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Avoid all junk food, sweets, and sweet drinks - stick to water for drinking.

Make your meals a bit smaller.

Get some aerobic exercise.

Weigh yourself 3 times/week. If you're not losing weight, reduce meal portion-sizes.

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Q: How can you lose 4 kg in 4 weeks?
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How to lose 10 kg in 2 weeks garanted?

You need to develop a dietary plan and work out in the gym to lose 10 kilograms in two weeks.

How do you lose ten kilograms in two weeks?

In my opinion, you can lose up to 10 kg in month by using i-lipo technology.

How do you lose 50 pounds in 4 weeks?

You cannot lose 50 pounds in 4 weeks by any natural means.

How many kg should you reduce in a month?

it's healthy to lose .4 - .9 kg a week, so in a month it's healthy to lose around 1.6 - 3.6 kg.

How do you lose 10kg in 3weeks?

10 kg are huge amount to lose in 3 weeks; you need give minimum 12 weeks of time to reduce that much of weight. If you try to lose you might be sick or it may leads to some other major health risks.

How many pounds will a person lose if they lose 2lbs per week in 3 months?

4 weeks in a month. 12 weeks. 24 lbs

How do you lose 10 kg in two weeks?

To lose 10 kg in 2 weeks, you need to incorporate a daily exercise plan that consists of stretching, cardiovascular activity and weightlifting, for about an hour. Eat three small meals each day and two healthy snacks. Try to incorporate a night time routine of stretching and 100 sit ups to further aid your weight loss in such as short space of time and drink plenty of water.

Is it normal to lose 4 kg in two days?

No. However, if you drink a gallon of water, juice or soda in a short period of time and then weigh yourself, you will have gained 4 kg. Just about all of that will be excreted through the urine. So, in this kind of scenario, it would not be unusual to lose 4 kg in two days.

How do you lose 2 stone in 4 weeks for children?

You don't do it that quickly.

How much body fat can you lose in 4 weeks?

3 percent