


X-men is a fictional group of mutants who use their powers to protect the common good from the Brotherhood. Their leader is professor Xavier, who founded the organization with his friend Magneto, who started Brotherhood when they disagreed on the code of conduct of mutants.

500 Questions

How old is Hank McCoy a.k.a. Beast?

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Everyone in the first class of X-Men (with the possible exclusion of Iceman) is probably in their early-mid 30s. Beast and Cyclops both commented on turning 30 in '93-'94 (Beast in X-Men #24, don't remember the specifics for Cyclops), and it's safe to assume that Marvel's Earth's danced around the sun at least a couple of times over the last 15 real world years.

Are wolverine and saber-toothed brothers?

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They are actually not related at all. Their original relationship was planned out to be a father-son connection, but after the success of the Wolverine character and the relative obscurity of Sabretooth, this idea was abandoned. It turns out that the two have no blood connection at all, as revealed in Wolverine #42. Government agents did a blood test on them both to come to this conclusion.

Who plays storm in the x men movies?

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Halle Berry plays Storm in the X-Men movies

How tall is Rachel Summers aka Marvel Girl?

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Asked by Cyk


She's probably in her early 20s (20-22) as of October 18, 2009.

Who wins in avengers vs x men?

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This question has been asked for years. It has never really been given a definite answer. Both the Avengers and the X-men are formidable opponents, with incredible team members. Also, it should be noted, that the Avengers and X-men have many crossover members, making it hard to determine who would stand with who during a battle.

Who played Gambit in the X-Men movies?

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Taylor Kitsch plays Gambit in X-Men: Origins Wolverine.

How much is my 1992 impel x-men card set with all 5 holograms worth?

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None of them are particularly valuable. So many people thought they would be collectible that they bought a ton of them, and now, many years later, no one wants to buy them for anything beyond the initial value because there are so many readily available. Many are ASKING for high prices, but not many at all are GETTING those high prices.

How are mistique and nightcrawler related?

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Asked by MAndMzZ

In the main story line Night Crawler is actually Mystique's son

Is Wolverine Canadian?

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I think that he is still an canadian citizen. But i'm just guessing.

How do Gambit and rogue meet?

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The X-Men later divided into two teams to make better use of their large number of active members; Rogue was assigned to the Blue Team, under the leadership of Cyclops and alongside new X-Man, and love interest, Gambit. Upon his arrival, Remy flirted with each of the female members of the team; however Rogue immediately caught his eye, and Remy made no secret of his romantic desire for her.

Rogue and Gambit were immediately attracted to each other, but the development of their relationship was slow and rocky, partly as a result of her inability to control her powers and partly as a result of long-term issues, including secrecy and dishonesty, with previous relationships on Gambit's part. Through their many break-ups and make-ups, Gambit and Rogue have one of the longest and most popular relationships in the X-Men series.

Who are all the characters in xmen?

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The original X-Men were Iceman (who was the youngest), Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey (who went by Marvel Girl), and Professor X. They were also getting guest visits from SpiderMan and some other Marvel characters fairly early on.

Who played the juggernaut in the x-men movie?

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Cain Marko. He was Charles Xavier's Step Brother. They did not get along.

Is havok a X-Men or a villan?

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Havok is a mutant with the superhuman ability to absorb ambient cosmic energy into the cells of his body, transform it in an unknown manner, and release it as waves of energy that heat the air in their path enough to turn it into plasma, which is a super-heated state of matter consisting of charged subatomic particles. These waves will emanate from his body in all directions unless he purposefully tries to channel them in a single direction, usually along the length of his arms. Havok is himself immune to the intense heat he creates, as well as the power blasts generated by his brother Cyclops. Despite past accounts, the energy that Havok releases is not truly a concussive force. When Havok strikes an object with the waves of intensity of hot plasma, the sudden vast jump in temperature will often cause objects to shatter, explode, or seemingly disintegrate, and an observer might therefore wrongly think that the object had been struck by a concussive force. Should Havok direct his energy at the lowest level, he can project it towards a human being and his target will suffer a severe headache but will not burn up. Havok's body is constantly in the process of absorbing cosmic radiation. When each of his body's power-storage cell enclaves reaches its capacity, excess cosmic energy is thereafter absorbed and immediately re-emitted in negligible quantities. Upon the total expenditure of all his available energy, it takes Havok's body about 16 hours to recharge to its peak level. The act of concentration involved in releasing his energy in anything other than an omnidirectional wave is physically exhausting for Havok if he continues it over an extended period of time.

What is the blue lady's name from x men?

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The shape-shifting blue woman who frequently appears in X-men comics, cartoons, and movies is Mystique.

How did professor x lose the use of his legs?

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He got shot, on his lower back, ruining his spinal cord and his ability to walk. If you watch X-Men: First Class, it shows it and his background story with Erik (Magneto). Best X-Men movie, in my opinion.

