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There are many people that can lose a pound of weight every day but it is not healthy to do so. Losing one to two pounds a week is a good amount to lose.

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Q: Can you lose a pound every day?
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How much weight will you lose if you run for fifteen minutes every day?

1 pound 1 pound

How much weight do you lose if you cut down 500 calories every day?

1 pound a week

If your an adult how many pounds to lose to lose a pound?

You might want to rephrase your question, but to lose one pound, you must lose one pound. Every 3500 calories is one pound.

If you lose 1000 calories a day for a week how much weight will you lose?

2 pounds if you do not increase your activity level. For every 3500 calories you will lose one pound.

How fast can you lose weight if you eat right and exercise every day?

It depends on how much you are eating and exercising. It also depends on your calorie deficit. If it's a 500 calorie deficit a day, you will lose a pound a week. If it's a 1,000 calorie deficit a day, you will lose two pounds. Add 500 to each day and you will lose an extra pound. But, it's not good to lose more than 3 pounds a week.

Does belly dancing help lose stomach fat?

It really does and it works. If you do belly dance every day about and hour you can lose about 4 pound a week.

How do children lose a pound a day?


If you jog for 20 minutes every day how long does it take to lose one pound?

I did 20 minutes on my treadmill , 4 days a week, and lost about one pound a week.

Can you run up and down the stairs 60 times and lose 1 pound?

Not really. You might lose one pund by running the stairs every day for a week though.

How many calories less a day do you need to consume to lose one pound in a week?

A pound of fat is generally around 3500 calories, so to lose a pound of fat a week you would need to lose 500 calories a day

Can someone lose 1 pound every day for 40 days?

Probably if they are really overweight, or if they starve themselves. Not usually a good idea.

If you burn 350 calories a day for 10 days will you lose a pound?

1 Pound