


Wisdom Teeth and Oral Surgery

Questions about wisdom teeth and any kind of issues taken care of by an oral surgeon.

500 Questions

When can you drink coffee after wisdom tooth extraction?

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After wisdom tooth extraction, it's generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours before drinking coffee or any other hot beverages. Drinking hot liquids too soon after the extraction can dislodge the blood clot that forms in the socket, which is essential for proper healing. This can lead to a condition called dry socket, which can be painful and delay the healing process.

Once you're past the initial 24-hour period, you can start introducing lukewarm liquids, including coffee, into your diet. However, it's important to continue to be cautious. Drinking through a straw or rinsing your mouth vigorously should be avoided, as these actions can also disrupt the healing process.

If you experience any pain, swelling, or bleeding after drinking coffee or any other beverage, stop and consult your dentist or oral surgeon. They can provide further guidance on when it's safe to resume drinking coffee and other hot beverages after wisdom tooth extraction.

What is the difference between a filling and a root canal?

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Asked by Wiki User

when you get a filling, they drill some of the tooth which has a cavity and fill it. When you get a root canal, they drill all the way down and take out the nerve of the tooth. Getting a root canal is more painful then a filling.

What is the world record for amount of Wisdom teeth?

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The current world record for the highest number of wisdom teeth extracted from a single person is 232 teeth, belonging to Ashik Gavai from India in 2014.

Can a root canal infection cause dizzyness ringing ears and head pressure?

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I had all of those symptoms except ringing ears after my root canal infection. Dizziness was caused by very high fever though. All of those together don't sound good I would go to your doctor or the emergency room immediatly!

Can tooth cleaning cause a root canal?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is very unlikely that a cleaning would cause a root canal. I would tend to answer a simple No.

Can you drink wine after wisdom tooth removal?

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After wisdom tooth removal, it is generally advisable to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, including wine, for at least the first 24 hours. Alcohol can interfere with the blood clotting process and may increase the risk of bleeding or delay the healing of the surgical site.

Additionally, alcohol can have a numbing effect, and you might not be fully aware of your actions, potentially leading to accidental harm to the surgical site. It's crucial to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your oral surgeon or dentist, which may include specific recommendations regarding diet and activities during the initial recovery period.

If you have any concerns or questions about consuming wine or other beverages after wisdom tooth removal, it's best to consult with your oral surgeon or dentist for personalized advice based on your specific situation.

Another term for root canal treatment?

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Asked by Wiki User

Root canal treatment in Plumstead are carried out to remove an irreversibly damaged ‘dental pulp’ due to decay, trauma or to remove infection found at the root of the tooth. We Serve in Plumstead, Woolwich, London & nearby areas.

Is it okay to drink smoothies after getting your wisom teeth pulled?

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If I remember correctly, you are not supposed to drink anything through a straw. This is because of the suction that is created in your mouth when using a straw. It can cause the scabs in your mouth to come of prematurely causing possible infection problems.

Can you drink water before you have your wisdom teeth pulled?

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I have one today and am pregnant. I was told I couldn't even drink water after midnight prior to it and no fats for dinner whatsoever. So, as far as I know, no water before gallbladder ultrasound.

Why should you avoid hot foods after having wisdom teeth extracted?

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You should not eat or drink anything hot until the local anesthetic has worn off. While you are numb, you risk severely burning your mouth.

Can you eat Hash Browns after you get your wisdom teeth out?

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If the oatmeal is very warm, wait at least a day.

Don't forget to rinse your mouth with water and salt in case oatmeal crumbles accumulate in the extraction holes. You must wait at least 24 hours after the extractions before rinsing your mouth with anything.

New Answer

Personally, I would wait at least a week. Don't eat anything that is too hot for the first few days and refrain from eating things with small particles that may get stuck in the tooth and gum area near the recovery site. I had stitches, so no holes, but food can still get in the nooks and crannies of your mouth. During the first few days, your cheeks and jaws will be sore and it is almost impossible to get your tongue back there to get rid of any food. This includes foods such as rice and oatmeal. Absolutely NO popcorn!!! Wait more than a week!

When I got my wisdom teeth taken out there were certain foods that were absolutely perfect. It is important that even though you are on a soft foods diet, you still eat foods with lots of nutrition. I loved V8 juice because it enabled me to have yummy fruits and vegetables comfortably (as opposed to Gerber mashed green beans and squash). I also loved Slimfast. It filled me up without hurting my mouth.

As I healed, I was able to eat foods with more sustenance. The first thing I ate was Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs with chopsticks. I preferred chopsticks to a spoon because I didn't have to open my mouth as far and it guaranteed that the pasta wouldn't be too hot by the time it got to my mouth. Note that I have been using chopsticks since I was five and my family owns a set of plastic chopsticks that can simply be put in the dishwasher and reused.

I also ate a lot of Dole canned diced peaches. First of all, I love canned peaches (more than fresh), they were very small and soft, and they could be eaten with chopsticks! I especially liked this around pill-taking time because once I was done with all of the peaches, the leftover juice was just enough to use to swallow a pill and I wasn't taking the pill on an empty stomach. Two other reasons why these were great was that they aren't too many calories so you don't have to worry about eating them at all hours of the morning and you can eat them pretty quickly and then get back under the covies. I also liked the slimfast for taking pills, but it wasn't really the best choice to be drinking at four in the morning.

