



Buddhism is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development. Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life such as Ahinsa, Karma, and Dharma.

500 Questions

What is the meaning to the quote What ten eyes behold what ten hands point to is to be regarded with reverence?

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This quote emphasizes the importance of perception and interpretation, suggesting that multiple perspectives can lead to a deeper understanding of a subject. It encourages us to respect and value diverse viewpoints as they can offer unique insights and uncover different facets of truth.

Who first wrote the teachings of the Buddha?

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The teachings of the Buddha were first passed down orally by his disciples after his death around 483 BCE. These teachings were later compiled into written texts in the first century BCE.

What is the relationship between god and empire in Recessional by Rudyard Kipling?

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In "Recessional" by Rudyard Kipling, the relationship between God and empire is portrayed as one of humility and warning. The poem cautions against the pride and arrogance that can come with imperial power, reminding readers that ultimately God's judgment and authority transcend any human empire. It serves as a reminder to remain humble and mindful of one's place in the larger cosmic order.

Who is the ferryman in Siddhartha?

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The ferryman in Siddhartha is named Vasudeva. He is a wise and enlightened character who helps guide Siddhartha on his spiritual journey. Vasudeva lives a simple and content life by the river and imparts valuable wisdom to Siddhartha.

What was the Monk's attitude toward the rules of his order?

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The Monk in Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" does not follow the strict rules of his order. He is described as being extravagant, enjoying hunting and luxurious living rather than adhering to a life of poverty and humility as expected by his monastic order.

What country is mainly Buddist?

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Buddhism is mainly practiced in countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Japan.

What brings good luck when moving in a new house?

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Common items believed to bring good luck when moving into a new house include a horseshoe above the door, a lucky bamboo plant, a statue of a guardian angel or deity, and a bowl of salt placed in the corner of a room to absorb negative energy. It's important to choose items that hold personal significance to you and bring feelings of positivity and protection.

The last name of the Buddha before he became enlightened?

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The last name of the Buddha before he became enlightened was Siddhartha. It was after his enlightenment that he was known as Gautama Buddha.

The guiding principles at the heart of Buddhism are called?

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The guiding principles at the heart of Buddhism are called the Four Noble Truths. These truths highlight the nature of suffering, its cause, the possibility of its cessation, and the path to achieve it, known as the Eightfold Path.

What were the basic principles of Buddhism?

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The basic principles of Buddhism include the Four Noble Truths, which outline the nature of suffering and a path to enlightenment. Buddhism also emphasizes the concept of impermanence, the practice of mindfulness, and the importance of compassion and non-violence towards all beings.

What is a Buddhist symbol for change or growing up?

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One Buddhist symbol representing change or growth is the lotus flower. The lotus grows in muddy water and emerges clean and pure, symbolizing the journey from darkness to light or from ignorance to enlightenment. The blooming of the lotus also represents spiritual growth and transformation.

What was the name of the Buddha in the Hungry Tigress Jataka story?

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The Buddha in the Hungry Tigress Jataka story was referred to as Prince Mahasattva.

How has Buddhism changed over time?

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Buddhism has evolved and adapted to diverse cultures and societies over time, resulting in various schools and branches such as Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Different interpretations and practices have emerged, influenced by local customs and beliefs. Additionally, modern technology and globalization have enabled Buddhism to spread worldwide and reach a broader audience.

If you found a passage from a holy text of Buddhism quoted in a reference book how do you cite the Buddhist passage in APA format?

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Asked by Missy7

To cite a Buddhist passage from a holy text in APA format, you would include the author of the text, year of publication, title of the text, and the specific passage referenced. An example citation could look like this: Buddha (Year). Title of Text (Chapter:Verse).

What ethical code of conduct does Buddhism promote?

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Buddhism promotes ethical conduct through the Five Precepts, which include abstaining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, and intoxicants. These guidelines aim to cultivate moral behavior, compassion, and mindfulness in one's actions. Practicing these precepts is believed to lead to a more peaceful and ethical way of living.

What are the main beliefs of the Buddhism and the four noble truths?

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The four noble truths that address the nature of Suffering and the path to Liberation are:

  1. Dukkha (Suffering): suffering life inherently involves suffering birth, aging, sickness, and death, which are universal experiences accompanied by emotional distress.

  2. Samudaya (origin of Suffering): Suffering arises from ignorance craving and self-attachment, including a failure to compreh end the impermanent nature of things.

  3. Nirodha (Cessation of Suffering): suffering ceases when we overcome attachment aversion and delusion, culminating in Nirvana.

  4. Magga (Path to Liberation): Magga is the path, the method of practice to achieve enlightenment and Liberation from the endless birth and death cycles, the cessation of Suffering. Magga comprises 37 elements often called the 37 factors of Enlightenment. These are the four foundations of mindfulness, the four right efforts, the four bases of power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven factors of Enlightenment, the Noble eight-fold.

Sinhala word for friend?

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There are many words. Sinhala is a language. Yaluwa is a word for friend.

Siddhartha Gautama searched for the meaning of human life by?

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embarking on a spiritual journey and renouncing worldly comforts. Through meditation and self-reflection, he discovered the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which became the foundation of Buddhism. Siddhartha Gautama's quest ultimately led him to enlightenment and the understanding that suffering can be overcome through the cessation of desire and attachment.

What is the theme of excerpt of Buddha boy?

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the answer of question 49

What world event happened in 1279?

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Battle of Yamen (March 19, 1279):

The Battle of Yamen marked the end of the Southern Song Dynasty in China. The naval battle took place between the forces of the Song Dynasty and the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty. The Mongols, under the command of Kublai Khan, emerged victorious, leading to the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty as the ruling power in China.

Conquest of Wales (1277–1283):

During this period, King Edward I of England conducted military campaigns to conquer Wales. The campaigns culminated in the final annexation of Wales into the Kingdom of England with the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284.

Death of Robert Kilwardby (September 11, 1279):

Robert Kilwardby, an English philosopher and theologian, died in 1279. He served as the Archbishop of Canterbury and was known for his contributions to medieval scholasticism.

What term is the best antonym for nirvana?

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The best antonym for nirvana would be suffering or dissatisfaction.

What is the ritual and practice sacred elements in buddhism?

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In Buddhism, some common rituals and practices include meditation, chanting, bowing, and making offerings. These practices are aimed at cultivating mindfulness, developing compassion, and attaining enlightenment. Sacred elements in Buddhism include the Buddha himself, the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha), and the Sangha (the community of Buddhist practitioners). Additionally, sacred objects such as statues, prayer beads, and sacred texts are also considered significant in the Buddhist tradition.

Who is arun ghandi?

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Arun Gandhi is the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement. Arun is an activist, author, and speaker who continues his grandfather's teachings of nonviolence and social justice. He has established several organizations and initiatives promoting peace and nonviolent resistance.

What is the name of Celebration of Buddhas birth?

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The celebration of Buddha's birth is called Vesak or Buddha Purnima. It is a significant Buddhist festival observed by Buddhists worldwide to honor the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Gautama Buddha.

What is Buddhism's code of conduct?

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Buddhism's code of conduct is guided by the concept of the Five Precepts, which are guidelines for ethical behavior. These precepts include refraining from harming living beings, stealing, engaging in sexual misconduct, lying, and consuming intoxicants. Additionally, Buddhists strive to cultivate qualities such as compassion, generosity, patience, and mindfulness in their thoughts, speech, and actions.