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There are other places to seek help from if you are "caught in the middle". The best service I know that can help you with pregnancy costs is patient advocacy. They will help you reduce both your doctors visits and laboratory work needed. Also, they will negotiate your delivery bill with a hospital of your choice. The best patient advocacy program I know of is

Many temp agencies offer basic hospitalization. However, pregnancy may be seen as a pre-existing condition. You will do best to figure out the cost of everything and arrange financing. You may both have to tighten your belts and eat peanut butter, but you can get it done. Long term, you both need to find jobs that have major medical so that you can care for your child properly.

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Q: You don't have insurance you are married and you are a temp your husband's job doesnt offer insurance. With Both of your incomes combined you make too much money for medicaid you are pregnant help?
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If my husband gets a job and has insurance will Medicaid cancel my insurance. I am currently pregnant and didn't have insurance so I applied and got approved. Do I have the option to keep medicaid?

No. More information would be necessary to give an exact resolution, but you are not allowed to have both private insurance and Medicaid. You can not have both private insurance and medicaid at the same time. That is what is called double dipping. You husbands plan should have an option to "opt-in" to his plan if it is a group medical provided through work.

What if you had insurance when you found out you were pregnant then lost your insurance can you qualify for medicaid?

You can get Medicaid when pregnant if you meet the eligibility requirements - principally, citizenship and limited income/assets. Medicaid can be backdated up to three months prior to the month of your application.You can get Medicaid even if you have insurance; however, your provider(s) must bill your insurance first, prior to billing Medicaid.

Can you qualify for Medicaid if you are pregnant and living with your parents and their insurance does not cover maternity?

The only way to answer that is by calling Medicaid and asking them if you qualify.

Can you get Medicaid if you have insurance and get pregnant?

You can get Medicaid if you are pregnant, even if you have insurance, if you meet the other factors of eligibility including citizenship/alien status and limited financial resources.

Does Illinois medicaid work in North Carolina. My wife has Illinois medicaid and we want to move to North Carolina. what should we do about her health insurance as she is pregnant?

Your wife will have to cancel her Illinois Medicaid and apply in NC.

How much is medicaid when pregnant but have no medicaid?

If your income/assets are below the threshold (typically, 200% of Federal poverty level for a pregnant person), Medicaid should be free. Otherwise, you might owe a "spend down."

Why are there so many people without health care insurance if you have medicaid?

Medicaid is exclusively for parents with young children of low-income levels, pregnant women, certain seniors, and people with disabilities. If you are an able bodied person without children between the ages of 21 (or 26 if your parents' insurance will cover you) to 64, you get *nothing*.

What if you get pregnant before you apply for medicaid?

you can still apply for it

Is there health coverage for uninsured pregnant mothers?

Yes. Medicaid.

What is the difference between Medicaid and pregnant Medicaid?

Medicaid based on pregnancy has eligibility rules that are slightly more generous. There is no difference between the two in terms of medical care.

Do the parent of a pregnant teen have to pay for her medical bills in the State of New York?

If she is under their insurance that should pick up the bill, if not the pregnant child should be eligible for medicaid for prenatal care and for her unborn child.

I am 7 mnths pregnant and wanting to move can medicaid be transferred from state to state?

No, medicaid is not a federal program. It is a state program.