Is magneto an omega level mutant?

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He is a class 3 mutant

if you saW xmen the last stand you would have seen Magneto say that he was class 3

How do wolverines mate?

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If your wondering how do they Communicate, They often leave their sent around and make some low noises (growl).

What year was the movie X-Men released?

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X-Men aired from October 31, 1992 - September 20, 1997

Who are magneto's children?

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Children of Magneto (Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt)

Character Name: Anya

Gender: Female

Parents: Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Father), Magda (Mother)

Powers, if any:

Comic Source: Classic X-Men #12.

Character Name: Quicksilver (Pietro Django Maximoff)

Gender: Male

Parents: Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Father), Magda (Mother)

Powers, if any: Superhuman speed

Comic Source: The X-Men #4.

Character Name: Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)

Gender: Female

Parents: Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Father), Magda (Mother)

Powers, if any: Reality warping, Hex energy

Comic Source: The X-Men #4.

Character Name: Polaris (Lorna Dane)

Gender: Female

Parents: Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Father), Susanna Dane (Mother)

Powers, if any: manipulate electromagnetic energies

Comic Source: The X-Men #49.

Character Name: Charles Eisenhardt

Gender: Male

Parents: Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Father), Anne Marie Raven (Rogue) (Mother)

Powers, if any:

Comic Source: X-Men: Age of Apocalypse.

Character Name: Plague

Gender: Female

Parents: Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Father), Anne Marie Raven (Rogue) (Mother)

Powers, if any:

Comic Source: X-Men: Millennial Visions 2001.

Character Name: Luna Maximoff

Gender: Female

Parents: Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Grandfather), Magda (Grandmother), Pietro Django Maximoff (Quicksilver) (Father), Crystalia Amaquelin (Mother)

Powers, if any: Empathic senses and psychic healing, aura vision

Comic Source: Fantastic Four #240

Character Name: Nocturne (Talia Josephine "T.J." Wagner)

Gender: Female

Parents: Max Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Grandfather), Magda (Grandmother), Kurt Wagner (Father), Wanda Maximoff (Mother)

Powers, if any: reality-warping powers

Comic Source: X-Men: Millennial Visions 2000, pages 34-35.

Character Name: Wiccan (William "Billy" Kaplan)

Gender: Male

Parents: Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Grandfather), Magda, Vision (Father), Kurt Wagner (Step-Father), Wanda Maximoff (Mother)

Powers, if any: various magical powers

Comic Source: Young Avengers #1.

Character Name: Speed (Thomas "Tommy" Shepherd)

Gender: Male

Parents: Erik "Magnus" Lehnsherr Eisenhardt (Magneto) (Grandfather), Magda, Vision (Father), Kurt Wagner (Step-Father), Wanda Maximoff (Mother)

Powers, if any: speed powers

Comic Source: Young Avengers #1.

Why can professor x walk in X-Men Origins but ends up in a wheelchair in x-men first class?

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In a strange town near the Himalayas, Xavier encounters an alien calling himself Lucifer, the advance scout for an invasion by his race, and foils his plans. In retaliation, Lucifer drops a huge stone block on Xavier, crippling his legs. After Lucifer leaves, a young woman named Sage hears Xavier's telepathic cries for help and rescues him, bringing him to safety, beginning a long alliance between the two. Charles' spine was shattered. Leaving him in a wheelchair

Why are Sabretooth and Wolverine enemies?

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Asked by Blackmage

They aren't brothers. They were only brothers in the movie. Wolverine hates Sabertooth because he kill and raped Wolverine's girl Sliver Fox on Wolverine's birthday. Why Sabertooth hates Wolverine is unknown.

Who wrote the x-men?

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Original team from the 60's (Cyclops, Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl, Iceman, Beast, Angel) was Stan Lee & Jack Kirby.

"New" team from the 70's (Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, plus existing characters Banshee, Sunfire and Wolverine) by Len Wein (writer) & Dave Cockrum (artist); Wein and Cockrum were shortly replaced by Chris Claremont & John Byrne, respectively; Claremont is the longest-running contributor to the series.

Who played Magneto?

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As of May 2016, Magneto has appeared in live action only in the Fox studios X-men movie franchise. He was played by Ian McKellen (X-Men (2000), X2: X-Men United (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), The Wolverine(2013), and X-men: Days of Future Past (2014)) and Michael Fassbender [X-men: First Class (2011), X-men: Days of Future Past (2014), and X-men: Apocalypse(2016] as the adult Magneto, named Erik Lehnsherr. As a young Erik, he has been played by Brett Morris (X-men(2000)) and Bill Milner (X-men: First Class (2011)). In cartoons and video games, he has had many, many voice actors.

Is apocalypse omega-level mutant?

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No, she is Alpha-level.

Does wolverine's adamantium bones heal?

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Yes, all parts of wolverine's body can heal