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Answer 1

first of all it wasn't an Arabic empire but accurately it was an Islamic empire considering the fact that it concludes also non-Arab Muslims. About the process in which they built it, simply by applying all the teachings of Islam in both the Holy Quran &the teachings of Muhammad PBUH.

Answer 2

The Arab Muslims integrated non-Arabs who had been educated in the Byzantine and Sassanian Empires into powerful positions of authority, the centralized governance structures, created a massive library to organize knowledge from across the empire and translate it into Arabic, and became patrons of the arts and sciences. Critical Thinking was prized and religious demagoguery was relatively weak. By the mid-1100s to the 1200s, religious belief and piety overcame this more open temperment and resulted in the Islamic World stagnating up to the colonial period.

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10y ago

The Arab Muslims integrated non-Arabs who had been educated in the Byzantine and Sassanian Empires into powerful positions of authority, the centralized governance structures, created a massive library to organize knowledge from across the empire and translate it into Arabic, and became patrons of the arts and sciences. Critical Thinking was prized and religious demagoguery was relatively weak. By the mid-1100s to the 1200s, religious belief and piety overcame this more open temperment and resulted in the Islamic World stagnating up to the colonial period.

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12y ago

They converted people. Relgion is good at that. But notice, ther empire fell apart. Religion is good at that too. Now all they have is Saudi Arabia, Iran, and all those other terrible third world countries.

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Most Muslims of the Arab world live in Egypt.

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The answer you are looking for is: Baghdad. However, it is not actually correct for the question as phrased. The Abbassids were not the last Islamic Empire, Qajjar Persia was. It just happens that the Abbassids were the last Arab-Islamic Empire. Additionally, Baghdad was sacked by the Mongols, who were not Muslims at that time.

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Arab's are Muslims they pray in mosques and they pray for god "Alla":)

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Most Arab Muslims speak dialects of Arabic. Notable exceptions are those that have immigrated to Europe or the Americas.

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He can be either a rabbi, a priest, or an imam. All three are men who worship only one God.Given that he is Arab, he is most likely an imam, as most Arabs are Muslims (do not confuse this with "most Muslims are Arab", because most Muslims are actually non-Arab). However, he does not have to be. There are Arab rabbis and priests as well as Arab imams.