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No, not in its uncooked state. You can, however, cook it and then freeze it.

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Q: Can previously frozen defrosted vacuum-sealed kielbasa be refrozen?
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Can defrosted turkey be cooked and refrozen?

You can refreeze any food after its been defrosted as long as you cook it. What you should never do is defrost food and then freeze it again raw. It's very dangerous to do that.

Can any food be refrozen?

Once thawed or defrosted, food or beverage must be cooked or consumed within a few hours.

Can beef steak be thawed and refrozen?

If you are asking if it OK to use, you will have to make that decision. You know how the meat was handled, stored, defrosted and refrozen. If you have doubts about its safety, throw it out.

Slightly defrosted shrimp be refrozen and then cooked safe?

All meat can be defrosted and then refrozen. It is safe to eat, but will not be as tasty and juicy if meat had not been frozen. This is not a safety issue but a culinary one.

Can cooked frozen meats defrosted be refrozen?

Defrosted raw meat can be refrozen and cooked later, but the quality of the meat will be notably reduced. If the meat has been at room temperature for more than an hour or so, bacterial growth may have been substantial, and then the refrozen meat may not be safe to eat later, even after being cooked. The best way to deal with defrosted meat that is not needed immediately is to cook it and THEN freeze it for future use. In theory you can defrost and freeze meat as many times as you want as long as you cook the hell out of it before eating. Each time you do it, more bacteria grow inside it, but the heat of cooking will kill them. However, the palatability of the meat decreases with each cycle and quickly renders the food inedibal except by the very hungry.

If a ham has been frozen then defrosted then cooked can the leftovers be refrozen?

Yes, after you cook it, it is in a differant STATE, it has been preserved abother way. Just don't freeze it too long.

Can fish partially thawed at room temperature be refrozen?

My freezer was unplugged by a construction worker. I did not catch it for 2 days the food was cold but had defrosted. The fish was in sealed packages but pretty defrosted. Is it ok to refreeze it now or is it dangerous to eat?

Can defrosted baked potatoes be refrozen?

No, Once you freeze something, im pretty sure you can't refreeze it, i think the only way you could, would be to have a raw potato, cook it and then you can freeze it.

Can precooked frozen ham be thawed out and refrozen gain?

No it is not recommended on food safety grounds. Unused cooked defrosted meat should be binned after three to four days.

Can defrosted veal steaks be refrozen?

It depends on how it got unfrozen. If you thawed it in the refrigerator you should be able to freeze it again and be fine, but if it was left sitting out, you could be at risk for food poisoning and it is best to just throw it away.