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The best way to lose weight depends on how overweight you are. First, be warned that anorexia is a condition that is all too common among teenage girls and young women. The condition can lead to dangerous weight loss and can even kill. A person's view of their own body weight can be wildly inaccurate with a feeling of being fat despite being a healthy weight or even underweight. Anorexia is triggered by many things, but weight loss without a firm target is perhaps one of the common ways. The very first step is to work out your ideal weight range. It's worth doing this with a responsible adult - a school nurse or councillor will offer good advice. Choose your target and agree it before you start. Write the target down and keep it handy. Don't be tempted to go past that target. You will notice that there are no weights mentioned here. Everyone is different so any numbers might be misleading. Once you have set a target weight, look at an eating plan. Reducing calorie intake to a set amount each day is a good starting point. A good target is to lose one or two pounds each week. Any more and your food intake is likely to lack important nutrients and the diet will be much harder to stick at. Easy ways to reduce calorie intake are to avoid high fat food - burgers, chips, cream, fried food, rich sauces and butter are all high in fat. Diet Soda rather than regular soda can reduce sugar intake a lot as well. Cutting out some of those foods may well be enough to lose weight fairly quickly. Starvation diets don't work. Don't ever expect to starve for a week or two and retain that weight loss. It will go right back on again because the body thinks there is a food shortage. Any nutrients that the body can spare will be stored away as fat. The result is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of your target. The next step is to increase exercise. Not only does exercise burn calories and help with weight loss, it will also develop muscle mass. This is an important point because muscle is denser than fat. Even if weight loss during a week is minimal, the fact that fat is being burned and muscle is developing, you will still be looking slimmer. For some reassurance, take some measurements as you start losing weight. Waist, hips, chest, upper arms and thighs are good ones to take. The exercise is likely to lead to reduced inches. If you haven't lost weight one week, you may well have lost inches instead. It takes some time to reach a goal. Losing twenty pounds may take 4 months but with a sensible diet, the weight will stay off. When you have reached your ideal weight, keep to a sensible diet. If your weight is way over your ideal healthy weight, it's worth talking to a doctor first. A sudden and dramatic change in diet and exercise can cause problems for those who are very overweight. A doctor can offer valuable advice and it's wise not to ignore the advice. Finally, at 12 years old, a girl's body is going through some dramatic changes. Weight may fluctuate and most will be growing taller. If you get taller, you can carry more weight than before and still look good. If several weeks pass without losing weight, don't be disheartened. Water retention is common at periods during the menstrual cycle so there may even be weeks when the weight goes up and not down. Compare your weight with 4 weeks back and that will probably reassure you that the weight is coming off. One last thought: Far too many girls aim to lose weight in the hope that boys will find them more attractive. Make sure you are doing it for you and not for what others think of you. Always remember that most boys don't want to be with a size zero girl. Most boys really don't care. Despite everything that boys say, the girls they find most attractive are the ones with an attractive personality, a smile and a confident attitude. As the weight comes off, show off your personality and you will get your admirers. (Written by one who was a teenage boy many years back)

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14y ago
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15y ago

Dieting a child can sometimes be more difficult than you expect. What I would strongly suggest is that you see a dietician, or weightloss counselor that can tailor the diet to her individual need. Try to incorporate as many vegetables and low calorie foods in her diet as possible. Don't make her feel like she's losing out, instead help her to see why you're making such necessary changes to her eating habits. The most important thing to do during this period is encourage her to get plenty of excercise, try to make it fun like taking her swimming or other fun activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Remember to support her during this time and be sensitive to the way that she feels about the issue. Take care and best wishes. ---- For more information about a good diet and lifestyle to reduce or prevent obesity in children or teenagers, see the related question, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

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16y ago

You shouldn't be on a diet.

You're too young to have to deal with this right now, and what you're going to end up doing is creating a life-long cycle of food issues. Your weight will yo-yo over your whole life and you'll never be happy with your weight.


It's more important right now to just stay physically active and love the body you have. A lot of models are either drug addicts, airbrushed, or both. They don't have jobs - all they do all day is work out and eat nothing. That's not life. That's a pale imitation of life.

