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A:At first the most powerful men in Mecca ignored the Muslims, but by 616 they had become angry with Muhammad who, they said, reviled the faith of their fathers, was obviously a charlatan and only pretended to be a prophet. They were incensed at the Quran's description of the Last Judgement and feared that Muhammad was plotting to take over the leadership of Mecca. A boycott was imposed on Muhammad's clan, forbidding the Quraysh to marry or trade with the Muslims. The ban lasted for two years and meant that no one could sell them any food. Muhammad's position in Mecca was becoming untenable, and he fled under cover of darkness to Yathrib, now known as Medina.

The three main Jewish tribes in Median had formed a powerful bloc before the arrival of Muhammad and began to resent his ascendancy. They now felt demoted and were determined to get rid of him. However, some of the Jews in the smaller clans were friendly and enhanced Muhammad's knowledge of Jewish scripture. One of Muhammad's greatest disappointments was that the Jews of Medina refused to accept him as a prophet. He was also shocked to learn that Jews and Christians, whom he assumed to belong to a single faith, had serious theological differences.

The immigrants from Mecca were merchants, not farmers, and in any case there was not enough farming land for them. In order to support themselves, they began to conduct ghazu against the rich Meccan caravans. Since they were attacking their own tribe, this was a serious breach of precedent.

In March 624, Muhammad led a large band to the coast to intercept the largest Meccan caravan of the year. The Quraysh sent an army to defend the caravan, but the Muslims inflicted a stunning defeat at the well of Badr. This impressed the Bedouin tribes, some of whom enjoyed seeing the mighty Quraysh brought low.

In 625, Mecca inflicted a severe defeat at the Battle of Uhud, but 2 years later the Muslims defeated the Meccans at the Battle of the Trench, so called because Muhammad had dug a defensive ditch around Medina. In the Battle of the Trench, there had been ten thousand Meccans against three thousand Muslims. This was a turning point and many of the nomadic tribes came over to Muhammad's side. Even some of the Meccans began to defect and made the hijrah to Medina.

In March 628, Muhammad announced that he was going to make the hajj to Mecca and asked for volunteers to accompany him. About one thousand Muslims set out for Mecca in the traditional white robes of the hajji. If the Quraysh forbade them to approach the Kabah or attacked bona fide pilgrims, they would betray their sacred duty as the guardians of the shrine. Eventually the Quraysh were pressured by this peaceful demonstration to sign a peace treaty, the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. This was a turning point that impressed still more of the Bedouin and conversions to Islam escalated.

In 630, when the Quraysh violated the treaty by attacking one of the Prophet's tribal allies, Muhammad marched on Mecca with ten thousand men. Muhammad destroyed the idols around the Kabah and rededicated it to Allah. He gave the old pagan rites an Islamic significance by linking them to the story of Abraham.

When Muhammad died in 632, almost all the tribes of Arabia had joined the ummah, either as Confederates or as converted Muslims.


The steps are such that:

  1. Quran started being revealed by God to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel (or Jibril) in year 610 AD
  2. when the followers of Islam started being increased, the polytheists (or pagans) persuaded the prophet to crown him on Arabs and to marry him with the woman that he selects. The prophet said his famous words "I swear if they cam put the sun on my right and the moon on my left to abandon the call to Islam, I will not accept"
  3. Then they moved to threatening those who convert to Islam and then started sanctions against Muslims
  4. Prophet Muhammad was supported by some of Yathrib (that called later as Medina or AlMadinah) and they invited him to immigrate to their city
  5. The polytheist tribe leaders in Mecca (or Makkah) decided to assassinate the prophet and selected an armed one of each tribe and they surrounded the prophet home such that when he comes out to be killed at once by all of them. So, his tribe can't take revenge.
  6. Upon God command, the prophet led his cousin lay down in his bed and he went out and threw some dust on the faces of the polytheists surrounding hid home. so, they lost temporarily their ability to see.
  7. The prophet passed by his companion Abou Bakr and left together Makkah (or Mecca) to Yathrib (or Medina) as commanded by God.
  8. The prophet and his companion were welcomed in Medina. Other Muslims joined the prophet later. They were deprived from all their properties (homes, lands, money, ...) upon Immigration.
  9. The prophet; upon his arrival; first located the location of the first mosque. Then he brought together the long conflicting Medina parties (the Aws and the Khazraj). Then he issued the Medina decree that considers all Medina citizens (Muslims, Christians, Jews, polytheists, ...) equal in rights and obligations. This was the first decree in the world that allows equal rights among all citizens irrelevant to their faith, color, or nationality.
  10. The prophet started building the city structures and systems and laws. This was the first start of Islam spread.
  11. Most of Muslims at that time were traders and merchants. Their good morals and conduct in foreign lands helped in Islam spread in addition to the defeat of polytheist armies upon attacking Muslims.

