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The compound lactase includes a series of autosomal proteins that incorporate substrate material to the final product. Lactase, being the specific enzyme to obtain energy from the material of milk. Moreover, it works as a catalyst to speed up the reaction.

Dr. Amsberry, PHD

What an absolute load of bunkum - not sure where you got your PhD !!!!

What "Dr" Amsberry should have told you is that lactase is the enzyme which is responsible for the catalytic breakdown of lactose (a disaccharide molecule) into its consituent monosaccharide parts; these being glucose and galactose.

In the manufacture of lactose-free milk a recombinant lactase enzyme (i.e. one that has been produced commercially in bacteria) is added to a bulk culture of milk which is gently heated to activate the enzymatic catalysis - eventually breaking down all of the lactose present in the milk into the glucose and galactose monosaccharides to which a lactose-intolerant person will have no adverse reaction.

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9y ago

Lactose free milk is made with all the same stuff as regular milk. But instead of dairy produces they use enzyme.

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What does the lactase enzyme help with the digestion of?

Lactase enzymes are produced by the body to help the digestion of whole milk. Lactase enzymes break down Lactose one of the main components of milk and dairy products.

What happens when milk is treated with lactase?

Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk. This allows lactose intolerant individuals to drink the lactose free (or reduced lactose) milk.

Is lactase a protein?

Yes; Lactase is an enzyme (protein) that breaks down the sugar lactose found in milk.

How are you going to convince your mother to give a 13 year old breast milk?

A child above the age of 7 has no need to consume milk of any form, nor has the production of Lactase to break it down.

What is lactase used for?

Lactase improves the digestion of milk by some people who lack the enzymes, aka lactose intolerance.

How can lactase enzymes be made more effective?

Heating the milk speeds up the process, and doubling the amount of lactase liquid will result in milk that is 90% lactose free.

Whats the function of the lactase substrate?

Lactase is the bodily enzyme that breaks down Lactose, a sugar found in milk.

What enzyme act on Lactose?

Rennet is a complex of enzymes that digest milk, the primary enzyme being chymosin or rennin.

What is another term for lactose intolerance?

lactase deficiency.

Why is Lactase essential for digesting lactose in Milk?

Lactase is essential for digesting lactose because there is a precise compatibility between the active site and the lactose molecule.

People who have trouble digesting milk should consider getting vitamin d and calcium from?

Milk that has lactase added.

How is fat removed from milk?

Lactose is present in milk. By substituting other food for milk like egg etc can remove lactose from our diet.More information:Lactose is the sugar that is present in all dairy products. It cannot be removed from those products. Instead, persons who are "lactose intolerant" must avoid all dairy products and all foods that contain dairy products as ingredients. Soy milk, almond milk, rice milk and coconut milk are all readily available at supermarkets and make excellent substitutes for dairy milk.