Love yourself for who you are, and happiness will follow you. No matter what you enjoy in life, there are others out there who enjoy the same things. Being thin will NOT make you popular with either boys or girls. Being nice, having a positive attitude, and being involved in extra-curricular activities are more important than dress size or scale numbers.

If you absolutely must for medical reasons, then you should follow your physician's advice.

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9y ago

A good diet plan for an 11-year old girl is to eat sensibly. She should eat lean meats, along with plenty of fruits, and vegetables. She should cut out sugary snacks and drinks, as well as fried foods. This will help her to have a steady, healthy weight loss. It is never good to try to lose weight too fast. It is better to do so in a slower, healthier way.

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14y ago

Sorry to break it to you, but there is no fast way to loose weight without severely compromising your health.

It is nearly impossible for most people to loose more than 2 pounds of fat per week. If you are loosing more weight than that, you are most certainly loosing it through loss of water and lean muscle tissue.

Crash diets that promote low calorie intake offer fairly quick results, but in the long run they really mess up your body and nearly always cause you to rebound, putting the weight back on. Unfortunately, once you do put it back on, it will be after loosing muscle mass, meaning you'll be even fatter than you were beforehand even at the same weight, with less muscle to burn the fat with.

The only safe way to loose excess fat and keep it off is to find out your base daily calorie needs, with consideration to your age, gender, height, and weight. Once you know that amount, you need to start consuming about 10-20% less calories than that amount, any more than that and you may trigger your bodies starvation mechanisms which will cause it to slow down the rate at which you burn calories, and increase the production of fat storing hormones.

The food you eat needs to be considered as well. Make your calories count, there is no nutritional value in refined sugars and starches, avoid soft drinks and other sugary beverages, avoid junk food and sweets, they are just empty carbohydrates that quickly break down in your system leaving you hungry again and without the nutrients your body is craving.

Now, most importantly, start getting active! If you are 11 you ought to be out playing every day, take up a sport, run around and have fun with other kid's your age. Besides that, you may want to consider some light regular weight training. You don't want to over do it at your age, since heavy daily weight training can mess up your hormone levels and potentially stunt your growth. But stuff like push ups, sit ups, pull ups, use of light free weights will all help you start to build muscle and muscle is the key to real fat loss as our muscles are calorie burning machines.

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12y ago

Eat healthy lots of veggies and fruite instead of a doughnut for breckfast have a banana play outside for two hour or more break it up into 30minets every now and then hope this helped

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Q: What is a good diet plan for a 12-year-old girl who wants to lose weight fast?
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The slim fast diet is a must for people dedicated to losing weight. Its a fast, simple, efficient workout and diet solution to keep you healthy for life.

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Weight Watchers is a healthy diet with constant weight loss. It wouldn't be as fast as some of the fad diets that come and go but it is a life changing plan.

Is Slim Fast a good diet?

NO! Weight Watchers is better.

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Some examples of fast weight loss diets would be groups such as Weighth Watchers, Jenny Craig, Herbal Magic, etc. There is a cabbage soup diet that works fast. Keeping the weight off requires keeping with the programs. Remember----fast on.

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Generally speaking, you shouldn't attempt to lose weight too quickly as it is not considered healthy. There is the HGC diet but it is very controversial.

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Weight loss is something that is on most everyone's mind, and those who want to lose, want to lose fast. Crash diet fads come and go, such as the cabbage soup diet, the lemonade diet (also known as Master Cleanse) and the Hollywood diet, but most of the weight lost on these diets will be water weight.

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There is a diet that is known as the food lovers diet. This diet, is based on eating more foods and not giving up the foods that you love. This diet helps you to lose weight in 21 days.

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Depends on which weight you started at. It's always healthy to get to a decent BMI, but getting there too fast can be a risk to your health, such as heart problems and not having a balanced diet. Losing weight too fast makes is easier to gain weight fast as well, if you're not eating a balanced diet

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Some diet plans to help you lose weight fast are bread diets with low protein intake, a all protein diet with small portions, a bread and water diet like the rapper 50 Cent did for a previous movie, a veggie diet, and etc.