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Probably not. It would require a new title to be issued.

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Q: Can you tag your car in another state with an outstanding title loan on it?
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Bought a car out of state but loan is with your bank Who receives the title?

The bank receives the title until the loan is paid. If the loan is paid off then you receive the title.

Is there a statute of limitations of a title loan in Alabama?

No, there is no statute of limitations on a title loan in the state of alabama. As long there is a recorded security interest on your car title i.e." Lien" you are obligated to repay your title loan

What is the cost of a title loan?

The cost of a title loan can vary based on what country or state the title loan is being written in. Be sure to verify pricing at a local level before purchasing.

Define outstanding loan?

Difference between loan disbursed and loan outstanding; the unpaid remainder that you still owe.

Where can I get a title loan in Wisconsin?

Their are several title loan companies in the state of Wisconsin, and to find them you would look up "Pawnbrokers" in the Yellow pages.

Can auto title loan company go to a different state than the loan t?


Who can I contact to help me with my title car information?

The Department of Motor vehicles in your state will help you with searching for the title information on your vehicle. Another idea would be to call the bank you have your car loan through, they will have the title to your car.

What's the proper procedure to register and insure a car in the state you now live when it's registered in another state but the dmv in the other state has not processed the title into your name yet?

The loan/title holder needs to send the title certified mail to the "state of missouri" or "state of texas"....whatever state you live in currently. After seeing it, the "state of whatever" sends the title right back to the loan/title holder in the outside state that you bought the car in, but currently don't live there. Then you can get a waiver from the "state of whatever/ current state you live in" to be able to proceed with getting your tags and insurance without presenting the title in person. I think the waiver is what does it. However, please check with your administrative state offices before proceeding with this solution to get the right contact information. You can also check with your loan/title holder to insure that they can follow through with a quick certified mailing to your home state, with a prompt return upon viewing the title.

Can title loan company repossess your car in another state?

Yes. The lienholder is the rightful, legal owner of the vehicle, and can take possession of that vehicle anywhere.

What are paydowns?

Periodic payments against an outstanding loan balance that do not pay off the entire outstanding loan balance.

Is it illegal in the state of Virginia to take out a title loan on your car with a duplicate title then take out another tilte loan with another company on the exact car if your first loan is active?

that means you knowningly got two titles and got two loans out and once the companies find out which they will when the motor vehicle records are reviewed they will see that each other as the lien holder and will take you to court.

What is an outstanding loan?

Simply put it is a loan that has yet to be repaid.