



The scientific theory according to which populations change gradually through a process of natural selection.

500 Questions

What does data from the study of bio geography provide evidence for evolution show?

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Data from the study of biogeography provides evidence for evolution by showing patterns of species distribution that can be best explained by common ancestry and adaptation to different environments. It helps in understanding how species have evolved and diversified over time in response to changes in their habitats and geographic isolation. By studying the distribution of species in different regions, scientists can infer evolutionary relationships and historical connections between organisms.

How does geographic distribution of species around the world support the theories of evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

The geographic distribution of species around the world supports the theories of evolution by showing patterns of related species found in different regions, suggesting common ancestry and evolutionary processes. This can be seen in biogeographic patterns such as the distribution of marsupials in Australia and South America, which can be explained by continental drift and evolution of species in isolation. The similarities and differences in species within and between regions provide evidence for evolutionary processes shaping biodiversity over time.

What terms are associated with population geography?

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Asked by Wiki User

Terms associated with population geography include population density, demographic transition, birth rate, death rate, migration, urbanization, and population distribution. These terms are used to study patterns of population growth, movement, and distribution across different regions and countries.

Which lines in the excerpt provide evidence that Stephen disapproves of his fathers behavior in Cork?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stephen’s disapproval of his father’s behavior in Cork is evident in lines such as “he was old all right. He was as old as his minster.” and “His father must have been young. His father must have been beautiful.”. These lines suggest Stephen sees his father’s actions as a decline from his former glory and beauty.

What is the philosophy of survival of the fittest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Survival of the fittest is a concept in evolutionary biology that suggests organisms best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on their genes. It is often associated with natural selection and the idea that competition drives evolutionary change. This concept has been used to explain the diversity of life and the adaptations of species over time.

What behaviors would some evolutionary psychologists offer as proof of their theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evolutionary psychologists may point to behaviors such as mate selection, parental investment, and aggression as evidence of their theory. They argue that these behaviors have evolved over time because they provided survival and reproductive advantages to our ancestors. By studying how these behaviors are expressed across different cultures and societies, evolutionary psychologists seek to understand the underlying evolutionary principles driving human behavior.

How an assessment center utilized in the selection process?

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Asked by Wiki User

An assessment center is a method used in the selection process to evaluate candidates through a series of simulated work-related exercises, such as group discussions, presentations, and role-plays. It allows assessors to observe candidates' behavior in different scenarios to assess their skills, competencies, and suitability for the role. Feedback from multiple assessors is taken into account to provide a comprehensive evaluation of each candidate.

How does evolution influence behavior tendencies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evolution can influence behavior tendencies through natural selection, where certain behaviors that enhance survival and reproduction are more likely to be passed on to future generations. Behaviors that increase an individual's chance of survival and reproducing, such as territoriality or altruism, may become more common over time. Additionally, genetic factors can also play a role in shaping behavior tendencies through evolutionary processes.

Is belief in evolution racist why or why not?

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Belief in evolution is not inherently racist. Evolution is a scientific theory that explains the diversity of life on Earth through natural selection and genetic variation. Racism stems from discriminatory beliefs and actions towards individuals based on their race, which is a social construct unrelated to the scientific theory of evolution.

How did the Zeitgeist contribute to the idea of evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Zeitgeist, or spirit of the time, during the 19th century was marked by a growing interest in progress, science, and the natural world. This intellectual climate laid the groundwork for the acceptance of evolutionary ideas proposed by scientists like Charles Darwin. The Zeitgeist encouraged the questioning of traditional beliefs and the exploration of new theories, making it more receptive to the concept of evolution.

What is the belief that inequality in society is the result of natural selection based on individual capacities and abilities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social Darwinism is the belief that inequality in society is the result of natural selection based on individual capacities and abilities. This theory suggests that those who are the fittest will naturally rise to the top while the weakest will fall behind.

