

Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat bread is made whole or in part with whole or almost whole wheat grains. It is a dense bread and brown in color.

434 Questions

Where does Whole wheat bread come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wheat is the seed pod of a grass plant hybridized by humans in Mesopotamia approximately 10,000 years ago. The pod consists of an outer husk, the kernel, and the germ. The husk is of little nutritional value, but is high in cellulose, an undigestible fiber that aids digestion. The germ is the very small plant embryo at the base of the kernel. It too has very little caloric value, but is high in useful dietary vitamins. The kernel is the large mass of fatty acids and starches that serve as food for the embryo when it first sprouts. Plain wite flour is made by removing both husk and germ and grinding the kernel into powder. Whole wheat flour, as the name implies, grinds the entire seed pod, husk and germ included. For this reason it tends to be coarse and brown in color. It also contains more flavors which contribute positively to bread making, but tend to detract from finer pastries like cakes and cookies.

What is a heterogeneous mixture a water b sugar c sugar-water solution d whole wheat bread?

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Asked by Wiki User

whole wheat bread is a heterogeneous mixture. the rest are homogeneous.

Is white bread more expensive than whole wheat bread?

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Asked by Wiki User

White bread is generally less expensive than whole wheat bread.

How many kilo-calories are in a slice of wholewheat bread supplies approximately 13 g of carbohydrate and 1 g of fat and 3 g of protein and 11 g of water?

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Asked by Wiki User

13g of carbohydrate is= to 3.3895 calories

1g of fat is = to 1.1503 calories

3g of protein is =to 0.7668 calories.

11g of water is =to 0 calories

now the total number of whole wheat bread has 5.3066 calories

Can you have whole wheat bread when im trying to lose belly fat i know there are a lot of sites that say its bad for you but wheat is impossible for me to avoid.?

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Asked by Dja427

Any food can be part of a weight-loss program, as long as you control your portions and your overall calorie intake. If there's no medical reason for you to limit your carbohydrates or your wheat consumption, 100% whole wheat bread can definitely be a healthy part of your diet. The fiber in the bread will help you feel "full" while eating a smaller amount of food, and the bread will provide various nutrients your body needs.

If you, personally, feel better physically or have an easier time sticking to a weight-loss plan if you avoid bread, then go ahead and eliminate it from your diet, but there's no reason why everyone should automatically do so.

Of course, if your doctor has recommended you avoid bread in general or whole wheat bread specifically, you should follow his or her instructions.

What is healthier rye bread or whole wheat bread?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the rye bread is made of whole grains it is at least as good as whole wheat bread.

How many calories is one toasted whole wheat bread?

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Asked by Wiki User

The exact calorie about will vary depending on the brand and ingredients, but a slice of whole wheat bread is generally between 110 and 140 calories.

How many mg of calcium ate in 2 slices of whole wheat bread?

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Asked by Wiki User

For every 2 slices of multigrain bread you eat there is 30% of the daily value of calcium, based on a 2,000 calorie diet. So that means there is approx 300 mg per 2 slices of multigrain bread. I am sure wheat isn't much different.

What bread is better than whole wheat bread?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spinach wheat bread