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The First Continental Congress sought reconciliation between the Crown and the colonies. The Second Continental Congress eventually declared the independence of the colonies. The Second Congress also sat for very much longer than the First, in part because it was needed to prosecute the war of Independence.

This fact also explains why the First Continental Congress did not continue to meet. They met for two months and did what they had come to do -- agree on a response to Britain's "Intolerable Acts" (the bills Parliament passed to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party, and warn others against similar acts).

The First Congress wrote several letters to the King, the British, the colonies (including Quebec), pleading for support and the repeal of the Acts. They ALSO agreed on a phased-in boycott. And finally, they called for another meeting in the spring (the Second Congress) if matters were not resolved by these steps.

You might compare the "Stamp Act Congress" of 1765 after which, along with boycotting, the colonists succeeded in convincing Parliament to rescind the Stamp Act. They hoped for something similar in the First Congress and the beginning of the Second.

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13y ago

The Continental Congress is the one that was actually formed when America was still under British control. Representatives from the 13 colonies came together to boycott British goods. There were two parts of it, the first and the second.

The Constitutional Convention was created after Americans declared independence. It was formed because the Articles of Confederation was ineffective. This is the one that had the 65 delegates including famous ones like George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. this convention was where the US Constitution was actually drafted and made.

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the first one did not have very many important people there because people didn't think it would go through. So when it went through the first time everyone went to the second one

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10y ago

the second contnental congress is the second continental congress so they have a lot to do with eachother!

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