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Ancient Palestine refers to the region roughly encompassed by the former British Mandate of Palestine during all time-periods prior to 500 C.E. This territory is makes up part of the Southern Levant in the Middle East (Southwest Asia).

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The ancient land of Palestine corresponds roughly to the modern territories of Israel and Palestine combined.

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What are the four middle eastern countries of ancient Palestine?

Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria are the four modern countries that have territory from Ancient Palestine.

What is a group of people who threatened the Hebrews position in ancient Palestine?

There was no ancient Palestine. The land of Israel was only renamed "Palestine" AFTER the Jews were expelled in the year 70.The enemies of Ancient Israel were as numerous as they are today. The following people threatened the Hebrews in Ancient Israel:CanaanitesHittitesEgyptiansAssyriansBabyloniansSyrian-GreeksRomans

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The Romans wanted to wipe out remnant of the Jews in ancient Palestine, so they named it Palestine after the Philistine nation that lived across the Jordan.

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Israel was the Ancient homeland of the Hebrews for already more than 2000 years by the time the Romans invaded. It was not called Palestine until the Romans expelled the people and renamed it in the year 70.The Romans called it Palestine after an ancient Enemy of the Jews: the Philistines.

What pair of ancient people live in the region called Levant?

The Hebrews and the Phoenicians were the pair of ancient people who lived on the Levant. It is known today as Palestine or Israel.

Which people does Palestine refer when the Romans renamed judea Palestine?

It refers to the Philistines who also lived in ancient Palestine, and with whom the Jews in ancient times had a less than friendly relationship. Judea referred to only a part of that area where the Jews were a majority. But although many people in today's Israel claim the whole of present-day Palestine as being 'their' ancestral land of Judea and Samaria, the historical fact is the the ancient Jews shared that land with several other tribes at the time (like amongst others, the Philistines and the Samaritans) and were a minority or even hardly present in several parts and cities of ancient Palestine.

What were camels used for in ancient palestine?

riding, frieght pulling, and sacrificial ceremonies

What are some landmarks in ancient Palestine?

There is the Dome of Rock, Dead Sea and Masjed Al-Aqsa.

Who ruled ancient Palestine?

Palestine was the Roman designation for a strip of territory that had never previously been occupied (in its entirety) by any other power. Palestine since that point (until the 1948) had always been occupied by a larger Empire that was not based in that region.