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The number of repetitions performed

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Q: For muscle strength what does exercise time equate to?
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How does repeated exercise affect the amount of work that muscles can do?

When you exercise, you tear muscle fibers. Over time, these muscle fibers become thicker to prevent tearing. This is why your biceps bulge - it's actually just strands of muscle that have been torn through exercise and then grown back. Thicker muscles = more strength.

How can exercise change muscle strength?

Muscle strength depends on the thickness of the fibers and the number of fibers contract at one time. And in order to compensate for the added work load,myofibrils are added in in order to increase the thickness of the fibers (more myofibrils,more thickness), hence a stronger muscle.

The ability of your muscles to do their job over a period of time without becoming tired is called muscle?

The ability of muscles to perform over time without significantly losing strength is called muscle endurance. Regular, extended exercise is the best way to build endurance.

Why is it important to exercise both muscles in pair?

It is important because both muscle's are a pair, So they should both be exercised in a pair for the equal amount of strength in both muscles.

Does exercise help you to develop a faster metabolism?

Exercise does increase metabolism depending on the types of exercise programs used and the duration of that training session. Aerobic exercise keeps resting metabolism rates boosted after the activity is complete, but only for a short time. Strength training, however, will increase overall metabolism over time, as muscle mass uses more calories overall to maintain, so as muscle is increased so is the metabolic rate needed to sustain that mass.

What is measured by the amount of time a muscle group can sustain a contraction?

Muscle strength measures the amount of force a muscle can exert during contraction. The determining factor of strength is the fast twitching fibers.

How to devlops vein in arms and chest during exercise?

It comes naturally as you exercise and train your muscle over time.

Does anerobic exercise or anerobic exercise increase muscle mass?

Anaerobic.Aerobic exercise involves strain being placed on the body for long periods of time. It usually builds endurance.Anaerobic exercise involves intense strain being placed on the body for short periods of time. It usually builds muscle mass.

What is the best type of water exercise?

Simply treading water for extended periods of time can help build muscle strength, as well as increase your cardiovascular fitness. While not as strenuous as doing intense swimming, treading water is a suitable water exercise for people of all ages.

What happens to muscle cells over a period of time if you don't exercise?

They atrophy

Which is the ability to repeat muscle movement over period of time?

Muscular strength