever get mairred?

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Yes, Voltaire never got married. He had a long-term relationship with Emilie du Chatelet, a French mathematician and physicist, but they never officially married.

What is the meaning of Voltaire's quote the secret to being boring is to tell everything?

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Voltaire's quote suggests that by revealing every detail about oneself or a topic, there is no mystery or intrigue left, thus making it uninteresting or dull. It implies that withholding some information or leaving room for curiosity can make interactions more engaging.

What do you think Voltaire meant by the phrase grow fat on their blood?

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Voltaire likely meant that those in power were benefiting from the suffering and exploitation of others, gaining wealth and influence while the oppressed were being harmed or killed. It can be interpreted as a criticism of the greed and selfishness of the ruling class at the expense of the common people.

Who wrote the more the man knows the less he talks?

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Oscar Wilde is credited with the quote, "The more a man knows, the less he talks." Wilde was an Irish playwright, poet, and author known for his wit and wisdom.

Did Voltaire visit Russia?

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Yes, Voltaire visited Russia in 1743 during the reign of Empress Elizabeth. He was invited by the Russian Empress and stayed for two months, during which he had an audience with her and experienced Russian court life.

Why does the Voltaire want Renesmee dead and what are her powers?

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In the Twilight series, the Volturi want Renesmee dead because they believe she poses a threat to the secrecy of vampires' existence due to her rapid growth and unique abilities as a half-human, half-vampire hybrid. Renesmee's powers include the ability to communicate through touch, show people her thoughts and memories by touching them, and project a sense of love and adoration towards her from those around her.

Did Voltaire speak Japanese?

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No, Voltaire, the French philosopher and writer, did not speak Japanese. He primarily spoke French and was known for his writings on topics such as freedom of speech, religious tolerance, and reason.

What American quoted i may not agree with what you say but i will defend to the death your right to say it?

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This quote is often misattributed to Thomas Jefferson, but it was actually said by Evelyn Beatrice Hall in her biography about Voltaire. It encapsulates the idea of defending freedom of speech even when one disagrees with the content being expressed.

Why was the french philosopher Voltaire attracted to Confucianism?

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Voltaire was attracted to Confucianism for its emphasis on ethics, virtue, and social harmony, which aligned with his ideas on humanism and respect for individual dignity. He saw Confucianism as a rational and practical system of thought that could contribute to social progress and enlightenment in Europe.

Why would Voltaire be considered a French philosophe?

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Voltaire would be considered a French philosophe because he was a prominent figure in the French Enlightenment movement. He was known for his works advocating for freedom of speech, religious tolerance, and separation of church and state, all key principles of the Enlightenment. His writings were influential in shaping public opinion and challenging traditional authority in France.

How did Voltaire make himself so unpopular with both the French and Prussian courts that he had to retire to the country to avoid imprisonment?

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Voltaire's sharp criticism of the French and Prussian governments, along with his satirical writings targeting the church and aristocracy, made him a controversial figure. He was known for his wit and fearless pursuit of truth, qualities that often clashed with the authorities of his time. Eventually, his provocative works led to his falling out of favor with both courts, forcing him to seek refuge in the countryside to avoid imprisonment.

What did Voltaire and Emilie Du Chatelet collaborate on?

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Voltaire and Emilie Du Chatelet collaborated on translating and popularizing Isaac Newton's works in France. Du Chatelet's expertise in mathematics and physics complemented Voltaire's literary and philosophical skills, resulting in influential translations and interpretations of Newton's theories in the French context. Their collaboration helped advance the Enlightenment ideals of reason and scientific inquiry in 18th-century France.

Why did Blake tell Rousseau and Voltaire to mock on?

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Blake believed that mocking Rousseau and Voltaire could inspire them to move past their limitations and reach their full potential as thinkers. By challenging their ideas and beliefs, Blake encouraged them to think more deeply and critically about their work. Ultimately, Blake saw mockery as a tool for intellectual growth and development.

What did Voltaire think about slavery?

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Voltaire opposed slavery and believed it was a violation of human rights. He argued that all individuals should have equal rights and freedoms, regardless of their race or background. Voltaire used his writing to criticize the slave trade and advocate for the abolition of slavery.

Who was Voltaire marry to nand how many children did he have and what was their names?

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Voltaire was married to Marie Louise Mignot. They did not have any biological children together, but they adopted Marie's nephew, Louis de Villette, and raised him as their own.

Did Voltaire support copyright legislation?

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Yes, Voltaire supported copyright legislation. He believed that the protection of intellectual property rights would encourage creativity and innovation by ensuring that authors and creators could benefit financially from their work.

What was Voltaires favorite color?

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There is no definitive answer to this question as Voltaire's favorite color is not recorded in historical documents.

Has anybody else used Voltaire's ideas like Peter Griffin?

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Peter Griffin from the TV show Family Guy is a fictional character known for his blunt and unconventional humor. Voltaire, on the other hand, was an 18th-century French philosopher and writer known for his wit and critical thinking. While some modern comedians may draw inspiration from Voltaire's ideas, Peter Griffin's character is not directly based on him.

How did political thought influence the American Revolutionary war and the constitution and what does Magna Carta Locke Voltaire and Montesquie have to do with it?

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Political thought from philosophers like Locke, Voltaire, and Montesquieu influenced the American Revolutionary War and the Constitution by inspiring ideas such as natural rights, separation of powers, and social contract theory. These concepts were reflected in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta also played a role in the development of English constitutional principles that influenced the American colonists' fight for independence.

Do people like Doctor Pangloss still exist in today's worlds of education politics or religion?

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Yes, individuals who embody an overly optimistic or naively positive outlook, like Doctor Pangloss, can still exist in all areas of life, including education, politics, and religion. These individuals may downplay negative aspects or ignore evidence that contradicts their beliefs, leading to a skewed perspective on reality.

Did Voltaire say Christianity and the bible will be dead in 100 years?

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There is no record of Voltaire making this specific statement. However, he was critical of organized religion, particularly the Catholic Church, and advocated for tolerance and reason over religious dogma.