Is it possible for life to continue and be sustained without evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, life can continue and be sustained without evolution, but evolution plays a significant role in the adaptation and diversification of species over time. Without evolution, species may struggle to adapt to changing environments, which could potentially lead to their extinction.

Does Rick Santorum believe in evolution?

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Rick Santorum has expressed skepticism about the theory of evolution and has advocated for the teaching of intelligent design alongside evolution in schools. He has stated his belief that there is credible scientific dissent from the theory of evolution.

How is the study of evolution similar to the study of history?

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Asked by Wiki User

The study of evolution and history both involve analyzing and interpreting change over time. Evolutionary biology focuses on genetic changes in populations, while history examines changes in societies, cultures, and events. Both disciplines use evidence to understand the processes that have shaped the modern world.

Was Charles Darwin's theory about revolution a lie?

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Asked by Wiki User

Did you mean "Evolution"?

No, it was the explanation of the species problem at the time and has been refined and strengthened in the last 157 years so well that it has met all challenges head on and surmounted them with flying colors.

Creationism, regardless of stripe, is the actual lie.

Go here.

What are some things that humans can do that other animals can't?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humans have the ability to create complex languages, develop advanced technology, engage in abstract thinking and problem-solving, and exhibit self-awareness and consciousness to a greater extent than most other animals. Additionally, humans have developed sophisticated social structures and cultural practices that are unique in the animal kingdom.

Which part of the brain sets humans apart from other animals?

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The prefrontal cortex, which is involved in higher cognitive functions such as decision-making, problem-solving, and social behavior, is often cited as the part of the brain that sets humans apart from other animals. This region allows for advanced reasoning abilities, self-control, and complex social interactions, which are characteristics that differentiate humans from other species.

What is the difference between theory of evolution and language evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theory of evolution explains the process of biological change and adaptation over generations in living organisms. Language evolution, on the other hand, refers to the development and changes in human languages over time. While both concepts involve change and adaptation over time, they occur in different domains - biological for evolution and linguistic for language evolution.

The evolutionary theory that suggests that a species slowly and continuously evolves over a long period of time is?

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Gradualism. This theory proposes that evolution occurs gradually over many generations through small, incremental changes in populations.

Is religion a byproduct of evolution?

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Some scientists propose that religion could be a byproduct of evolution, as elements of religious beliefs, such as the tendency to seek meaning and connect with others, could have provided evolutionary advantages to early human societies. However, the relationship between evolution and religion is still a topic of debate and research in the scientific community.

What is the best description of evolutionism?

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Evolutionism is the belief that all species of organisms develop through natural selection and adaptation over time. It is a scientific theory that explains how life on Earth has diversified and changed through processes like genetic mutation and environmental pressure.

According to Philosophy which comes first egg or chicken?

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Asked by Nolascoian

The question of which came first, the egg or the chicken, is a philosophical and scientific debate that does not have a definitive answer. Some argue that the egg must have come first, as the genetic mutation that led to the first chicken would have occurred in the egg. Others believe the chicken must have come first, as it is needed to lay the egg.

In evolutionary terms when did humans first understand time in the sense that we could plan ahead?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is difficult to pinpoint an exact moment, but it is believed that early humans developed the ability to plan and think ahead around 1.8 million years ago with the emergence of Homo erectus. This cognitive skill allowed them to strategize for hunting, gather resources, and make tools to ensure their survival.

Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to be criticized for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to be criticized for oversimplifying human behavior by reducing it to evolutionary explanations, ignoring cultural and social influences, and focusing too much on innate biological drives. Critics argue that it may overlook individual differences and fail to adequately address the complexities of human behavior in different contexts.

Why are most humans just so evil and unintelligent?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not accurate to say that most humans are evil and unintelligent. Individuals may engage in harmful behavior for various reasons, such as social conditioning, mental health issues, or personal experiences. Human intelligence varies widely across individuals, and many show great compassion, empathy, and intelligence in their actions and decisions.