


Space Travel and Exploration

Ask questions here about the Space Race, the Apollo missions and both human and robotic spaceflights.

500 Questions

Is it possible to use a negative electrostatic scoop to collect a percent of the suns solar wind and use these gases to terraform Venus given the stellar wind is 95 percent hydrogen?

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Asked by FeroWiz

Using a negative electrostatic scoop to collect solar wind from the sun or other stars would not be feasible as the distances involved are vast and the amount of material captured would be minuscule. Additionally, the solar wind is extremely hot and diffuse, making it unsuitable for terraforming purposes. Other methods would be more practical for terraforming Venus, such as atmospheric manipulation or importation of gases from other sources.

How many probes does earth have?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of now, Earth has several space probes sent by different countries and space agencies. There are active probes such as Voyager 1 and 2, Juno, and New Horizons, amongst others, which are exploring various parts of space and providing valuable information about our solar system.

Has anyone ever been through the asteroid belt?

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Asked by Wiki User

No human has ever traveled through the asteroid belt, as it is filled with millions of small rocky bodies that could pose a danger to spacecraft. Spacecraft that have traveled through the asteroid belt, such as NASA's Dawn mission, are designed to navigate safely around the asteroids.

What is the main advantage of the hubble space telescope?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main advantage of the Hubble Space Telescope is its ability to capture high-resolution images of celestial objects in visible, ultraviolet, and near-infrared light. This has led to numerous scientific discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the universe.

When is the blood moon in 2012?

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Asked by Wiki User

There was no blood moon in 2012. The term "blood moon" typically refers to a total lunar eclipse when the Earth's shadow falls on the moon, giving it a reddish appearance. The last blood moon occurred on May 26, 2021.

Why is there no pressure in outer space?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no pressure in outer space because it is essentially a vacuum, meaning there are very few, if any, particles present to exert pressure. Without air or any other medium to press against our bodies, we do not experience pressure in the same way we do in environments with air or water.

What layer of the atmosphere can you find inner van Allen radiation belt?

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Asked by Wiki User

The inner Van Allen radiation belt is located within the inner region of the magnetosphere, which extends from about 1,000 to 6,000 kilometers above the Earth's surface within the thermosphere and exosphere layers of the atmosphere.

What was the name of the first animal or animal pair to orbit the earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first animal to orbit the Earth was Laika, a dog on board the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 in 1957.

How do space probes help scientists study other planets?

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Asked by Viperasgalz

Space probes help scientists study other planets by collecting data such as images, measurements, and samples that provide valuable information about the planet's atmosphere, surface, and composition. They can also help scientists understand planetary processes, such as geological activity and weather patterns, by observing the planet over an extended period of time. Additionally, space probes can provide insights into the potential for past or present life on other planets.

How long dose it take the sun to revolve?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not sure if you mean rotate or revolve, but I'll give you both. The sun rotates on it's axis once every 25 days. The sun revolves around the center of the Milky Way galaxy once every 225,000 years, give-or-take.

What did Giuseppe Piazzi use to discover Ceres?

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Asked by Wiki User

Giuseppe Piazzi used a telescope to discover Ceres on January 1, 1801. He observed the celestial object while conducting a systematic sky survey, leading to the classification of Ceres as a new celestial body.

What are the economic moral and cultural implications of this advancement in Space technology?

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Asked by Wiki User

The advancement in space technology has economic implications such as potential job creation and economic growth through the development of new industries. It has moral implications related to ethical considerations around space exploration, such as issues of environmental impact and equity in access to space. Culturally, it can inspire people, foster international collaboration, and contribute to a sense of interconnectedness and wonder about the universe.

What affects the blood in the weightlessness?

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Asked by Wiki User

In weightlessness, fluids in the body tend to move towards the head, causing increased pressure in the blood vessels there. This can lead to a temporary increase in blood volume in the upper body and a decrease in the lower body. Additionally, changes in gravity can affect the body's ability to regulate blood pressure and circulation.

What is the first country on Earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first country on Earth is believed to be ancient Sumer, located in present-day Iraq, which is one of the earliest known civilizations dating back to around 4500 BC.

What is the new challenge of exploration?

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Asked by Wiki User

The new challenge of exploration involves venturing into unmapped territories such as deep oceans, remote deserts, and outer space. It requires advanced technology, sustainable practices, and international collaboration to overcome the challenges of extreme environments while preserving the fragile ecosystems.

Who is called Columbus of space age?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yuri Gagarin, the first human to journey into outer space, is often referred to as the "Columbus of the space age" due to his groundbreaking voyage aboard Vostok 1 in 1961. Just like how Christopher Columbus's expedition opened the way for European exploration, Gagarin's spaceflight paved the path for human space exploration.

How much pollution is in space?

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Asked by Wiki User

Space is considered a vacuum, so there is no air or atmosphere for pollutants to accumulate. However, near Earth, space debris such as defunct satellites and spent rocket stages can pose a hazard to active satellites and spacecraft. These objects can contribute to space pollution by increasing the risk of collisions and generating additional debris.

What is space wave propagation Give two examples of communication system which use space wave mode?

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Asked by Wiki User

Space wave propagation refers to the transmission of electromagnetic waves through free space without reflection or refraction. Two examples of communication systems that use space wave mode are satellite communication systems, where signals are transmitted between ground stations and satellites in orbit, and line-of-sight microwave communication systems, where signals are transmitted directly between two antennas within line of sight of each other.

What type of cloud looks whispy like a feather?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cirrus clouds are thin, white, and wispy clouds that resemble feathers. They usually appear high in the sky and are made up of ice crystals.

Which planet wins the prize as the blandest appearing planet as revealed visually by space probes?

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Among the visually bland planets observed by space probes, Venus stands out due to its thick clouds that obscure its surface features. The planet appears as a featureless yellowish-white orb when seen from space, lacking the distinct patterns and colors seen on other planets like Mars or Jupiter.

How did the Galileo space probe get its name?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Galileo space probe was named after the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, who made significant contributions to the field of astronomy in the 17th century. The probe was designed to explore Jupiter and its moons, with Galileo being a fitting namesake for a mission focused on planetary exploration.

What is the difference between the earth's crust and the shell of an egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Earth's crust is the outermost layer of the Earth, made up of solid rock and divided into tectonic plates. The shell of an egg is the hard outer covering that protects the egg's contents, made up of calcium carbonate and protein. Both serve to protect what is inside, but they differ in composition and scale.

Why is the Hubble space telescope covered in reflecting metal foil?

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Asked by Wiki User

The reflecting metal foil on the Hubble space telescope helps regulate its temperature by deflecting sunlight and reducing heat absorption. This insulation is crucial for maintaining the telescope's delicate instruments within a suitable temperature range to ensure optimal performance.

Which type of telescope was invented first?

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Asked by Wiki User

The refracting telescope was invented first in the early 17th century.

Who did the United states send into space less than a month after the Russians sent the first man into space?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alan Shepard was the first American to travel into space less than a month after Russian Yuri Gagarin's historic flight. Shepard's suborbital flight on May 5, 1961, made him the second person, and the first American, to travel into space.