


Human Behavior

The study of human behavior which is affected by genetics, perceived behaviorial controls, attitude, and societal norms

500 Questions

What does it mean when a woman rubs their lips when they are talking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rubbing the lips while talking can be a sign of nervousness, uncertainty, or discomfort. It could indicate that the person is feeling anxious or trying to soothe themselves during the conversation.

Performance is a function of motivation, ability, and?

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Asked by Mickelia Thompson

Performance is a function of the interaction between an individual's motivation, ability, and environment.

Good things make things tern out good in the end?

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Asked by Shatho Lopang

Focusing on positive aspects and maintaining a hopeful outlook can lead to good outcomes. Having a optimistic attitude and taking proactive steps to address challenges can contribute to a successful result in the end.

Am I a bad person?

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Asked by neee

It's important to remember that our actions define who we are, not our thoughts or feelings. If you feel like you have done something you regret, it's important to take responsibility and make amends. Everyone makes mistakes, what's important is learning from them and striving to do better in the future.

What's the hardest instrument to play?

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Asked by Jadyn Sporer

The answer to this question would be that every instrument is hard to play in there own way. I have played most of the instruments in the world so i know what i am talking about.

The easiest i have played would have to be (proper ancestry i am talking about) the Cornet. But in the brass section once you know how to play one you know how to play them all.

The hardest would have to be the violin (string section) i am learning to play it now and there is lots you have to think about. eg

standing position

bow hold

arm position

placing position

That's just a few in many.

Hopes that helps.

What is the difference between morality and ethics?

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Asked by Maiya Legros

The two words mean basically the same. Ethics means motivation based on ideas of right and wrong. While morality means concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct.

Why are table manners important?

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Asked by Romaine Aufderhar

Someone with poor table manners is usually perceived [rightly or wrongly ] as uncouth, sloppy and/or selfish and careless in other areas of life. Poor table manners can be a WORSTfirst impression.

having good table manners is extremely important because it not only shows that you are offering other people respect, but it also shows that you are a respectable person yourself. some people don't expect much of others' table manners, whereas different people may take them quite seriously and consider it a turnoff if you don't pay attention to that etiquette. ultimately it is up to you to use table manners or not, but remember that it shows respect, which will earn you respect in return. Rather than having to be disputed at the dinner table.

What is the art form that one person may consider beautiful but another person might call noise is?

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Asked by Wiki User

Music. Different individuals have varying tastes in music due to personal preferences, cultural backgrounds, and experiences. What one person may find melodious and pleasing, another may perceive as dissonant or chaotic.

Do other people get unwanted thoughts when around people you do know or are uncomfortable with?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it's common for people to have unwanted thoughts or feelings around others they know or feel uncomfortable with. These thoughts may stem from insecurities, past experiences, or current stressors. It's important to recognize that these thoughts do not define you and seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be helpful in managing them.

What metaphor for bad person?

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Asked by Wiki User

A wolf in sheep's clothing.

What do goose bumps tell us about human evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Goosebumps are an evolutionary response that originates from our animal ancestors. In response to cold or fear, muscles around hair follicles contract, causing hairs to stand up. In animals, this response helps trap air to provide insulation or makes the animal appear larger when threatened. In humans, this response is less functional but remains vestigial from our evolutionary past.

What statement describing Adele belief about personality development is false?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adele believes that personality development is solely determined by genetics, without any influence from environment or experiences. This statement is false because personality development is influenced by a combination of genetics, environment, and life experiences.

What is a behaviour that is developed with experience and practice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Driving a car is a behavior that is developed with experience and practice. Initially, driving may feel overwhelming and require conscious effort, but with practice, it becomes more automatic and natural. Through experience on the road, drivers develop skills in handling various situations and become more adept at making quick, effective decisions.

Why there is a need to study ones culture relative to the same cultural behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studying one's culture relative to the same cultural behavior helps to understand the variations within a culture and the factors that influence these differences. It allows for a deeper analysis of cultural norms, values, and practices within a specific cultural group, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of cultural dynamics and their impact on individual behavior.

Why a care workers personal views should not influence an individuals choices?

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Asked by Wiki User

A care worker's personal views should not influence an individual's choices because it can compromise the individual's autonomy and right to make decisions based on their own beliefs and values. Care workers must prioritize the well-being and preferences of the individual they are caring for, respecting their right to self-determination and independence. Personal views should not supersede the individual's right to make choices that align with their own values and wishes.

Is insecure a character trait?

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Asked by Wiki User

Insecurity is typically considered a temporary emotional state rather than a permanent character trait. It can be caused by various factors and experienced by individuals at different points in their lives. Addressing the underlying issues that contribute to insecurity can help improve a person's overall well-being.

What is the theory that emphasizes the importance of purposeful shared values in shaping human behaviour?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theory that emphasizes the importance of purposeful shared values in shaping human behavior is known as values theory. This theory posits that individual and collective behaviors are influenced by the values we hold and prioritize in our lives. By aligning on shared values, groups can collaborate more effectively and work towards common goals.

What are the three sets of factors that influence the standards of behavior in an organization?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three sets of factors that influence the standards of behavior in an organization are individual factors (such as values and beliefs of employees), organizational factors (such as leadership and management practices), and external factors (such as industry norms and societal expectations). All these factors play a role in shaping the ethical standards and behavior within an organization.

How have your wants and needs changed over the years?

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Asked by Wiki User

As I've grown, my wants have shifted from material possessions to experiences and personal growth. My needs have evolved to prioritize health, relationships, and fulfillment over superficial desires. Overall, I've learned to value simplicity and authenticity in what I seek and require to be happy.

What are the consequences of your decisions can affect your .?

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Asked by Wiki User

The consequences of your decisions can impact various aspects of your life such as your relationships, career opportunities, mental and emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. It is important to consider the potential outcomes of your choices before making decisions to help ensure positive results.

What type of human behavior can be classically conditioned?

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Asked by Wiki User

taste aversion is one another is the study with "little Albert" and then there is Pavlov's study with dogs and their salivary habit and I'm sure there are many more but i just don't know any more for sure...

What data focus on the nature aspect of a psychologist's investigations into human behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Data focusing on the nature aspect of a psychologist's investigations into human behavior may include genetic studies, brain imaging scans, and studies on biological markers such as hormones. These types of data help psychologists understand the inherent biological factors that influence human behavior.

How does fear influence the way people behave?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fear can shape behavior by triggering fight, flight, or freeze responses. People may avoid certain situations, make quick decisions, or become paralyzed when faced with things that instill fear in them. It can also lead individuals to comply with authority or conform to societal norms to lessen feelings of fear and discomfort.

What makes learned behavior make you be you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Learned behavior shapes your personality, beliefs, values, and traits, influencing how you interact with others and navigate the world. It helps form your unique identity by molding your responses to different situations and environments, ultimately defining who you are as an individual.