As the week progressed, I started eating foods like Boyardee Lasagna, Beefaroni, and Ravioli, mac and cheese, applesauce, and yogurt, though I continued to drink a lot of v8 juice. Yogurt is important if you are also taking a narcotic. Because the narcotic kills bacteria (good and bad) you are at greater risk of getting certain infections such as as Yeast infection since your body doesn't have as much good bacteria to fight off the bad. A solution is to eat Stonyfield yogurt. I believe it always has 6 live cultures, but check the label to make sure. And don't get fruit on the bottom, get the ones such as lemon or vanilla with the flavor spread throughout for the same reason as the oatmeal and rice.

Is it safe to eat ice cream after having oral surgery?

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You can eat ice cream after eating fish if you want to. You don't have to, but you can if you want to.

Is it ok to chew gum after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

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No. That will cause more bleeding. Never do any action that relates to sucking after oral surgery. It will just promote more bleeding and slow the healing process.

How successful is dental bone grafting?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not exactly sure what the overall success rate is, but I know that it is very high (90%+ over 5 years). Today's implants are extremely durable, and if placed properly in the right patient, they can last many years. They are the closest thing to real teeth you can ever have.

What happens if wisdom teeth are not removed?

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That depends on how big a person's mouth is, and what other teeth they have, but typically, they become impacted because there is no room for them in the mouth, and they can push your teeth out of place (kind of the reverse of braces), and they can also get infected and cause a lot of pain.

Do you need to have your wisdom teeth removed if there is enough space in your mouth for them to come in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Before I had braces on, it was suggested that I have my wisdom teeth removed, so I did. It could however depend on the individuals teeth, mine were quite crowded or as they call it impacted. You'll be glad you got braces, good for you. Very often, if wisdom teeth have no room to erupt, it is recommended to extract them following an orthodontic treatment.

Is it completely safe to smoke weed a week after wisdom tooth extraction?

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No. Even with your wisdom tooth taken out, it would never be "Completely safe" to smoke weed. Weed does have side-effects just like any other drug. Plus, it's illegal... and IPs can be tracked. Don't go here for weed tips.

I also would very strongly suggest not to smoke weed, or do any other drugs in the first place. They are extremely detremental to your health, illegal, and they don't solve your problems. However, if you must insist on ruining your life (which is where this might lead you) I recommend you wait until the gum is fully healed so that you don't get an infection. Even then, I cannot stress enough to you that you need to stop.

What can hurt when your wisdom teeth are coming in?

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Asked by Wiki User

The wisdom teeth can in fact hurt your jaw if there is no enough room for them to grow properly in your jaw bone. Wisdom teeth have high possibility of getting impacted as a result of smaller jaw bones. One of the most common reasons is to inherit the jaw size from one parent and teeth size from another parent and if the jaw size and teeth size are in discrepancy you end up having impacted wisdom teeth. The other reason could be simply because of some changes in the pathway your wisdom teeth are growing. For getting more info please click on this link here.

Dr.Benjamin Ghotbi

Where can you find pro bono oral surgery?

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iI have been looking for an answer to this for soooooo long, wish i had an answer. my poor husband is suffering, needs bone removal and a few teeth extracted so he can get dentures . we live in brevard co. fl. and live below poverty limits. why can't some one help him he is 100 percent disabled please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the cost of a crown and root canal in Canada without insurance?

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The cost of a dental crown depends of the material of the crown (gold, porcelain fused to gold, or plain porcelain). The price is also different for conventionnal crowns or for crowns placed on implants.

The price in Canada is between $900 and $1500, depending on which part of the country you live.

Are removal of wisdom teeth covered by OHIP?

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yes they do Ontario disability support plan does cover wisdom teeth removal i just got mine removed yesterday i got all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed and i tell you it hurts so bad

Will wisdom teeth extraction hurt when on laughing gas?

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If you are properly anesthesized by the gas, you won't feel anything the entire time. In most cases, you may be still under the effect after the surgery so get some help leaving and don't plan on driving. The only advice I have related to this is to immediately get the prescriptions filled and take all the medicine as directed the day of. You may not feel like you need it because of the laughing gas, but you will need it.

After you have your wisdom teeth pulled is it normal for something white to be in the hole?

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Asked by Dream5372000


It could either be some food stuck in the hole, or it can be the blood cloth that is forming. If it was infected, you would see white pus coming out of it.

Full recovery should take three months and you would feel the holes for a few weeks.


1 week after my extraction I noticed that the hole turned a little bit whitish in the center. This is part of the healing process, think of it as a scab.

When can you start eating Chinese food after you get your wisdom teeth pulled out?

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If you had them all removed at the same time it may be hard to eat in any case but with most of our patients we will take them from only one side to let the patient eat on the other until they are healed or the patient is ready to get the othere pulled.

Most of the time it is treated like most extractions, exept for stiches which may be put if the hole is large in combination with a gel foam which helps to keep the blood clot in place to start healing. Keeping the extraction area free from food and keeping the blood clot in place is the most important. You can eat almost whatever you want exept for irritants such as spicy foods pork and straws are not recommended for some time a few days after the procedure. But keep an eye on the areas. Keep it clean and eat what you feel you can tollerate.