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They lived as best they could through subsistence agriculture, exploitation of the Native Americans, on the dole from Mother England, and "any means neccessary" as did future generations of American immigrants who hoped for something better for their progeny.

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Q: How did the settlers in Virginia earn their living before tobacco?
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How did most English settlers make a living?

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Who were the people living in the virginian colonies?

The first people living in the Virginia colonies were Native Americans. They were then joined by settlers from England.

Who was living in Pennsylvania before the early settlers?

Native Americans

Why did John Smith make rules for men in living in Virginia?

Before Virginia was a colony, settlers came over to a town called Jamestown in search of gold. It was in a low lying swamp between two rivers and the conditions were awful. Food wasn't a priority to the settlers, and many died from malaria. John Smith came in to make rules so the settlers could survive and actually make a profit for England.

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Tobacco would be the salvation not only of Jamestown but of the state of Virginia. Tobacco remain a profitable case crop in the region until the negative campaign against the tobacco industry decreased the demand.

How did settlers earn a living?

Most Carolina settlers earned a living by farming.

What did people in colonial Virginia do to earn a living?

At Jamestown, by farming, fishing, making pine tar for ships, and glassmaking. As the colony grew, they found the climate was excellent for growing tobacco, and Virginia tobacco was the main export.

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Peter Jefferson was a farmer, county surveyor, local magistrate, tobacco plantation owner and member of the Virginia's House of Burgesses for a while.

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before the berber come to morocco. a thousands years before. some groups of black Africans were living in north Africa.

How did Plymouth settlers make a living?

There were various ways that the Plymouth settlers made a living. For example, they made a living through farming and agriculture.

What two jobs did Henry fail at before becoming a lawyer?

tobacco plantation, run a store, and earn a living as a farmer

How did the people of the Virginia make a living?

people in Virginia made ther living by farming and trading.