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ya it really effect it is the main source of curdling it.

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Q: Does temperature affect milk while its curdling?
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Related questions

How do you stop fresh milk curdling?

If the milk is fresh, then keeping it in the refrigerator is sufficient to prevent the milk from curdling. If milk curdles in the refrigerator, than it is probably spoiled and not good to drink.

Is curdling of milk is physical change or chemical change?

Milk curdling is a chemical change.

What is coagulation milk?


A sentence with the word 'curdling' in it?

A sentence could be "I knew the milk was off because it was curdling"

Why does milk go sour?

The souring and curdling of milk is caused by bacteria.

Which bacteria helps in curdling of milk?

The bacteria which help in curding of milk is lactobacillus.

How does vinegar affect milk?

Vinegar is 5 percent acid, the acid will cause the milk to sour or the technical term is curdling.

Where does curdling of milk occur in the digestive tract?

In your stomach.

Why do we heat the milk or cream before adding to the cream soup?

Heating milk or cream will help prevent the dairy from curdling from the sudden temperature change. The milk or cream has fats and proteins that will react negatively when suddenly changing temperature very quickly. They need to be gently brought up to temperature to retain their consistency.

Would the temperature of the milk affect the fat in it?


How baking powder prevent milk from curdling?

There are a few precautions that can be taken to prevent milk from curdling. If one is cooking and wants to prevent curdling it is suggested to use higher fat milks or cook lower fat milks slower and with less heat.

Why does milk get clumpy?

If your milk is clumpy is it sour probably by setting out to long. This clumping is called curdling, and is something that happens naturally if milk has been left out in room temperature for too long or if it reacts to some enzyme or bacteria that causes it to curdle.