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Answer 1

Islam spread throughout the Arabian peninsula through trade and also they translated texts to other languages so other people could practice Islam as well.

Answer 2

Islam also spread through the Arabian Peninsula following the battles and confrontations between Muslims and Qoreish (and each of their allies). Since all of the various Arabian tribes were in vassalage to either Muhammad and the Muslims or to the Meccans, when Muhammad defeated the Meccans, he effectively absorbed all of their vassals, making him effectively ruler of all of Arabia and its spiritual leader (since he had created a theocracy.)

After Muhammad died, a number of Arabian chieftains renounced Islam, believing that Islam was simply a political policy of Muhammad and with his departure, Islam was over. The first Caliph, Abu Bakr, spent two years engaged in war (the Ridda Wars or the Apostasy Wars) to force these apostate Arabian Tribes to return both spiritually and politically to Islam. Furthermore, to fulfill Mohammed's dream that all people in Arabia would be Muslim, the Caliph Omar forcibly deported all Jews and and Christians from Arabia to other parts of the Caliphate, making Arabia only Muslim. All of the current Arabian States (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait) make it next to impossible or explicitly prohibit citizenship for non-Muslims.

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8y ago

Islam spread out through the Arabian Peninsula as an after-effect of Muhammad and the Muslims' war with the Meccans. Since all of the various Arabian tribes were in vassalage to either Muhammad and the Muslims or to the Meccans, when Muhammad defeated the Meccans, he effectively absorbed all of their vassals, making him effectively ruler of all of Arabia and its spiritual leader (since he had created a theocracy.)

After Muhammad died, a number of Arabian chieftains renounced Islam, believing that Islam was simply a political policy of Muhammad and with his departure, Islam was over. The first Caliph, Abu Bakr, spent two years engaged in war (the Ridda Wars or the Apostasy Wars) to force these apostate Arabian Tribes to return both spiritually and politically to Islam.

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8y ago

Answer 1Islam spread throughout the Arabian peninsula through trade andalso they translated texts to other languages so other people couldpractice Islam as well.Answer 2Islam also spread through the Arabian Peninsula following thebattles and confrontations between Muslims and Qoreish (and each oftheir allies). Since all of the various Arabian tribes were invassalage to either Muhammad and the Muslims or to the Meccans,when Muhammad defeated the Meccans, he effectively absorbed all oftheir vassals, making him effectively ruler of all of Arabia andits spiritual leader (since he had created a theocracy.)After Muhammad died, a number of Arabian chieftains renouncedIslam, believing that Islam was simply a political policy ofMuhammad and with his departure, Islam was over. The first Caliph,Abu Bakr, spent two years engaged in war (the Ridda Wars or theApostasy Wars) to force these apostate Arabian Tribes to returnboth spiritually and politically to Islam. Furthermore, to fulfillMohammed's dream that all people in Arabia would be Muslim, theCaliph Omar forcibly deported all Jews and and Christians fromArabia to other parts of the Caliphate, making Arabia only Muslim.All of the current Arabian States (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE,Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait) make it next to impossible orexplicitly prohibit citizenship for non-Muslims.

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