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I think that the words "too much freedom" really should not be put together in that order. I believe the real question is "Are parents skilled enough for todays youth?" That answer is, for the most part, a big collective NO. They do not modernize as necessary to support a shift in culture. Childhood freedom is the best part of living in the here and now. No more patriarchial (What dad say goes!) crap of the 50's. Children are now unhindered by parents who have major insecurity issues. Children are able to point out their parents mistake (Which I fell is a grand thing. For, if I'm screwing up I want one of my three children to let me know. I sure as hell would have wanted the same when I was growing up!) However, the freedom means parents need to get their buts in gear and either network with parents who know what their doing or read up on books (Not the ones that say "YOU ARE THE PARENT!". Those titles are destructive to otherwise constructive parenting. Freedom is a good thing for youth to have. They can make healthier choices (having learned the hard way will instill in them their lesson quicker than ludicrous rules and regulations).

So, in short, I believe that the amount of freedom some kids have is far to less for a growing mind and spirit (not the religious kind of spirit). Just because they have not turned 18 does not mean they couldn't be fully autonomous if given the chance. That is a good skill to have. Give them the love you can give them, listen, be there, help (WHEN THEY ASK FOR IT) but you want them to be able to 'make it' without you. Just in case something would ever happen to you.


Having raised six children - and all of them now parents themselves and less then seventy miles away - I would disagree with the previous answer. The dilemma of the 1960's, really a revolt against too much parental control, resulted, like any other revolt, in overcompensation and allowing too much freedom. Like Aristotle proposed nearly 2500 years ago, we need to find the "Golden Mean." At time we need to exercise control and, at other times, we need to let go.

So now, when do we control and when do we let go? Yes, of course, this is more difficult than to take the simpler, one course route. This is where your judgment as parent comes into play. And, that judgment has to do with the child and its maturity.

I just answered a query as to whether a 10-13 year old child should be allowed to go to the shopping mall alone. Most likely not, but this depends on the child. How well can the child make a good decision? This is the ultimate question! As parents you must ask your child specific questions! Would you go with a stranger who wants to buy you an ice cream? Would you join your friends when they decide to go into a store and steal merchandise?

Parenting is a full-time job. There are no easy answers. Each situation must be judged independently and be based on the maturity of the child and their ability to make good decisions. Some children mature earlier than others. But most want some direction.

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10y ago

First off, you might need to define "too much"...this is a relative term which many people would have many different answers to. For the most part, young people in Western culture have more 'freedom' than those in non-Western cultures, but whether or not this is a bad thing is open to interpretation. For my money, you can never have too much freedom, so long as your behavior does not infringe on the freedoms and rights of others. Repressive societies, East or West, tend to be run by ruthless dictators and tyrants, restricting the freedoms of everyone, not just young people. In many Islamist societies, it is forbidden for a woman to be in public if not in the company of a husband, brother or father. Most western cultures would be different in this regard, allowing a woman freedom to go where she wants, when she wants, with whom she wants, instead of being treated like chattle or property.

While freedom is a good thing, an excess of it is not. In the Western World (US, UK, Canada, Australia etc.) many people take advantage of the freedom. They take it for granted that freedom equals 'do anything'. That's stretching it a bit, don't you think? Here in the west, I've noticed many girls from conservative backgrounds like Punjabi or Assyrian are quite promiscuous, bigoted, and in some cases even boneheaded. It's the western freedom that enables them to be like that. Back in India and the Middle East, they would be punished or even killed for this lifestyle. They don't realize that they are an endangered people. Compared to most other ethnic groups of the world, Assyrians and Punjabis are quite small in number. By NO means am I being misogynistic. Just saying the truth. Good girls exist, but not as common as they were in the '60s or '70s...

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15y ago

Too much freedom? Now the thing here is not to stereotype. Alot of kids today are wrapped up in cotton wool, but in equal measure some are given too much freedom which results in them taking advantage. However, if a child is given too little freedom they're probably going to end up completely unstreetwise and at danger or rebelling. Either is not good. The trick is getting the balance. Alot of cases depend on the child themselves, and trust with their parents/guardian. It would also depend on their age, and what is considered too much freedom. Becomming an individual and independent is very important. Without freedom children cannot do this. Basically, if they are trustworthy they should be given more freedom, and if not then yes, they are given too much freedom.

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11y ago

The question can only be answered by individual opinion, there is no "answer".

Although in the past millennium, youth have been receiving an increased amount of limitation; this is because societal laws have defined an age of adulthood, therefore making anyone under the defined age a "child". The majority of parents want the best for their "children", which usually ends up in the parent limiting the "child" of freedoms for fear of danger to the "child", and because they want their "child" to be the "best".

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Too much freedom can be bad, since a person who's free to do anything they want can do stuff that might hurt them. They might drink too much, take illegal drugs, drive too fast, indulge in activities that can injure them. Most of the time freedom is a great prize, but, there are exceptions to that rule.

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I firmlybelieve that there is such a thing as too much freedom. And,the best answer that I can come up with that woiuld be one of the problemswith it, would be Anarchy and vigillante-ism. You know...toomanychiefs and not enough indians!

Do youth of today have too much freedom?

I believe so. When I was a teen, I didn't have really any freedom. There are still kids out there that don't have that much freedom because they have strict parents. I constantly see kids walking around with cellphones. I think that's just ridiculous. What ever happened to calling from a friend's house? Some kids have too much freedom these days, and some are living the lives like I did. It's about 50/50 to answer your question.AnswerITs not too much freedom that the teenage has, its the lack of parental guidance and discipline. I wouldn't dare say or do some of the things I see teenagers do these days because I was taught to respect authority and do the right thing. My father didnt have to whip us to get us to listen to him, he only had to raise his voice a little and peer down his glasses and we got the hint. People are too quick these days to give in to the kids so that they don't have to be the heavy and by the time they are 15 they are out of control and you have parents oblivious to the fact that they, created the monster that is in front of them. I was also taught that I had to earn privileges, like going out, getting material items, now they are bought as buy off's to keep the kids happy.