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I have raised blue mystery snails for a few years and I have never seen one lay eggs when they were the only snail in the tank. I have seen egg clutches that didn't hatch, but I attribute that to an issue of the environment and not the fertility of the eggs.

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Q: Can the blue mystery snail lay unfertile eggs?
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If your mystery snail eggs get touched will they die?

It really depends on what you mean by "touched". Yes, you can touch the eggs gently but don't smush them.

What do mystery snail eggs look like?,%20S138.jpg Here is a good picture.

Is it ok to clean a fish tank when mystery snail eggs are present?

Well it depends if you want them in there or not. It's your choice.

You have had one mystery snail for a few months and you just found an egg sack how did one snail reproduce?

it must have mated with another snail at the hatchery or pet store. Mystery snails (Pomacea bridgesii),like many other speciese of aquatic snails, can hold the sperm from mating and fertilize the eggs that are still in the snail.

Will a mystery snail's eggs die if they were laid underwater?

White mystery snails lay eggs in clutches above the water line. If the eggs fall into the water they will drown, but if the clutch dries out they will also die, so what you want is a humid and moist environment

What is the colour of snail eggs?

- Most snail eggs are clear, but not all of them are.

Are apple snails and mystery snails the same and will they mate with each other?

AnswerHey there, as far as i know they wont interbreed. All i have to say is make sure u have cover glasses coz those buggers can crawl out of ur tank pretty fast hahaha. :o) Catch mate.a shellApple snails and mystery snails are different. Apple snails get to be softball size while mystery snails stay smaller. I have an apple snail and an ivory mystery snail, my ivory is a female and I just saw the apple snail mating with her. She has just previously laid two clutches of eggs from my blue mystery snail that has just recently died and the eggs have not hatched yet so I am curious to see if the apple snail will fertilize her or not. I have tried to do research to see if they can even breed or not and have not found anything useful.

How do you clean your triops tanks if there are eggs in there that the adults have laid?

It all depends on what you want. In other words, if they are fish eggs do you want more of the same fish that are in the tank - and the same for snail eggs. The kinds of fish you have will tell you about the eggs and where they are found. Sclares (angel fish) deposit their eggs on the glass or a leaf. Cichlids usually drop their eggs into the sand. Siamese fish blow elaborate "egg nests" made of bubbles. A small gel-like patch on the side of the tank is usually snail eggs - unless you have a large snail such as a Mystery Snail.

Can a cocktailc lay unfertile eggs?

yes they can, if there is no male, or if perches are not stabile, than mating can be unsuccessful

When should you remove parakeets unfertilized eggs?

whenever you want, make sure its unfertile though

Pictures of snail eggs?

Look at the link below these are Golden Apple Snail eggs.