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Believe it or not, this reaction from family is not at all rare. Abusers are sly foxes and they are chameleons. They are miserable to you, yet smooth as silk and quite likable to others in the family, around friends or even in the workplace, simply because they don't want to lose control over their victim ... in this case you! You don't need the "rally round the flag" from your parents or family. You are an independent person, so go where someone will listen and that is an "Abused Women's Center" in your town. If you can't find the phone # then phone your local Mental Health and they will put you in the right direction. Mental abuse is every bit as damaging as physical abuse because it leaves emotional scars. Just so you are refreshed on what abuse is I'll list a few signs: MENTAL ABUSE: Playing mind games with you and being cruel about it. Calling you names (e.g. "You're a rotten cook", or, "you're too stupid to hold down a job out there.") Demanding who is phoning you or who you are phoning. Sneaking around and checking out your computer, cell phone to see who you are calling or who is calling you. Demanding you come home at a certain time (like a child) if they are good enough to even let you go out with friends. Accusing you of affairs (when you aren't having any.) Telling you what to wear. Putting you down when you achieve something in your life. Not allowing your friends over or doesn't want to go out with you to friends. NOTE: Many couples will call each other names in the heat of an argument, but this doesn't mean they are mentally abusive. If it doesn't happen on a regular basis and the person does apologize later for calling you a name then it's a plain old argument. If you are not respectful of your mate by letting them know where you are going and are out until all hours of the morning leaving them to worry themselves sick, this is not mental abuse, but concern for your safety. If you are flirting with men to annoy your mate and he argues over this and may even accuse you of an affair, this is concern on his part, he shouldn't have to put of with this behavior, and this is not abuse. PHYSICAL ABUSE: Pushing, shoving, smacking, scratching, twisting or hitting. Threatening to do you bodily harm or doing it. Making you feel like you are always having to please him for fear of a beating. Neither man nor woman should hit each other. There ARE no excuses. If one is at their wits end as they have the option pf walking out that door, going for a walk, to a friends house, a local bar, and cool off. Remember hon, you are in charge of your own destiny and you don't need the approval of any family member to do something about your mental or physical abuser. I am betting your mate is mentally abusive, or you're be toting a black eye or at least bruises and you'd have proof of his physical abuse to show family members. Good luck Marcy

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Q: How do you respond to and deal with your parents and other relatives when your abuser has them completely fooled?
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Depends on the abuser - but most of them become furious. They can't countenance your newly found autonomy, freedom, and independence. They refuse to believe that there is life after them!

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It depends on the abuser and what's going on in his mind. It also depends on how the victim expresses anger. Unfortunately, there isn't a simple answer to that question. It could take years of therapy to help you understand more about the dynamics of the abuser/abused relationship.

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If someone is verbally abusive to their family than the family can seek counciling for theirself and the abuser. Other alturnitive is to kick the abuser out of the house. If they are under 18 than the parents could talk to the school councelor about their behavior at school and they may recommend help.

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No he is not a child abuser.

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He'll react like the abuser he is. You've allowed his abusive behavior on you, and he'll respond to you as he always does. Do you think that by leaving him that he'll just goes away? You're whistling in the dark. The only way to dump him is to put a barrier between the two of you - a person or distance. WHY CARE the key thing is an abuser... do you really want that type of a relationship? gotta take care of your self first.

When was Love Your Abuser created?

Love Your Abuser was created on 2007-01-30.

How What if your ex husband abuser get remarried and look not abuser to new wife?

Give him time. He will.

What is the best way to respond to an abuser who sees this and other abuse pages that you have visited and calls you dangerous?

Watch your back! You have now become a threat to this abuser! All abusers are not alike. Some abusers are only verbal, while others will beat their mates behind closed doors, but then there are others that can kill. You are playing an extremely dangerous game. Stop looking at information anywhere and letting the abuser know. Get away as fast as you can and don't look back! I take it you feel perfectly safe with this person and when you mention "how do I respond" it's like asking "where's the directions to Central Park." This is not a game and you are on dangerous turf. You've simply bitten off more than you can chew. Marcy

When was Love Your Abuser Remixed created?

Love Your Abuser Remixed was created on 2008-09-23.

What are the evils of the computer?

The computer in and of itself is not evil, it is an inanimate object. The user is the abuser and it is the abuser who causes the evil.

Explain why both adults and children keep child abuse a secret?

There are many different reasons that children and adults remain silent about the "secret" of abuse, including: - scared that the abuser will hurt or fatally injure them - fear that the abuser will hurt or fatally injure a love one - embarrassment - the abuser convinced the victim that "no one will believe you" - the abuser convinced the victim that "you wanted it as much as I did" - the abuser uses bribes or any form of "currency" that the child needs or wants including attention, money, gifts, or special treats - the victim starts to believe he/she did "want it" simply because he/she wanted the items the abuser promised - just want to pretend it never happened - don't know it's abuse - the lack of words to define or describe what happed - the abuse occurred at night so that the incidents become clouded "as if a dream" - the victim dissociates so there is a wall between "now" and what occurred "before now", even during the abuse - the victim suffers from Stockholm's syndrom (start to have feeling for the abuser and will sympathised with the abuser) Parents who do nothing after being told by a child about abuse often do not tell anyone because: - the parent is the abuser in many cases OR.... - the parent/s do not understand the danger of abuse, even if they have another child in the home - the abuser is the mother's boyfriend so the mother chooses her boyfriend over the child - the abuser is the mother's boyfriend and the mother cannot get away from him - the abuser is the father who also commits domestic violence--the mother feels she cannot safely leave and take her children with her - the abuser is the spouse or boyfriend who has threatened the mother as well as the kids and the victim - the parent fears involvement of child welfare - the parent was also an abused child so he or she thinks "I got through it, so can you" - the parent feels powerless - the parent is in denial - the parent has a mental illness and is ineffective at protecting a child - the abuser is the parent's workplace boss and the parent needs the job so therefore chooses not to tell the authorities OR.... Both parents or the mother and a live-in boyfriend commit the abuse together against the child.

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The cast of Abuser - 2009 includes: Sergio Montoya Gino Montoya